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churrasco na grella



Borrowed from Old French greille, graïlle (grate, grating), from Latin crātīcula (gridiron), diminutive of crātis (hurdle, wickerwork).

Cognate with Portuguese grelha and English grill.



grella f (plural grellas)

  1. grill (grating)
    • 1375, Antonio López Ferreiro, editor, Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática, Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 380:
      et hua caldeyra et huum caldeyroon et huas greelas et huum speto de ferro et huum acetere et hua arameña et huas Gramalleyras et das outras perfeas de casa todos los bacios et escudelas et talladores et salseyros de fuste que ouuer na casa et hua mesa
      and a pot, and a cauldron, and a grill, and a skewer of iron, and a jug, and a pot of cooper, and a trammel; and of the rest of domestic ware, every bucket, and bowl, and knives, and saucers of wood that are in the house, and a table

Derived terms


