Category:Paranal Observatory

Español: Observatorio Paranal
English: Paranal Observatory
Deutsch: Paranal-Observatorium
Français : Observatoire du Cerro Paranal
Македонски: Параналска опсерваторија
Русский: Паранальская обсерватория
Sternwarte in der Atacamawüste | |||||
Medium hochladen | |||||
Ist ein(e) | |||||
Ort | Cerro Paranal, Provinz Antofagasta, Región de Antofagasta, Chile | ||||
Betreiber | |||||
Besteht aus | |||||
Eröffnungsdatum |
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Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel |
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offizielle Website | |||||
![]() | |||||
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In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D)
Medien in der Kategorie „Paranal Observatory“
Folgende 200 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 245 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)-
A map of northern Chile, with the location of Cerro Paranal indicated (eso9015b).jpg 1.182 × 1.734; 192 KB
A map of northern Chile, with the location of Cerro Paranal indicated (eso9015b).tif 1.182 × 1.734; 67 KB
A new office building at Paranal (office-building-2022-1).jpg 5.381 × 3.585; 5,31 MB
A new office building at Paranal (office-building-2022-1).tif 5.381 × 3.585; 55,22 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510a).jpg 20.239 × 19.616; 93,19 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510a).tiff 20.239 × 19.616; 505,17 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510b).jpg 20.239 × 19.616; 93 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510b).tiff 20.239 × 19.616; 505,4 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510c).jpg 32.167 × 7.949; 72,92 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510c).tiff 32.167 × 7.949; 406,6 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510d).jpg 32.167 × 7.949; 72,65 MB
A planetary party portrait above Paranal (potw2510d).tiff 32.167 × 7.949; 406,9 MB
A spectacle of cosmic dust from Paranal (potw2431a).jpg 4.240 × 2.832; 2,31 MB
A spectacle of cosmic dust from Paranal (potw2431a).tiff 4.240 × 2.832; 17,5 MB
A stepping stone to the Universe (potw2307a).jpg 5.148 × 3.276; 3,99 MB
A stepping stone to the Universe (potw2307a).tiff 5.148 × 3.276; 96,54 MB
A Taste of ESPRESSO.jpg 5.616 × 3.744; 3,74 MB
A trip to Mars.jpg 5.760 × 3.240; 3,69 MB
A view of the OASIS container on ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006a).jpg 3.840 × 2.160; 2,66 MB
A view of the OASIS container on ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006a).tiff 3.840 × 2.160; 23,76 MB
A view of the VLT, VST, and VISTA from the ELT (dji-20240606234953-ang).jpg 3.992 × 2.242; 843 KB
A view of the VLT, VST, and VISTA from the ELT (dji-20240606234953-ang).tiff 3.992 × 2.242; 51,25 MB
Aerial photo of Cerro Paranal (eso9408a).jpg 400 × 313; 49 KB
Aerial photo of Cerro Paranal (eso9408a).tif 400 × 313; 91 KB
Aerial photo of Cerro Paranal (eso9408b).jpg 400 × 303; 52 KB
Aerial photo of Cerro Paranal (eso9408b).tif 400 × 303; 85 KB
Aerial photo of Cerro Paranal (eso9408c).jpg 400 × 249; 74 KB
