Deutsch: Ephemera stammt aus dem Griechischen und setzt sich aus zwei Bestandteilen zusammen, die gemeinsam ausdrücken, dass etwas nicht länger als einen Tag Bestand hat. Gemeint sind Dinge, die für einen einmaligen bzw. kurzen Gebrauch bestimmt sind. Im engeren Sinne sind damit nur Papierprodukte gemeint. Beispiele für Ephemera sind etwa Briefe, Postkarten, Werbung, Eintrittskarten, Poster, Plakate, Aktien, Lesezeichen, Grußkarten und andere Kleindrucksachen.
English: Ephemera is transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved. The word derives from the Greek, meaning things lasting no more than a day. Some collectible ephemera are advertising trade cards, airsickness bags, bookmarks, catalogues, greeting cards, letters, pamphlets, postcards, posters, prospectuses, stock certificates, tickets and zines. Decks of personality identification playing cards from the war in Iraq are a recent example.
Français : Ephemera est un genre de document écrit ou illustré destiné à une utilisation courte, sans souci d'être conservé au moment de leur fabrication. Un ephemera est parfois collectionné dans le cadre des "vieux papiers" d'autrefois.
Norsk: elveduskgjelledøgnflue
Português: Efêmera (em inglês, Ephemera) é uma matéria impressa ou escrita transitória, que não é feita com a intenção de que seja guardada ou preservada por longo período. A palavra deriva do grego, significando coisas que não duram mais do que um dia. Em geral são materiais fora de circulação, ou por estarem esgotados, ou por nunca terem sido comercializados. Algumas efêmeras colecionáveis são cartões comerciais (trade cards) de propaganda, sacos de vômito, bookmarks, catálogos, cartões de felicitação (ou de cumprimento), cartas, panfletos, cartões postais, pôsteres, prospectos, certificados de propriedade de ações, tíquetes e fanzines. Baralhos feitos para a Guerra do Iraque com os rostos dos iraquianos mais procurados são um exemplo recente.
Türkçe: Efemera (İngilizce: Ephemera), gündelik yaşama ait ”ıvır zıvır” olarak nitelendirilebilecek kısa ömürlü küçük ve geçici belgeleri ifade eden bir tanımlamadır. Efemera koleksiyonu yapanlara da "efemerist" veya "efemera koleksiyoneri" denir.
日本語: エフェメラ (ephemera) は一時的な筆記物および印刷物で、長期的に使われたり保存されることを意図していないものを指す。しばしば 収集の対象となる。
things that are meant to exist or be used for only a short time | |||||
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This category has the following 37 subcategories, out of 37 total.
- Advertising fans (85 F)
- Birthday invitations (4 F)
- Boudoir cards (20 F)
- Carnival glass (8 F)
- Post office notices (25 F)
- Watch papers (17 F)
Media in category "Ephemera"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 266 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
'Peddlers and hucksters' notice, Seattle, circa 1915 (32514448873).jpg 1,475 × 865; 548 KB
0 Tiquet Visita Falla Plaça del Pilar 2022.jpg 2,923 × 1,629; 1.18 MB
86-404-l, Pass Railroad WWI (4523519020).jpg 439 × 468; 99 KB
A Christchurch nursery, 1904 (6296882557).jpg 2,313 × 2,999; 1.7 MB
A complete mammoth show, coming in all its restless conquering grandeur (5463617692).jpg 2,152 × 5,505; 3.73 MB
A handbill that shoots straight from the hip... (11320881284).jpg 921 × 1,405; 671 KB
A prizewinning Christchurch confectioner, 1880s (6297408112).jpg 2,520 × 3,223; 1.67 MB
Advert for 'Sunlight' laundry soap Wellcome L0030372.jpg 2,746 × 3,840; 4.55 MB
