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From septuple +‎ -et.


  • Audio (US):(file)



septuplet (plural septuplets)

  1. A group of seven, particularly (music) a tuplet of seven notes.
    Coordinate terms: singlet, couplet, triplet, quadruplet, tetraplet, pentuplet, sextuplet, octuplet, nonuplet, decuplet, centuplet, multiplet
  2. One of a group of seven, particularly one of seven babies born at the same birth.
    • 2007, Xavier: Renegade Angel, season 1, episode 4:
      Lady (Alyson Levy): Where are my babies? Where are my babies?
      Xavier (Vernon Chatman): Keep it down, lady, we got families around here.
      Lady: Aaaah, have you seen my babies?
      Xavier: I'm poppin' a peek at a smokin' babe right now.
      Lady: I lost seven of my babies!
      Xavier: Tragic, I've got septuplets myself. I don't know what I'd do if I lost them. Good thing I'm a responsible parent. You should try it sometime.