Aerial photo of Cerro Paranal (eso9408c).tif 400 × 249; 91 KB
Aerial photograph of ESO’s Very Large Telescope (cropped).jpg 2.502 × 2.500; 1.010 KB
Aerial view of Cerro Paranal (eso9414a).jpg 400 × 287; 70 KB
Aerial view of Cerro Paranal (eso9414a).tif 400 × 287; 106 KB
Aerial view of Paranal Observatory (eso9716a).jpg 710 × 671; 174 KB
Aerial view of Paranal Observatory (eso9716a).tiff 710 × 671; 748 KB
An aerial view of the OASIS project container at ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006c).jpg 3.840 × 2.160; 1,92 MB
An aerial view of the OASIS project container at ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006c).tiff 3.840 × 2.160; 23,76 MB
Antares overlooking an Auxiliary Telescope.jpg 7.746 × 8.806; 22,19 MB
Arrival at Paranal (eso9722b).jpg 757 × 505; 126 KB
Arrival at Paranal (eso9722b).tiff 757 × 505; 557 KB
Arrival of the VLT M1 mirror cell (eso9728e).jpg 1.024 × 768; 191 KB
Arrival of the VLT M1 mirror cell (eso9728e).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,1 MB
Arriving at Antofagasta (eso9733a).jpg 3.000 × 2.942; 3,6 MB
Arriving at Antofagasta (eso9733a).tiff 3.000 × 2.942; 17,34 MB
Atacama and the M1 cell (eso9728c).jpg 1.024 × 768; 189 KB
Atacama and the M1 cell (eso9728c).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,1 MB
Atacama Desert road (eso9733g).jpg 3.000 × 2.284; 2,47 MB
Atacama Desert road (eso9733g).tiff 3.000 × 2.284; 12,94 MB
Bumps on the road (eso9733h).jpg 3.000 × 2.393; 2,11 MB
Bumps on the road (eso9733h).tiff 3.000 × 2.393; 12,3 MB
Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph (CUBES) (cubes-optical-components).jpg 2.896 × 1.662; 592 KB
Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph (CUBES) (cubes-optical-components).tiff 2.896 × 1.662; 794 KB
Central parts of the Milky Way.jpg 1.920 × 1.200; 1,38 MB
Cerro Paranal (eso9015a).jpg 1.758 × 1.167; 683 KB
Cerro Paranal (eso9015a).tif 1.758 × 1.167; 1,47 MB
Chilean Science Minister visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory (annlang22003b-es-cl-en).jpg 4.000 × 6.000; 4,13 MB
Chilean Science Minister visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory (annlang22003b-es-cl-en).tiff 4.000 × 6.000; 49,69 MB
Coated Mirror - Eso9950m.jpg 1.280 × 960; 313 KB
Coating chambers in the ELT Technical Facility at Paranal Observatory (ann24005g).jpg 5.877 × 3.918; 6,72 MB
Coating chambers in the ELT Technical Facility at Paranal Observatory (ann24005g).tiff 5.877 × 3.918; 131,8 MB
Cocooned on Cerro Paranal (38158844696).jpg 1.280 × 853; 406 KB
Colour in the air - Potw2007a.jpg 10.538 × 5.928; 15,09 MB
Control room at night - Cb-cr-night-pano4.jpg 15.194 × 7.597; 92,63 MB
Creator of stars (potw2147a).jpg 6.627 × 6.216; 9,1 MB
Creator of stars (potw2147a).tiff 6.627 × 6.216; 235,77 MB
Crescent Venus (31634629664).jpg 1.280 × 614; 95 KB
CTA Telescopes in Southern Hemisphere.jpg 4.000 × 2.639; 2,9 MB
DIMM - Allsky-6105-cc - crop.jpg 1.200 × 1.600; 972 KB
DIMM - Gegenschein - Allsky-6105-cc.jpg 3.577 × 3.577; 4,2 MB
Dusty Panamericana road (eso9724c).jpg 1.024 × 768; 207 KB