Advert for 'Sunlight' laundry soap Wellcome L0030373.jpg 2,482 × 4,342; 4.33 MB
Advert for 'Sunlight' laundry soap Wellcome L0030374.jpg 2,384 × 4,470; 3.75 MB
Advert for Pears' Soap Wellcome L0030381.jpg 2,680 × 4,022; 4.82 MB
Advertisement for "Ozozo" skin cream Wellcome L0032238.jpg 2,968 × 3,750; 4.51 MB
Advertisement for a Burroughs Wellcome inhal Wellcome L0032243.jpg 2,844 × 3,960; 4.43 MB
Advertisement for Hazeline Cream Wellcome L0032242.jpg 2,970 × 3,696; 4.37 MB
Advertisement for Sketofax insect repellent Wellcome L0032239.jpg 2,700 × 4,062; 3.8 MB
Aeroflot Boarding Pass for the flight from Moscow to Bishkek.jpg 3,072 × 4,096; 1.19 MB
Air Koryo boarding card.JPG 2,407 × 1,055; 934 KB
Allison Credit Coupon Books (1899) (ADVERT 286).jpeg 1,088 × 1,500; 300 KB
American advertising card - 1880s.jpg 356 × 574; 280 KB
American advertisment - 1880s.jpg 430 × 580; 332 KB
Akzo Nobel relocation Amsterdam.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 720 KB
An early auction, 1869 (6296874035).jpg 1,981 × 3,061; 1.45 MB
Anaesthetics ancient and modern, a historica Wellcome L0032222.jpg 2,614 × 4,440; 4.57 MB
Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society Membership Certificate 1883 01.jpg 2,799 × 3,482; 2.67 MB
Ancient Order of Foresters of America Membership Certificate 1894.jpg 2,497 × 3,212; 1.9 MB
Angier's Emulsion, Lung Healer; Lady in the snow Wellcome L0031713.jpg 2,742 × 4,116; 6.04 MB
Anne Wagner collage page.jpg 760 × 479; 98 KB
Anne Wagner Mrs Browne of Gwrych.jpg 760 × 486; 83 KB
Anne wagner portrait silhouette.jpg 760 × 472; 69 KB
Anne Wagner Sappho by Felicia.jpg 760 × 480; 73 KB
Anne Wagner watercolours detail.jpg 760 × 468; 58 KB
Backstage pass.jpg 250 × 202; 10 KB
Ballou SHS Announcement 1975.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 335 KB
Bank Of England - Vintage War Stock - Statement of Interest - 1 June 1946.jpg 1,600 × 1,112; 286 KB
Batesville Arkansas.jpg 1,580 × 1,485; 1.63 MB
Booklet; Gathering Digitalis, 1922-1923 Wellcome L0032235.jpg 2,582 × 4,450; 4.61 MB
Bpass.jpg 1,578 × 654; 244 KB
Bread labels, Seattle, 1912 (31696262484).jpg 2,428 × 2,127; 2.6 MB
Burroughs Wellcome price list, 1885-1891 Wellcome L0032232.jpg 3,950 × 2,900; 3.87 MB
Butilox natural hair curler. Bottle label Wellcome L0031646.jpg 2,514 × 4,468; 5.01 MB
Calendrier des Magasins Réunis, Henri Marchal.jpg 491 × 800; 94 KB
Carte d'adhérent(e) du Vieux papier.tif 1,263 × 1,602; 5.8 MB
Carte de représentant de commerce inv 2533.jpg 1,589 × 1,229; 848 KB
Cartoon advert for 'Lux' washing powder Wellcome L0030368.jpg 2,484 × 4,320; 4.07 MB
Cartoon advert for 'Vim' Wellcome L0030369.jpg 3,637 × 2,939; 4.5 MB
Casino de Paris.jpg 455 × 600; 129 KB
Catalogue général de parfumerie.jpg 505 × 800; 455 KB
Chang in person - "A trip to Hades" (5463016465).jpg 2,011 × 3,101; 2.08 MB
Charles Beckingham campaign card, 1908 (30453158571).jpg 1,049 × 600; 345 KB
Chas Cabot, well-known N.Z. showman (5463614638).jpg 2,520 × 8,622; 6.33 MB
Chevrolet at General Motors, Petone, 1930 (6296896675).jpg 2,671 × 2,023; 1.92 MB
Children's Special Ticket (3590271356).jpg 759 × 418; 137 KB
City Light appliance marketing campaign, 1950s (26152705288).jpg 1,700 × 2,800; 263 KB
City Light December bill insert, 1972 (27259345509).jpg 2,071 × 2,087; 1.51 MB
City of Seattle condemned scale notice, circa 1920 (50973632337).jpg 1,042 × 540; 393 KB
