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Darien þæt land in Panaman
Heafodstol Panamaceaster
Ealdor José Raúl Mulino
President of Panama José Raúl Mulino, Laurentino Cortizo, Juan Carlos Varela, Ricardo Martinelli, Martín Torrijos, Mireya Moscoso
Bradnes 74,177.3±0.1 km²
Feoh Panamanian balboa, Geandra Rica daler
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC−05:00, America/Panama
Wægnplatung PA
Webbnamena tægl .pa
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +507

Panama is healsland and sundorrice on Middelamerican. Be westen Panaman is Ricerim and be suðeasten him is Colombia ðæt rice þærof wæs Panama in geardugum underrice.

Þis land is landbrycg betweonum Norðamerican and Suðamerican: hit hæfð þone Caribisca Sæ andlang his norþecge and þone Sericus Garsecg on his suþecge. Se Panamadelft is micel þyrel þurh Panaman betwuh his garsecgum for scipryne.

Ðæs rices heafodstol is Panaceaster, þærin sind feower ðusanda ðusand onwunenda.

Land on Norðamerican
Ricu Antigua and Barbuda • Þā Bahamas • Barbados • Belīs • Cænada • Cūba • Dīepþland • Dominica • seo Dominicanisce Cynewise • Geanedu Ricu • Grenadieg • Guatemala • Hǣlendlond • Haitieg • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Iamaica • Mexico • Nicānlond • Panama • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sanct Lūcialand • Þrines and Tobāgo • Weligrima
Nēatlandu Anguilla • Aruba • Bermuda • Bryttiscan Fæmne Iegland • Cægman Iegland • G.R. Fæmne Īegland • Grēneland • Guadelūp • Halga Petrus and Micelong • Martinic • Muntserræt • Nafāssa-Īeg • Niðerlandisc Antilles • Port Rīclond • Turcas and Caicos Īegland