Dusty Panamericana road (eso9724c).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,2 MB
Early construction on VLT (eso9518b).jpg 922 × 651; 374 KB
Early construction on VLT (eso9518b).tiff 922 × 651; 325 KB
Early construction on VLT (eso9518d).jpg 839 × 592; 260 KB
Early construction on VLT (eso9518d).tiff 839 × 592; 247 KB
ELT adaptive optics (34873921940).jpg 1.280 × 843; 212 KB
Equipment from the OASIS project at ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006b).jpg 3.840 × 2.160; 1,3 MB
Equipment from the OASIS project at ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006b).tiff 3.840 × 2.160; 23,76 MB
ERIS (eris3crop).jpg 1.092 × 819; 401 KB
ESO Telescopes Spy a Rare Relic.jpg 5.000 × 5.000; 8,12 MB
ESO’s Paranal Observatory portrayed worldwide by Land Rover (6812421661).jpg 1.280 × 801; 292 KB
ESPRESSO instrument achieves first light with all four Unit Telescopes.jpg 4.790 × 2.873; 2,29 MB
First infrared ESO image of comet Hale-Bopp (eso9733i).jpg 3.000 × 2.053; 927 KB
First infrared ESO image of comet Hale-Bopp (eso9733i).tiff 3.000 × 2.053; 6,23 MB
First light for MATISSE interferometric instrument.jpg 2.678 × 1.654; 962 KB
First VLT mirror touchdown (eso9731b).jpg 1.014 × 725; 305 KB
First VLT mirror touchdown (eso9731b).tiff 1.014 × 725; 1,5 MB
Flare at Paranal.jpg 1.920 × 1.280; 765 KB
Four lasers light up Paranal (45564317841).jpg 1.280 × 802; 279 KB
From sea to land (eso9733b).jpg 2.494 × 3.000; 1,87 MB
From sea to land (eso9733b).tiff 2.494 × 3.000; 11,54 MB
From the Residencia to the Milky Way.jpg 6.109 × 8.744; 17,17 MB
Full tour of ESO's Paranal Observatory in miniature.webm 2 min 15 s, 1.920 × 1.080; 105,14 MB
Grant Tremblay at Paranal Observatory.jpg 2.500 × 1.875; 700 KB
Green light for GALACSI's blue glow.jpg 6.123 × 4.082; 5,99 MB
Group of EU ambassadors visits Paranal (annlang22002a-es-cl-en).jpg 4.650 × 2.621; 2,44 MB
Group of EU ambassadors visits Paranal (annlang22002a-es-cl-en).tiff 4.650 × 2.621; 69,78 MB
Imagen promocional del Día de la Astronomia de Chile 2022 (annlocal22001a-es-cl).jpg 5.333 × 2.667; 3,63 MB
Imagen promocional del Día de la Astronomia de Chile 2022 (annlocal22001a-es-cl).tif 5.333 × 2.667; 18,51 MB
Immersive Paranal world.jpg 10.389 × 10.389; 67,74 MB
In the Atacama Desert (eso9728b).jpg 1.024 × 768; 176 KB
In the Atacama Desert (eso9728b).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,07 MB
Inauguration of the Paranal-Armazones photovoltaic plant ( CAZ2757 cc).tiff 7.135 × 4.762; 97,25 MB
ISAAC and SOFI (eso9715a).jpg 800 × 516; 194 KB
ISAAC and SOFI (eso9715a).tiff 800 × 516; 855 KB
ISAAC undergoes tests at ESO (eso9635a).jpg 797 × 544; 251 KB
ISAAC undergoes tests at ESO (eso9635a).tiff 797 × 544; 283 KB
ISAAC undergoes tests at ESO (eso9635b).jpg 597 × 741; 319 KB
ISAAC undergoes tests at ESO (eso9635b).tiff 597 × 741; 338 KB
Italian Prime Minister visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory.jpg 5.184 × 3.456; 3,48 MB
It’s a car! It’s a train! No, it’s Jupiter! (potw2146a).jpg 29.926 × 7.918; 61,06 MB
Lunar light over Paranal (potw2304a).jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 5,98 MB