Coa coins.jpg 1,281 × 1,539; 1.2 MB
Cod Liver Oil - Childhood, advertisement Wellcome L0032228.jpg 2,967 × 3,808; 4.8 MB
Combining printing blocks with photolithography (5463014987).jpg 3,448 × 8,903; 11.53 MB
Cox's D.D.T Parrot Wellcome L0030366.jpg 2,462 × 4,298; 2.54 MB
D.I.C. at Christmas, 1901 (6297410616).jpg 4,096 × 2,867; 2.92 MB
Death found an author writing his life.. (3517039221).jpg 1,536 × 1,279; 434 KB
Direct from darkest Africa, the famous big game hunter (5463617312).jpg 2,096 × 5,340; 2.98 MB
Directions for the use of voting machines, 1914 (31881610208).jpg 3,235 × 2,400; 4.29 MB
Directions for the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Improved Tuckmarker (12112806664).jpg 1,905 × 2,874; 1.68 MB
Drobni tisk.jpg 5,120 × 3,200; 1.96 MB
Edwards' "Harlene" for the hair Wellcome L0031645.jpg 2,806 × 3,958; 4.75 MB
Efemera moda dergisi.JPG 1,477 × 1,083; 293 KB
Elephant Club membership card and button, 1921 (34738495601).jpg 1,401 × 843; 642 KB
Enveloppe adressée à Mme Wiener, maison des Magasins Réunis.jpg 575 × 800; 416 KB
Ephemera Collection. QV; Drug Industry Wellcome L0031696.jpg 2,604 × 4,020; 4.76 MB
Ephemera collection; advertisement for Bournvelle cocoa. Wellcome L0030505.jpg 2,768 × 4,134; 3.28 MB
Ephemera collection; Packaging for Japanese Wellcome L0030504.jpg 2,084 × 5,598; 3.2 MB
Ephemera collection; Paper bag advertising Bile Beans Wellcome L0030503.jpg 3,558 × 4,714; 5.33 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031697.jpg 2,800 × 4,007; 4.65 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031698.jpg 3,850 × 2,828; 1.91 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031699.jpg 2,924 × 3,738; 4.43 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031700.jpg 2,883 × 3,811; 5.49 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031701.jpg 5,634 × 3,678; 6.98 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031702.jpg 3,007 × 3,224; 5.65 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031703.jpg 3,512 × 3,278; 3.8 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031704.jpg 3,980 × 2,806; 2.3 MB
Ephemera Collection; QV; Advertising; 1850-1 Wellcome L0031705.jpg 2,706 × 4,202; 4.13 MB
Ephemera glaucops adult.jpg 2,672 × 4,000; 1.72 MB
Ephemera; At Oxenfell near Ambleside, Lake D Wellcome L0032387.jpg 2,213 × 4,964; 4.02 MB
Famous airmen and their equipment, frontispi Wellcome L0032230.jpg 2,476 × 4,254; 4.79 MB
Fancy Dress and Fancy Anything (11432112395).jpg 1,500 × 1,036; 659 KB
Fantasia 77 belly dance festival program, 1977 (48782571601).jpg 1,044 × 2,477; 1.95 MB
Father Christmas promotes Whitcombe and Tombs, 1886 (6297407278).jpg 2,794 × 4,096; 2.88 MB
Felicia aged 12 to her aunt anne wagner 1795 to 1834.jpg 760 × 477; 73 KB
Flag for Simhat Torah (4013865853).jpg 800 × 549; 140 KB
Fleming’s Creamoata, 1933 (6297438278).jpg 4,096 × 2,425; 4.43 MB
French business card.jpg 1,554 × 1,003; 709 KB
Gay Activists Alliance opens the Firehouse Dance.jpg 6,420 × 8,190; 7.86 MB
Screening at a country town, 1931 (6297430030).jpg 4,096 × 3,441; 3.52 MB
Handwritten subject card..JPG 768 × 526; 200 KB
Harry Fagin presents the All Canterbury winners (5463620976).jpg 4,624 × 12,128; 17.92 MB
Hazeline bottles, advertisement, 1903-04 Wellcome L0032213.jpg 3,082 × 3,772; 3.86 MB
Hazeline Cream Wellcome L0032210.jpg 2,270 × 4,727; 3.47 MB
