
two-dimensional manifold, and, as such, may be an "abstract surface" not embedded in any Euclidean space | |||||
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Said to be the same as | surface, physical surface | ||||
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This category has the following 50 subcategories, out of 50 total.
- 3D printed surfaces (6 F)
- Boy's surface (1 P, 61 F)
- Bézier surfaces (16 F)
- Dupin cyclide (40 F)
- Fillet (mechanics) (6 F)
- Flamm's paraboloids (7 F)
- Focaloid (1 F)
- Fundamental polygon (1 P, 19 F)
- Fuzzy operator (1 P, 72 F)
- Gelcoats (1 F)
- Homoeoid (1 F)
- Hyperboloids of one sheet (33 F)
- Hyperboloids of two sheets (14 F)
- Jacob's ladder surface (1 F)
- Peano surface (3 F)
- Saddle point (1 P, 36 F)
- Seifert surfaces (7 F)
- Warnock algorithm (2 F)
Pages in category "Surfaces"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Surfaces"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 246 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
De-Körperoberfläche.ogg 2.2 s; 21 KB
De-Oberfläche.ogg 1.8 s; 18 KB
01 Kugeloberfläche.svg 381 × 191; 16 KB
01 Oberflächenvergleich Kugel-Zylinder.svg 341 × 419; 28 KB
3D-Cylinder and disk with handle.png 1,002 × 612; 121 KB
3D-Cylinder with handle and torus with hole.png 1,174 × 846; 210 KB
3D-Leveltorus-Reebgraph.png 915 × 700; 131 KB
A collection of named surfaces.svg 1,318 × 6,071; 10.5 MB
Algebraic surfaces.png 1,778 × 1,778; 1.36 MB
Apsadel.png 542 × 459; 6 KB
Astroidal ellipsoid 1 1 1.png 500 × 543; 12 KB
Astroidal ellipsoid 1 2 2.png 500 × 727; 14 KB
Astroidal ellipsoid 2 1 1.png 500 × 406; 10 KB
Bilinear3.PNG 546 × 232; 5 KB
Bisec-surf-ex-1.svg 840 × 505; 1.36 MB
Blender-mesh-plane.png 512 × 512; 8 KB
Blender-meta-plane.png 512 × 512; 51 KB
Blender-nurbs-surface.png 512 × 512; 18 KB
Blowup.png 1,024 × 1,024; 182 KB
Bol.png 300 × 262; 13 KB
Canal-helix.png 2,552 × 1,257; 606 KB
Circle square.JPG 220 × 216; 4 KB
Closed surface and closed path.svg 372 × 390; 10 KB
Closed-surface-example.png 1,777 × 1,333; 1.14 MB
Collection of nine narrow super ellipse shapes.svg 600 × 480; 2.27 MB
Conoid-circle-contour.png 536 × 468; 9 KB
Conoid-circle.png 1,147 × 994; 95 KB
Conoid-parabolic.png 970 × 871; 58 KB
Conoid.jpg 288 × 304; 29 KB
Conoide.png 722 × 432; 27 KB
Continuity eqn open surface.svg 474 × 333; 50 KB
Coons-method.svg 509 × 137; 112 KB
Coons-patch.svg 693 × 234; 133 KB
Coordenadas esféricas figura.png 358 × 361; 8 KB
Coordenadas esféricas figura.svg 400 × 400; 33 KB
Cop-gaussian-density.JPG 669 × 668; 40 KB
CrossCapSlicedOpen.PNG 773 × 419; 60 KB
CrossCapTwoViews.PNG 800 × 281; 54 KB
CTMCXIE.jpg 683 × 206; 35 KB
Cube pic.png 481 × 367; 51 KB
Cuerno de gabriel.jpg 320 × 150; 7 KB
Curva sobre una superficie.svg 910 × 910; 4.97 MB
Cuvette à deux inflexions.jpg 912 × 766; 34 KB
Cyclid.png 1,106 × 869; 161 KB
Cylindre hyp.jpg 607 × 607; 62 KB
Cylindre parabolique.jpg 607 × 607; 63 KB
Deformation surfaces.svg 1,180 × 580; 30 KB
Diferenciación 1.2 -Iñaki Otsoa. CC. By ShA $no-.jpg 1,506 × 1,298; 577 KB
Diferenciación 2-2 -Iñaki Otsoa. CC. By ShA $no-.(contraste suave).jpg 1,506 × 1,306; 346 KB
Discriminant of a cubic equation.stl 5,120 × 2,880; 12.74 MB
Dot (33800245742).jpg 4,760 × 3,450; 19.23 MB
DunceHatSpace.png 323 × 294; 3 KB
Elikas diplos.jpg 535 × 727; 62 KB
