
Beran sind sycedēor on þǣre cnōsle Ursidae. Man hāteþ hīe hundlīce. Þēah þe nū lifiaþ synderlīce eahta cynna berena, hīe wuniaþ on manigum landum, hūru on þǣm Norhealftrendele, ac ēac hwīlum on þǣm Sūþhealftendele. Hīe wuniaþ on þǣm worulddǣlum Norþamerican, Sūðamerican, Europe, and Asie.
Beran oft habbaþ grēat līc, hefig limm, lang wrōt, rūh hǣr, ilegangenda handa, fīf unoncyrrendlīca clāwan, and sceortne tænel. Þēah þe se īsbera nēan ā itt flǣscmete, and se cattbera nēan ā itt gærsbēam, þā ōðru seox cynn mǣst etaþ ge wyrta ge flǣscmete.