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Pages in category "Protista"
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Media in category "Protista"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 434 total.
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2023 Apicomplexan-numbered.svg 576 × 576; 69 KB
3D-fluorescence imaging for high throughput analysis of microbial eukaryotes.jpg 5,098 × 3,285; 1.39 MB
41467 2023 40657 Fig1.webp 1,750 × 1,199; 358 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13 HTML.webp 1,524 × 2,195; 1.05 MB
709 2021 1665 Fig13p.jpg 252 × 464; 22 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13q.jpg 518 × 418; 32 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13r.jpg 347 × 367; 20 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13s.jpg 440 × 425; 28 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13t.jpg 256 × 201; 10 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13u.jpg 290 × 209; 11 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13v.jpg 211 × 174; 7 KB
709 2021 1665 Fig13w.jpg 257 × 267; 13 KB
Acanthostomella Jörgensen, 1927.png 333 × 397; 65 KB
Acineta patula Claparede & Lachmann, 1881 in Clap. & Lach 1860.jpg 1,251 × 1,890; 297 KB
Acinetopsis rara, Robin 1879.jpg 273 × 1,040; 28 KB
Acropisthium mutabile in Pritchard 1861.png 462 × 866; 174 KB
Actinobolina in Kahl 1930.png 606 × 754; 411 KB
Actinomonas mirabilis, flagellate.jpg 535 × 1,000; 75 KB
Alga Fucus vesiculosus 090510 37.jpg 1,500 × 932; 513 KB
Algen I. (Schizophyceen, Flagellaten, Peridineen) (1910) (17950796051)-9+10+11.jpg 1,402 × 1,092; 197 KB
Allantosoma Gassovsky, 1919.jpg 597 × 636; 72 KB
Alloiozona trizona Hsiung, 1930.jpg 577 × 947; 95 KB
Amphisiella in Kahl 1932.png 666 × 1,506; 649 KB
Ancistrum mytili (Quennerstedt, 1867) Maupas, 1883 in Kahl 1931.jpg 694 × 895; 104 KB
Ancyromonas@SciELO.jpg 1,768 × 825; 90 KB
Anoplophrya branchiarum Stein in Bütschli, 1887-1889.jpg 1,096 × 1,030; 365 KB
Anoplophrya maupasi in Cépède 1910 Planche XIII.jpg 994 × 1,384; 574 KB
Anthophysa colonies.jpg 672 × 1,000; 120 KB
Artodiscus saltans Penard, 1890.jpg 1,380 × 1,368; 146 KB
Atopochilodon arenifer in Kahl 1935.png 402 × 544; 187 KB
Balanion comatum Wulff, 1919.png 872 × 1,196; 588 KB
Balladyna et Balladynopsis in Kahl 1932.png 1,049 × 927; 617 KB
Blepharisma in Kahl 1932.png 831 × 1,328; 845 KB
Blepharisma steini Kahl, 1932.jpg 430 × 676; 69 KB
Blepharocodon appendiculatus et B. intestinalis Bundle, 1895.jpg 1,000 × 968; 125 KB
Blepharoconus cervicalis Hsiung, 1930.jpg 523 × 737; 66 KB
Blepharocorys bovis Dogiel, 1926.jpg 1,094 × 1,427; 198 KB
Blepharoprosthium pireum Bundle, 1895.jpg 555 × 1,008; 62 KB
Blepharosphaera intestinalis Bundle 1895.jpg 708 × 804; 90 KB
Blepharozoum zonatum Gassovsky, 1919.jpg 579 × 987; 167 KB
Bodo parvulus Griessmann, 1913.jpg 1,420 × 1,276; 142 KB
Buetschliella (Bütschliella) opheliae Awerinzew, 1908.jpg 1,444 × 2,804; 626 KB
Bundleia postciliata (Bundle, 1895) da Cunha & Muniz, 1928.jpg 535 × 888; 78 KB
Bursaridium Lauterborn, 1894 in Kahl 1932.jpg 1,167 × 726; 232 KB
Butschlia parva et Butschlia neglecta in A. Schuberg 1888.jpg 1,248 × 1,688; 342 KB
Caenomorpha sp. in Kahl 1930.jpg 378 × 559; 18 KB