Elikas monos.png 528 × 782; 459 KB
Ellyptical Torus.png 370 × 344; 30 KB
Epotfl-4ladung.png 2,394 × 1,619; 281 KB
Esfera con norma 3.png 237 × 231; 62 KB
Esfera.png 237 × 236; 63 KB
Esferas secciones.png 255 × 244; 66 KB
Euler pole2.svg 188 × 154; 4 KB
Eulerpol.svg 640 × 746; 20 KB
Eversion flat.jpg 4,503 × 1,793; 1,023 KB
Eversion six flat.jpg 3,533 × 3,052; 1.45 MB
Example of coons surface.svg 976 × 646; 78 KB
Excellent concrete path on Domovinski most, Zagreb.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 3.86 MB
Femiesfera.png 1,024 × 664; 30 KB
Flaeche-sin-cos.png 2,429 × 1,413; 675 KB
Flat Surface.svg 375 × 250; 7 KB
Formula-superficie3.gif 300 × 300; 14 KB
Fractional Brownian motion HurstExponent 0,55.jpg 634 × 409; 42 KB
Fractional Brownian motion HurstExponent 0,90.jpg 566 × 413; 34 KB
Gauss's original statement of the Theorema Egregium.png 1,796 × 772; 2.21 MB
GAUSS1.png 819 × 650; 15 KB
GAUSS2.png 496 × 567; 12 KB
GAUSS2.svg 811 × 432; 28 KB
GAUSS3.png 579 × 567; 14 KB
Gaussian surface.jpg 139 × 181; 7 KB
Gaussian2.jpg 800 × 600; 15 KB
General flux diagram.svg 227 × 373; 46 KB
Generalized coordinates 1 and 2 df.svg 353 × 317; 278 KB
Heart3D.png 534 × 576; 39 KB
Horoesfera hiperbolico.svg 213 × 213; 1 KB
Hyp-parabol-conoid.png 972 × 658; 52 KB
Hyp-paraboloid.svg 396 × 270; 5 KB
Hyperbolic Octahedron.jpg 462 × 504; 29 KB
HyperbolicParaboloid-RuledSurface.png 654 × 586; 33 KB
Hyperbparab2-g-s.svg 211 × 272; 84 KB
Hyperbparab2-g.png 762 × 877; 57 KB
Hyperparab-s.svg 323 × 292; 80 KB
Hyperparab.png 905 × 878; 84 KB
Hypoger-20.png 770 × 848; 78 KB
Hypoger-u12.png 1,578 × 1,383; 186 KB
Ikosa-okta-u.png 1,001 × 598; 48 KB
Inner product of 1-form 1-vector and scalar factor by 2.svg 416 × 377; 55 KB
JointPairOfHyperbolicParaboloids.PNG 377 × 333; 31 KB
Kiesweg.jpg 2,304 × 1,296; 938 KB
KleinBottle-cut.svg 217 × 465; 109 KB
Kugel-kappe.png 1,340 × 644; 63 KB
Kuzel komoly.svg 450 × 400; 6 KB
Lidinoid surface.jpg 806 × 799; 126 KB
Lignes de courbure ellipsoide.jpg 817 × 555; 71 KB
Magneticfall.jpg 468 × 557; 92 KB
Maintenance and Repair of Surface Areas.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 158 pages; 8.75 MB
MappedSurface.PNG 280 × 233; 15 KB
Marseillesky oblouk1.jpg 288 × 181; 8 KB
Marseillesky oblouk2.jpg 377 × 285; 16 KB
Metamorphose-kugel-6pfl.png 960 × 677; 506 KB
Metamorphose-torus-4ppfl.png 2,240 × 1,442; 669 KB
MobiusF.PNG 816 × 531; 48 KB
Modell der Kuenschen Fläche -Schilling VIII, 1 - 232-.jpg 650 × 876; 177 KB
Moebius-2d3d-model.png 1,074 × 511; 30 KB
Montpelliersky oblouk1.jpg 315 × 168; 22 KB
Montpelliersky oblouk2.jpg 384 × 267; 29 KB
Morin surface's quarter sections.PNG 425 × 330; 24 KB
MorinSurfaceAsSphere'sInsideVersusOutside.PNG 338 × 280; 23 KB
MorinSurfaceFromTheTop.PNG 470 × 470; 20 KB
MorinSurfaceQuarterSection.PNG 425 × 455; 15 KB
MorinSurfaceQuarterSectionFlattened.PNG 485 × 470; 17 KB
MorinSurfaceQuarterSectionsJoined.PNG 525 × 500; 16 KB
MorinSurfaceQuarterSectionTriangulated.PNG 320 × 290; 8 KB
MorinSurfaceSectionEast.PNG 345 × 405; 19 KB
Nodoid.png 2,744 × 1,724; 1.7 MB
Nodoid.svg 715 × 378; 1.3 MB
Nodoid2.png 2,724 × 1,124; 1.18 MB
Octaedro regular.png 212 × 258; 47 KB
Orange Horned torus.png 800 × 773; 77 KB
Orange Torus.png 800 × 776; 100 KB
Ortho solid 24-cell vertex-centered.png 1,000 × 1,000; 216 KB