Lunar light over Paranal (potw2304a).tiff 5.472 × 3.648; 97,32 MB
M1 convoy- almost there (eso9733j).jpg 3.000 × 2.175; 2,19 MB
M1 convoy- almost there (eso9733j).tiff 3.000 × 2.175; 11,72 MB
M1 convoy- past the gates (eso9733k).jpg 3.000 × 2.202; 2,25 MB
M1 convoy- past the gates (eso9733k).tiff 3.000 × 2.202; 13,92 MB
M1 mirror- home (eso9733l).jpg 3.000 × 2.202; 1,43 MB
M1 mirror- home (eso9733l).tiff 3.000 × 2.202; 9,15 MB
Map of Paranal Observatory.jpg 4.397 × 3.994; 1,26 MB
Maria Teresa Ruiz at Cerro Paranal (ann17012a).jpg 6.732 × 8.984; 5,94 MB
Maria Teresa Ruiz at Cerro Paranal (ann17012a).tif 6.732 × 8.984; 35,98 MB
Mars near and far (potw2228a).jpg 5.325 × 3.316; 4,51 MB
Mars near and far (potw2228a).tiff 5.325 × 3.316; 32,19 MB
Minister Heubisch and ESO Director General Tim de Zeeuw (8872817925).jpg 4.776 × 3.188; 2,92 MB
Mirror Maintenance Building - Eso9813k.jpg 992 × 717; 183 KB
Muse the Medusa.jpg 5.472 × 3.648; 7,04 MB
New laser-sharp vision for Paranal’s facilities (potw2503a).jpg 6.048 × 4.024; 3,91 MB
New laser-sharp vision for Paranal’s facilities (potw2503a).tiff 6.048 × 4.024; 165,6 MB
Night-time image from the Paranal webcam074a (30332598682).jpg 1.280 × 393; 71 KB
Old Panamericana road and ESO Paranal surroundings (eso9724a).jpg 1.024 × 768; 185 KB
Old Panamericana road and ESO Paranal surroundings (eso9724a).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,13 MB
On the desert road (eso9733f).jpg 3.000 × 2.334; 2,2 MB
On the desert road (eso9733f).tiff 3.000 × 2.334; 12,3 MB
On the Old Panamericana on the way to Paranal (eso9733d).jpg 3.000 × 2.477; 2,52 MB
On the Old Panamericana on the way to Paranal (eso9733d).tiff 3.000 × 2.477; 13,6 MB
On the way to Paranal (eso9733c).jpg 3.000 × 2.375; 2,1 MB
On the way to Paranal (eso9733c).tiff 3.000 × 2.375; 11,95 MB
Paranal access road (eso9724b).jpg 1.024 × 768; 198 KB
Paranal access road (eso9724b).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,16 MB
Paranal at night (eso9701a).jpg 3.000 × 1.907; 1,54 MB
Paranal at night (eso9701a).tiff 3.000 × 1.907; 8,72 MB
Paranal Basecamp (eso9724e).jpg 1.024 × 768; 180 KB
Paranal Basecamp (eso9724e).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,06 MB
Paranal ESO Basecamp (eso9408d).jpg 400 × 293; 84 KB
Paranal ESO Basecamp (eso9408d).tif 400 × 293; 92 KB
Paranal Fulldome.jpg 13.600 × 13.600; 133,17 MB
Paranal Observatory - Instruments.png 2.347 × 1.417; 954 KB
Paranal Observatory Compilation 2017.webm 19 min 25 s, 1.920 × 1.080; 697,13 MB
Paranal Observatory- taking the bus to the mountain top (eso9713c).jpg 800 × 536; 122 KB
Paranal Observatory- taking the bus to the mountain top (eso9713c).tiff 800 × 536; 278 KB
Paranal platform after sunset (annlang22006b-es-cl-en).jpg 4.368 × 2.912; 1,88 MB
Paranal platform after sunset (annlang22006b-es-cl-en).tiff 4.368 × 2.912; 36,44 MB
Paranal power plant (eso9723d).jpg 1.024 × 768; 197 KB
Paranal power plant (eso9723d).tiff 1.024 × 768; 1,18 MB
Paranal sky with comet.jpg 20.079 × 12.756; 68,16 MB
Paranal tour one of many now available in VR (38362049802).jpg 1.280 × 800; 182 KB