Calyptotricha. pleuronemoides Phillips, 1882 in Kahl 1931.jpg 575 × 847; 68 KB
Caryotricha convexa Kahl, 1932.jpg 553 × 830; 128 KB
CavSmith2022-fig11.png 1,526 × 1,481; 89 KB
Cell cycle progression cyclins CDK.jpg 1,496 × 1,204; 149 KB
Certesia quadrinucleata Fabre-Domergue, 1885.png 706 × 1,404; 726 KB
Chaetospira in Kahl 1932.png 926 × 1,407; 521 KB
Chattonidium setense in H.R. Pinkham 1953.png 747 × 729; 491 KB
Chilodochona Wallengren, 1895 in Kahl 1935.jpg 731 × 766; 82 KB
Chilodonella (45 images) in Kahl 1931 et 1935.png 1,920 × 1,500; 1.92 MB
Chilodontopsis in Kahl 1931 et 1935.jpg 1,138 × 1,106; 280 KB
Chlamydodon in Kahl 1931.png 1,234 × 1,263; 1.54 MB
Choanophrya infundibulifera Hartog, 1902.jpg 1,116 × 1,268; 258 KB
Chromista structure.jpg 685 × 260; 105 KB
Cicle vital de Cyclospora Cayetanensis.png 2,730 × 3,627; 2.26 MB
Ciliate Oxytricha cyst encystment excystment.png 1,286 × 1,168; 409 KB
Ciliophrys DIC.jpg 1,047 × 1,000; 238 KB
Cinetochilum margaritaceum (Ehrenberg, 1831) Perty, 1849.jpg 584 × 692; 74 KB
Cinq espèces de Cycloposthium in A. Strelkow, 1928.jpg 1,720 × 2,940; 714 KB
Cladogram for some unicellular eukaryotes.webp.jpg 1,183 × 1,500; 251 KB
Cladotricha Gajewskaja, 1926 in Kahl 1932.jpg 333 × 593; 68 KB
Clathrostoma Penard, 1922 in Kahl 1931.jpg 1,233 × 916; 292 KB
Clevelandella & Paraclevelandia in Richard Pinkham 1953.png 885 × 930; 640 KB
Climacostomum virens in Bütschli & Conrad 1889.png 637 × 1,073; 490 KB
Coanoflagelados 16x9.1200x0.png 1,200 × 675; 566 KB
Cochliopodium Hertwig & Lesser, 1874.jpg 2,299 × 2,134; 979 KB
Codonella cratera (Leidy, 1877) Imhof, 1885 in Kudo 1939.jpg 778 × 1,376; 253 KB
Codonella et Tintinnopsis in Kahl 1932.jpg 1,316 × 2,068; 335 KB
Coelosomides marina Anigstein 1912 in Kahl 1930.jpg 379 × 733; 65 KB
Cohnilembus (Lembus) punctatus Kahl, 1933.jpg 614 × 972; 77 KB
Collinia circulans (Balbiani, 1885) Cépède, 1910.jpg 754 × 854; 226 KB
Cometodendron digitatum Swarczewsky.jpg 578 × 749; 77 KB
Conchophthirus in Kahl 1931.png 917 × 1,215; 994 KB
Conchophthirus mytili Morgan, 1925.jpg 754 × 1,130; 258 KB
Conchophyllum caryoclada, (Kidder, 1933) Raabe, 1936.png 480 × 786; 427 KB
Conidophrys pilisuctor Chatton & Lwoff, 1934.jpg 1,194 × 1,350; 530 KB
Copromyxa protea Zopf 1884.jpg 1,653 × 2,283; 447 KB
Corynophrya divers schémas de 1878 à 1943 (classés par année).jpg 1,437 × 1,624; 338 KB
Corynophrya divers schémas de 1878 à 1943.jpg 1,437 × 1,716; 342 KB
Cryptochilum in Shevi︠akov 1896.jpg 1,346 × 1,406; 603 KB
Cryptopharynx in Kahl 1931.jpg 512 × 752; 136 KB
Ctedoctema acanthocrypta Stokes,1884 in Kahl 1931.jpg 409 × 855; 67 KB
Cyathodinium conicum da Cunha, 1914.jpg 464 × 990; 88 KB
Cyclidium Müller, 1786 in Kahl 1931.jpg 1,332 × 2,055; 631 KB
Cyclogramma tricirrata.jpg 732 × 948; 128 KB
Cycloposthium in Kudo 1946.jpg 1,024 × 998; 256 KB
Cyrtocaryum halosydnae Fauré-Fremiet & Mugard, 1949.jpg 1,277 × 940; 368 KB
Cyrtolophosis mucicola Stokes, 1885.png 939 × 733; 270 KB
Dactylophrya collinii Gajewskaja, 1929.jpg 424 × 974; 110 KB
Dactylosphaerium Hertwig & Lesser, 1874.jpg 1,034 × 1,294; 233 KB
Deformed Colopoda sp.png 2,634 × 2,004; 5.09 MB
Deltopylum rhabdoides d'après Mugard, 1946.jpg 1,171 × 963; 245 KB