Parametric surface illustration (sphere).png 1,504 × 1,804; 1.72 MB
Parametric surface illustration (torus).png 1,504 × 1,804; 1.93 MB
Parametric surface illustration (trefoil knot).png 1,504 × 1,804; 1.59 MB
Parametriki epifania(1).png 639 × 696; 370 KB
Parametriki(2).png 638 × 632; 486 KB
PHPS on polar surface.png 657 × 774; 12 KB
Piece-of-a-branched-surface.png 400 × 300; 1 KB
Pipe-helix-spheres.png 1,876 × 1,067; 416 KB
Pipe-helix.png 1,228 × 875; 233 KB
Pipe-knot.png 1,936 × 1,476; 351 KB
Planar map.png 466 × 319; 5 KB
Plans principaux.png 784 × 499; 7 KB
Plocha sikmeho pruchodu.jpg 442 × 347; 14 KB
Plucker's conoid (n=2).jpg 479 × 326; 16 KB
Plucker's conoid (n=3).jpg 479 × 326; 16 KB
Plucker's conoid (n=4).jpg 479 × 326; 16 KB
Pluecker-conoid.png 981 × 738; 85 KB
Plukers konoid.jpg 560 × 420; 46 KB
Pole euler.jpg 395 × 428; 12 KB
Pole euler.svg 300 × 337; 7 KB
Potiri.png 641 × 731; 300 KB
Pouziti konoidu1.jpg 309 × 162; 25 KB
Pouziti konoidu2.jpg 424 × 347; 22 KB
Pouziti konoidu3.jpg 446 × 230; 25 KB
Prj geom RU.svg 680 × 400; 7 KB
Proj geom1ru.svg 900 × 430; 8 KB
Pseudoesfera horodisco.svg 213 × 213; 2 KB
PSTricks-HyperboiloidCil.png 351 × 292; 32 KB
Pyramid fractal surface iterations.png 1,092 × 271; 41 KB
Pyramid surface fractal.png 764 × 271; 178 KB
Quadratic Surfaces svg.svg 1,052 × 744; 3.51 MB
Quadratic Surfaces.png 7,016 × 4,961; 7.63 MB
QuartetOfMorinSurfaces(WithoutPassageBarriers).PNG 902 × 743; 113 KB
Relaz-sup-forma.jpg 578 × 305; 57 KB
Ring0twist.png 420 × 320; 4 KB
Ring1twist.png 420 × 320; 3 KB
Ring2twist.png 420 × 320; 4 KB
RomanTetrahedron.PNG 436 × 370; 24 KB
Same-volume-different-surface.svg 703 × 353; 20 KB
Scalar multiply 1-form 1-vector by 1 and 2.svg 483 × 288; 26 KB
Scalar multiply 2-form by 1 and 2.svg 430 × 435; 355 KB
Schraub-torse-2teile-a.svg 580 × 259; 296 KB
Schraub-torse-def.svg 437 × 261; 271 KB
Schraubflaeche-kreis-horiz.svg 295 × 286; 461 KB
Schraubflaeche-meridiankreis.svg 296 × 311; 510 KB
Schraubflaeche-offen-geschl-rsf.svg 438 × 220; 482 KB
Schraubflaeche-parabel.svg 368 × 365; 373 KB
Schraubflaeche-wendel-offen-geschl.svg 438 × 220; 474 KB
Se new.svg 943 × 707; 10.27 MB
Sección de esfera por plano.png 363 × 262; 89 KB
SelfIntersectingDisk.PNG 734 × 402; 37 KB
Sphere inversion.png 880 × 750; 389 KB
Spiral Surface.png 706 × 691; 143 KB
SpiralSurface.svg 705 × 689; 38 KB
Spoon sh.jpg 491 × 381; 46 KB
Square law 400px-Inverse.jpg 400 × 266; 74 KB
Stef57 Cobordisme en dim 1.jpg 426 × 357; 27 KB
SuperellipseMobiusSurface.svg 1,075 × 374; 32 KB
SuperellipseTorusSurface.svg 1,156 × 462; 25 KB
Superellipsoid collection.png 3,072 × 3,072; 2.52 MB
Superfície - bordo Nó 6,2.jpg 4,072 × 6,108; 3.3 MB
Superfície - bordo nó figura-oito.jpg 3,787 × 3,169; 1.98 MB
Superfície - bordo trifólio.jpg 3,900 × 5,242; 1.79 MB
Superfície - bordo trifólio.tif 3,900 × 5,242; 117.02 MB
Superfície paraboloide hiperbólico - LEMA - UFBA .jpg 4,000 × 4,000; 2.08 MB
Supertorus table.png 900 × 768; 298 KB
Surface area element.jpeg 328 × 312; 31 KB
Surface area for catenary.svg 1,973 × 1,800; 97 KB
Surface banane trompette.svg 512 × 352; 115 KB
Surface generated by transformation (rotation + scaling) of a segment.png 1,658 × 869; 66 KB
Surface modelling mk.svg 416 × 235; 72 KB
Surface modelling.svg 361 × 235; 46 KB