Hazeline Cream, advertisement (undated) Wellcome L0032215.jpg 2,692 × 4,260; 2.16 MB
Hazeline Snow, advertisement (undated) Wellcome L0032214.jpg 2,742 × 4,068; 4.58 MB
Hazeline Snow, advertisement Wellcome L0032211.jpg 3,842 × 4,894; 5.35 MB
Hazeline Snow, advertisement Wellcome L0032212.jpg 2,320 × 4,728; 4.3 MB
History of jay gould.jpg 421 × 426; 62 KB
Humanised milk for infants, advertisement, 1 Wellcome L0032223.jpg 2,544 × 4,476; 3.73 MB
Humanized milk for infant feeding, advertise Wellcome L0032240.jpg 2,458 × 4,421; 2.72 MB
Independence Day celebration program, Seattle, 1969 (48205632012).jpg 1,689 × 2,682; 190 KB
IShouldHaveThisFiguredOutByNow.jpg 3,480 × 4,640; 3.27 MB
James Green - invoice, 1905-03-06 - etc - 19570121889d02.pdf 1,200 × 2,004, 3 pages; 758 KB
Jolly Fat Mens Club (5327104661) (3).jpg 346 × 352; 143 KB
Jose Jesus Narango, governor of Santa Clara Pueblo, and wife, ca. 1899.jpg 5,547 × 7,140; 10.76 MB
Julius Neuman Quodlibet.jpg 2,889 × 1,911; 1.04 MB
Kepler malt extract, 1925-1928 Wellcome L0032234.jpg 4,456 × 2,577; 5.45 MB
Kepler Malt Extract, advertisement, 1907-191 Wellcome L0032219.jpg 2,936 × 3,856; 4.51 MB
Kepler Malt Extract, for humanizing cows mil Wellcome L0032216.jpg 4,522 × 2,424; 2.77 MB
Kingdome usage, 1980 (32523178267).jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 839 KB
Label; Gall cure for horses and cattle Wellcome L0032865.jpg 4,232 × 4,202; 5.15 MB
Lanoline, advertisement, 1885-1891. Wellcome L0032225.jpg 2,916 × 3,772; 4.87 MB
Logo des Magasins Réunis.jpg 633 × 800; 432 KB
Maison des Magasins Réunis, Blanc par E. Pigelet.jpg 450 × 586; 190 KB
Maison des Magasins Réunis, Comptoir photographique par Chassel.jpg 542 × 792; 352 KB
Maison des Magasins Réunis, nouveautés d'hiver, par Auguste Bachelin.jpg 430 × 591; 197 KB
Maison des Magasins Réunis, papier d'emballage.jpg 790 × 800; 835 KB
Maison des Magasins Réunis, Soldes, recto.jpg 600 × 800; 576 KB
Maison des Magasins Réunis, Soldes, verso.jpg 600 × 800; 566 KB
Maltexo for growing greater, 1935 (6297441034).jpg 3,046 × 4,096; 2.33 MB
Marten Ephemera.jpg 2,823 × 2,486; 6.67 MB
Mayfly (8073722329).jpg 2,250 × 4,100; 3.4 MB
Meccano; Comprises 100 Toys for Ingenious Boys Agents. Wellcome L0074474.jpg 4,467 × 5,352; 6.69 MB
Meeanee Young Farmers' Sports Club (5463620594).jpg 3,654 × 5,444; 5.53 MB
Meishi-example.svg 520 × 320; 48 KB
Metters Bros Wood Fired Ovens Advert circa 1890s.jpg 6,592 × 9,161; 61.5 MB
Mixing printing blocks and photographs in poster design (5463013381).jpg 3,401 × 5,319; 4.99 MB
Mozart Anniversary concert program.jpg 1,196 × 1,612; 253 KB
Nature's greatest enigma. See the double bodied personality star (5463017107).jpg 2,748 × 2,239; 1.43 MB
Nerves, Tabloid advertising Wellcome L0032236.jpg 2,854 × 3,882; 4.31 MB
Notebook 1900.jpg 1,280 × 1,109; 240 KB
Official drawing of the Louisiana State lottery.jpg 2,909 × 4,331; 766 KB
Old Letter.jpg 1,597 × 2,437; 662 KB
Olney & Floyd, Butterfly Brand, Boston Squash can label, c1890s (4396964855).jpg 4,200 × 1,436; 2.47 MB
Opa advertisement, formerly know as Salodent Wellcome L0032220.jpg 3,708 × 3,114; 4.51 MB
Otto Case campaign card, 1908 (29506068973).jpg 916 × 497; 99 KB
Parents Guide to Marijuana, 1970 (29090687555).jpg 1,650 × 2,552; 734 KB
J.P. Patches' check list (40135416804).jpg 1,006 × 510; 284 KB
Pattison'sSepoy mutiny1870.jpg 763 × 533; 102 KB
Pattisons ad 21.jpg 350 × 579; 48 KB