Dendrocometes paradoxus Stein, 1852.jpg 1,125 × 1,600; 280 KB
Dendrosoma radians Ehrenberg, 1838.jpg 1,024 × 890; 239 KB
Dendrosomides paguri Collin, 1906.jpg 881 × 664; 172 KB
Didesmis ovalis et D. quadrata Fiorentini, 1890.jpg 1,441 × 912; 208 KB
Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda radiaria) - eine Monographie (1887) (20754175700).jpg 2,232 × 2,832; 1.81 MB
Discocephalus rotatorius Ehrenberg, 1829.png 508 × 592; 151 KB
Discophrya elongata in Collin 1911.jpg 1,140 × 1,318; 299 KB
Discophrya forme normale et forme sans style in E. Rabaud 1922.jpg 651 × 767; 97 KB
Divers genres et espèces de Ditoxidae in R.R. Kudo 1931 & 1946.jpg 1,518 × 2,172; 562 KB
Divers Mesnilella Cépède 1910.jpg 1,776 × 2,622; 638 KB
Diverses espèces de Ptychocylis Brandt, 1896 in Meunier 1910.jpg 2,244 × 2,746; 1.76 MB
Diverses espèces de Trachelius in Ehrenberg 1838.jpg 1,640 × 3,232; 1.62 MB
Diversity of phototactic protists.jpg 1,700 × 1,275; 295 KB
Dogielella in Kudo 1946.png 790 × 993; 669 KB
Dysteria monostyla et procera in Kahl 1931.png 751 × 762; 624 KB
Ebriidae.webm 12 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 4.09 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (20586649844).jpg 2,000 × 3,012; 2.04 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21021175860).jpg 1,984 × 2,996; 2.52 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21021178970).jpg 2,112 × 3,020; 2.33 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21022467779).jpg 2,168 × 2,980; 2.29 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21183081446).jpg 1,972 × 2,976; 2.32 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21183086586).jpg 2,124 × 3,224; 2.02 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21217233731).jpg 1,984 × 2,880; 1.58 MB
Electron-microscopic structure of protozoa (1963) (21217236511).jpg 1,932 × 3,012; 2.21 MB
Ellobiophrya donacis Chatton & Lwoff, 1923 in Kahl 1935.jpg 796 × 908; 104 KB
Enchelydium in Kahl 1930.png 976 × 1,616; 1.38 MB
Enchelyodon in Kahl 1935.png 825 × 774; 681 KB
Enchelyomorpha vermiculatis (Smith, 1899) Kahl, 1930.jpg 466 × 603; 77 KB
Endosphaera engelmanni Entz, 1896.jpg 309 × 473; 33 KB
English pronounciation of Stentor coeruleus.ogg 2.0 s; 28 KB
Entodiscus indomitus et Entodiscus borealis in Kudo 1946.jpg 886 × 1,184; 232 KB
Entorhipidium Lynch, 1929 in Kahl 1931.jpg 978 × 1,830; 228 KB
Ephelota Wright, 1857 in W. Saville-Kent 1882.jpg 853 × 783; 158 KB
Epidinium ecaudatum (Fiorentini, 1889) Crawley, 1923 in Kudo 1946.jpg 828 × 1,695; 414 KB
Epiplocylis in E. Jörgensen 1924.png 455 × 953; 39 KB
Epistylis plicatilis Ehrenberg 1830 in Kahl 1935.jpg 1,482 × 1,272; 231 KB
Euplotes in Kahl 1932.png 903 × 690; 501 KB
Famille des Polydiniellidae - genres Polydinium & Elephantophilus in Kofoid, 1925.jpg 1,705 × 3,559; 1,023 KB
Filamentous amoeba digesting two unsuspecting diatoms.jpg 635 × 425; 90 KB
First ever heliozoan depiction by Louis Joblot.png 229 × 248; 34 KB
First heliozoan drawing.gif 112 × 121; 3 KB
Flabellula mira Schaeffer, 1926.jpg 1,780 × 2,612; 595 KB
Foraminifera life cycle.png 2,826 × 1,580; 539 KB
Foraminifera wall types.png 2,032 × 1,644; 388 KB
Fresh-water rhizopods of North America (1879) (20174188464).jpg 2,130 × 2,852; 1.57 MB
