
Iberia is Europan sūðƿest dæl. Þis land is fēoƿerscyt mid brime ymbe and landgemæro ƿið Franclande be his norþēast rīme, and sƿylc landgemæro is Pireni beorgas. Iberia has þrēo rīce, þe sind Ispania, Portugal and Andorra, as æt his sūðernum ecg is Calpis se Bryttisc ofersǣ landscipe.
Hit is seo ƿesternmeste þāra þrie micla Sūþeurope nǣssena, hƿǣrof sind Iberia, Italia and Crecland, and mǣst on þissum, mid stede 225,000 mīla þæs fēoƿerscytes.
Be sūþēasten þisses land in be ēasten him is Ƿendelsǣ, and be norðen be ƿesten and be ƿestsūþen is se Garsecge. Þā Pireni beorgas is Iberie norþēastern ecg, þā bedæleþ hie of Europan lāf. Be sūðen cymmþ nēah Affrican norþrīm.
Paulus Oriosius (se ƿæs of þissum land) secgð ðe in ǣrdagum ƿæron Sceltiberi landfolc hēr. Rōmƿara geaf hit þone naman Hispania, se is Ispania on Englisc, and todæg nemneþ þæt mæste rīce Iberie.