Pattisons docks2.jpg 350 × 221; 26 KB
Pattisons stationery2.jpg 450 × 336; 41 KB
Peoples Ticket, Salt Lake City, circa 1876, Mormons, Back Of.jpg 1,255 × 2,100; 2.03 MB
Peoples Ticket, Salt Lake City, circa 1876, Mormons, front of.jpg 1,255 × 2,100; 2.89 MB
Pharmacy; Bear's grease for hair Wellcome M0018240.jpg 3,987 × 2,928; 2.43 MB
Photograph Claim Ticket - Crystal Palace Arcade (12077238066).jpg 790 × 1,293; 235 KB
Picture of progressive pharmacy, 1885-1891 Wellcome L0032226.jpg 2,788 × 3,923; 2.62 MB
Printed Ephemera; Hunt's Remedy Co. Wellcome L0029999.jpg 2,826 × 3,966; 4.96 MB
Pro-tunnel sticker, circa 2013 (33876699595).jpg 973 × 933; 137 KB
Profit and Pleasure, Circular Book 7. Wellcome L0032224.jpg 2,617 × 4,175; 5.11 MB
Promo for band The Holidays, circa 1960s (38552261782).jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 1.09 MB
Prospect Cottage, ca. 1920 (446398244) (2).jpg 737 × 482; 112 KB
Reflection Notes from Prelinger Library Wiki-a-thon on 17 Feb 2019 (page 1 of 2).jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 816 KB
Reflection Notes from Prelinger Library Wiki-a-thon on 17 Feb 2019, 2 of 2.jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 880 KB
Reform now threatens the too elaborate bill of fare. LOC 3797504471.jpg 2,071 × 3,117; 868 KB
Report on "Tabloid" first aid from M Bleriot Wellcome L0032244.jpg 4,458 × 2,472; 3.19 MB
Riverhead Gold tobacco, 1940s? (6296928347).jpg 2,131 × 4,096; 2.9 MB
Rockrgrl Music Conference program, 2000 (48832736646).jpg 2,460 × 3,178; 3.69 MB
Réglement du musée en 1912-1937.jpg 1,881 × 3,164; 950 KB
S.A. Typographical Society Eight Hour Celebration Caroline Carlton The Australia Song.jpg 8,527 × 6,568; 11.18 MB
SAA Newsletter.jpg 595 × 768; 186 KB
Sarah Baartman Ephemera.jpg 3,840 × 5,538; 3.8 MB
Scheiner-Vorlaeufer-Lindau.jpg 908 × 590; 97 KB
Seattle - stop work notice, circa 1908 (30082497413).jpg 2,238 × 1,664; 2.03 MB
Seattle - Voters Information League pamphlet, 1921 (29341228823).jpg 2,021 × 2,471; 2.34 MB
Seattle Center brochure, circa 1980 (48948382756).jpg 1,204 × 2,700; 1.73 MB
Seattle Center parking permit, 1970 (34104144136).jpg 2,354 × 1,207; 769 KB
Seattle Charter Commission sample ballot, 1914.jpg 964 × 885; 621 KB
Seattle City Light bulletin, 1947 (32730517874).jpg 1,638 × 2,525; 1.74 MB
Seattle City Light bulletin, 1947 (49673175321).jpg 1,645 × 2,542; 2.56 MB
Seattle City Light Christmas party program, 1955 (31455334022).jpg 3,300 × 2,550; 1.15 MB
Seattle City Light Christmas party program, 1956 (31453987250).jpg 1,740 × 2,548; 720 KB
Seattle City Light Christmas program, 1955 (27445434019).jpg 3,300 × 2,550; 1.23 MB
Seattle City Light Employee Association picnic program, 1950 (36568764815).jpg 3,300 × 2,550; 360 KB
Seattle City Light Employee Association picnic program, 1950 (reverse).jpg 3,300 × 2,550; 1.41 MB
Seattle City Light newsletter, 1959 (43833369000).jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 3.07 MB
Seattle City Light newsletter, November 1954 (31162731196).jpg 2,700 × 3,587; 3.01 MB
Seattle City Light radio operating rules, 1956 (28505959672).jpg 1,588 × 2,474; 1.27 MB
Seattle City Light vs. Bon Marche basketball game, 1929 (28280915978).jpg 3,300 × 2,550; 403 KB
Seattle economic development brochure, circa 1973 (37647221060).jpg 2,421 × 2,690; 2.5 MB
Seattle parking warning, circa 1940 (47705844572).jpg 1,554 × 1,038; 739 KB