Gastrocirrhus intermedius Lepsi, 1928 in Kahl 1932.png 533 × 783; 328 KB
Gastrocirrhus stentoreus Bullington, 1940.png 516 × 742; 306 KB
Genre Cryptodifflugia Penard, 1890.jpg 1,548 × 2,079; 367 KB
Genre Metacystis in Kahl 1930.jpg 852 × 1,744; 276 KB
Genre Placus Cohn, 1866 in Kahl 1930.jpg 1,960 × 2,352; 981 KB
Genre Plagiocampa Schewiakoff, 1893 in Kahl 1935.jpg 942 × 1,461; 251 KB
Genre Pleuronema in Kahl 1931.jpg 1,815 × 2,304; 675 KB
Genre Prorodon Ehrenberg, 1834 in Kahl 1930.jpg 1,748 × 3,436; 1.34 MB
Genres Tintinnus et Tintinnidium in Saville Kent 1882.jpg 2,328 × 3,080; 2.01 MB
Georg August Goldfuss Protozoa Infusoria Monades.jpg 462 × 360; 36 KB
Gephyramoeba delicatula Goodey, 1915.jpg 880 × 1,552; 217 KB
Gocevia binucleata De Saedeleer, 1934.jpg 950 × 1,394; 331 KB
Gocevia obscura (Penard, 1890).jpg 1,368 × 1,692; 499 KB
Gymnozoum viviparum in Meunier 1907 planche XX.png 533 × 678; 203 KB
Hairs of a stramenopile.jpg 668 × 984; 229 KB
Haptophrya gigantea Maupas, 1879 in Cépède 1910.jpg 1,012 × 1,334; 242 KB
Haramonas cells.jpg 875 × 1,000; 124 KB
Heleopera Leidy, 1879.jpg 1,146 × 2,056; 601 KB
Helichona Plate, 1889 in Kahl 1935.jpg 1,290 × 1,035; 173 KB
Helicoprorodon (Chanea) gigas (Kahl, 1933) Fauré-Fremiet, 1950.png 477 × 1,232; 293 KB
Heliophrya rotunda (Hentschel, 1916) Matthes, 1954.jpg 1,041 × 2,397; 897 KB
Das Tierreich. 000, 1896 - Heliozoa (IA heliozoa00scha).pdf 941 × 1,456, 38 pages; 1.7 MB
Hemicycliostyla in Kahl 1932.png 756 × 845; 508 KB
Hemimastix amphikineta.png 591 × 827; 97 KB
Hemimastix amphikineta.svg 744 × 1,052; 97 KB
Hemiophrys fusidens & H. fossigera in Kahl 1931 et 1935.png 408 × 742; 202 KB
Hemispeira asteriasi Fabre-Domergue, 1888 in Kahl 1931.jpg 647 × 896; 111 KB
Histiobalantium majus in Kahl 1931.jpg 410 × 779; 88 KB
Holophrya (Urotricha) gracilis Penard, 1922 in Kahl, 1930.jpg 754 × 1,136; 112 KB
Holophrya pharyngeata Kahl 1935.jpg 575 × 858; 113 KB
Holophryoides ovalis (Fiorentini, 1890) Gassovsky, 1919.jpg 614 × 962; 168 KB
Holosticha in Kahl 1932.png 1,887 × 1,596; 2.11 MB
Homalozoon caudatum in Kahl 1935.png 511 × 668; 210 KB
Hypocoma parasitica in Bütschli, 1889.png 666 × 1,286; 426 KB
Hypotrichidium conicum Ilowaisky, 1921 in Kahl 1932.png 327 × 635; 152 KB
Hysterocineta Diesing, 1866 in Hall 1953.jpg 896 × 792; 231 KB
Image from page 259 of "Fresh-water biology" (1918).jpg 276 × 362; 29 KB
Intoshellina Maupasi Cépède 1910.jpg 1,176 × 1,941; 520 KB
Isotricha prostoma et I. intestinalis in Kudo 1946.jpg 789 × 876; 231 KB
John Hogg -- Primigenum or Protoctista.jpg 3,305 × 1,858; 534 KB
Kanefumi Nozawa Kiitricha marina 1941.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 3 pages; 282 KB
Kentrochona Rompel, 1894 in Delage 1896.jpg 1,158 × 1,722; 233 KB
Kentrochonopsis Doflein, 1897 in Kahl 1935.jpg 582 × 1,371; 115 KB
Kentrochonopsis multipara Franz Doflein 1897 in Spengel vol. 10 (1897).jpg 2,752 × 3,624; 1.79 MB
Kerona in Muller 1786 Tab 33.jpg 2,448 × 2,414; 1.08 MB
Kerona in Muller 1786 Tab 34.jpg 2,247 × 1,419; 666 KB
Keronopsis spectabilis Kahl, 1932 in Kahl 1932.png 438 × 877; 296 KB
Klossia razorbacki.jpg 2,137 × 1,049; 281 KB
Kyste et enkystement d’Orchilophrya stellarum in Cépède 1910.jpg 926 × 1,706; 313 KB