Paranal's new office building (office-building-2022-2).jpg 5.330 × 3.551; 6,03 MB
Paranal's new office building (office-building-2022-2).tif 5.330 × 3.551; 54,18 MB
Paranal’s Telescopes in the Distance (5161624750).jpg 1.280 × 836; 222 KB
President of Croatia visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory (annlang22006a-es-cl-en).jpg 4.973 × 3.316; 1,61 MB
President of Croatia visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory (annlang22006a-es-cl-en).tiff 4.973 × 3.316; 13,08 MB
Prof. Tim de Zeeuw visiting Paranal Observatory (28021346342).jpg 1.280 × 851; 188 KB
Rainbow skies (27625647278).jpg 1.280 × 700; 209 KB
Rare storm over Paranal (5966682000).jpg 1.280 × 853; 250 KB
Reflections of Paranal (28385832005).jpg 1.280 × 442; 154 KB
Removing the vacuum chamber (eso9722c).jpg 756 × 504; 142 KB
Removing the vacuum chamber (eso9722c).tiff 756 × 504; 651 KB
Rendering of the MAVIS instrument (ann21007a).jpg 5.000 × 2.500; 3,27 MB
Rendering of the MAVIS instrument (ann21007a).tiff 5.000 × 2.500; 36,06 MB
Researchers setting up the OASIS project container at ESO’s Paranal Observatory (ann24006d).tiff 3.840 × 2.160; 23,76 MB
Rise of the Milky Way.jpg 9.227 × 4.978; 11,43 MB
Rock Star and Astrophysicist Brian May Visits Paranal.jpg 5.840 × 3.899; 4,95 MB
Sentinel-2 L1C image on 2020-07-31.jpg 944 × 314; 28 KB
Silent night over Paranal (26899918918).jpg 1.280 × 408; 153 KB
Solace at Paranal (20488672571).jpg 3.456 × 3.456; 6,51 MB
Starlight shines brightly above Paranal.tif 4.256 × 2.832; 18,42 MB
Strings by Starlight.jpg 6.016 × 4.016; 8,09 MB
Testing the new Paranal lasers (potw2503b).jpg 6.048 × 4.024; 5,73 MB
Testing the new Paranal lasers (potw2503b).tiff 6.048 × 4.024; 154,37 MB
Testing the new Paranal lasers (potw2503c).jpg 6.048 × 4.024; 4,02 MB
Testing the new Paranal lasers (potw2503c).tiff 6.048 × 4.024; 167,35 MB
The 8 2-m VLT mirror- finally in Paranal (eso9731e).jpg 1.377 × 905; 501 KB
The 8 2-m VLT mirror- finally in Paranal (eso9731e).tiff 1.377 × 905; 2,66 MB
The convoy arrives at the Basecamp (eso9731f).jpg 870 × 574; 193 KB
The convoy arrives at the Basecamp (eso9731f).tiff 870 × 574; 969 KB
The ESO Council in session on 8 December 1987 (eso8717a).jpg 1.743 × 1.296; 662 KB
The ESO Council in session on 8 December 1987 (eso8717a).tif 1.743 × 1.296; 1,38 MB
The hunt for exoplanets (potw2232a).jpg 13.580 × 8.000; 33,61 MB
The hunt for exoplanets (potw2232a).tiff 13.580 × 8.000; 621,67 MB
The light beam tunnel for UT2 (eso9712e).jpg 504 × 756; 144 KB
The light beam tunnel for UT2 (eso9712e).tiff 504 × 756; 689 KB
The light beam tunnel from UT4 to the incoherent focus (eso9712d).jpg 504 × 756; 188 KB
The light beam tunnel from UT4 to the incoherent focus (eso9712d).tiff 504 × 756; 832 KB
The Paranal complex (eso9712f).jpg 756 × 504; 121 KB
The Paranal complex (eso9712f).tiff 756 × 504; 557 KB
The Paranal site (eso9716g).jpg 750 × 578; 207 KB
The Paranal site (eso9716g).tiff 750 × 578; 779 KB
The Paranal-Armazones photovoltaic plant (ann22010a).jpg 5.464 × 3.070; 3,44 MB
The Paranal-Armazones photovoltaic plant (ann22010a).tiff 5.464 × 3.070; 48,03 MB