Category:Punishments in art
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Media in category "Punishments in art"
The following 28 files are in this category, out of 28 total.
BERMANN(1880) p0145 Die Feuerprobe.jpg 1,424 × 1,215; 1.26 MB
BERMANN(1880) p0179 Die Katzenbeiße.jpg 1,430 × 1,204; 1.07 MB
BERMANN(1880) p0347 Das Blutgericht.jpg 1,396 × 1,228; 1.04 MB
BERMANN(1880) p0391 Bäckerschupfen.jpg 1,424 × 1,211; 1.08 MB
Alavoine Rab fenyítése Temesváron.jpg 1,349 × 1,576; 988 KB
Carcan Wellcome L0014598.jpg 1,106 × 1,700; 741 KB
CH-NB - Rechtsprechung, Strafvollzug - Collection Gugelmann - GS-GUGE-ANONYM-F-4.tif 4,185 × 3,607, 2 pages; 43.22 MB
CH-NB - Rechtsprechung, Strafvollzug - Collection Gugelmann - GS-GUGE-FEYERABEND-E-38.tif 4,612 × 4,335, 2 pages; 39.28 MB
CH-NB - Rechtsprechung, Strafvollzug - Collection Gugelmann - GS-GUGE-FEYERABEND-E-39.tif 4,530 × 6,167, 2 pages; 52.21 MB
CH-NB - Rechtsprechung, Strafvollzug - Collection Gugelmann - GS-GUGE-LUTZ-C-1.tif 5,700 × 4,359, 2 pages; 47.07 MB
CH-NB - Rechtsprechung, Strafvollzug - Collection Gugelmann - GS-GUGE-STOECKLIN-E-1.tif 5,401 × 3,031, 2 pages; 46.86 MB
Die Gartenlaube (1895) b 029.jpg 2,982 × 1,943; 2.04 MB
Emile Claus, Op straf, ca. 1876-1878.jpg 1,181 × 1,701; 382 KB
First pains (1898), by Giovanni Battista Quadrone.jpg 2,560 × 1,635; 430 KB
Franz Jüttner Schneewittchen 8.jpg 981 × 761; 697 KB
Jacques Etienne Arago - Castigo de Escravos, 1839.jpg 516 × 640; 71 KB
Nieuhof-Description-générale-de-la-Chine-1665 0879.tif 4,810 × 3,553; 48.93 MB
PM 159518 B Emile Claus.jpg 306 × 600; 202 KB
PM 159520 B Emile Claus.jpg 417 × 600; 271 KB
Punishmnet formerly inflicted on those who refused pleading Wellcome L0040920.jpg 2,672 × 4,008; 4.82 MB
T.v.K. 9 Story about a waiter, picture 4.JPG 1,676 × 1,676; 436 KB
Tormenti usati per castigo de' malfattori negli stati di Barbaria, 1766 – BEIC IE8966544.jpg 2,192 × 1,476; 1.18 MB
Four people are suspended in a basket over a table of diners Wellcome V0041664.jpg 2,062 × 3,456; 4.26 MB
A nonconformist fastended to a stake by a ring round his nec Wellcome V0041674.jpg 2,424 × 3,013; 4.35 MB
John Malcolm is seized by an unruly crowd in Boston, lifted Wellcome V0041682.jpg 2,835 × 2,467; 3.33 MB
The punishment and torture of the "Peacock" dervishes by ord Wellcome V0041699.jpg 3,081 × 2,258; 3.49 MB
WACIK, Franz. Strafverschärfung, Die Muskete, 1907.jpg 700 × 907; 596 KB
Woodcut Print of Keelhauling.jpg 495 × 301; 41 KB