
Gyeongbokgung (경복궁, Gyeongbok Palace) is a palace located in northern Seoul, South Korea. It was the main and largest palace of the Joseon Dynasty and one of the Five Grand Palaces built by the Joseon Dynasty.
한국어: 광화문
Gwanghwamun (gate) from outside of Gyeongbokgung
한국어: 흥례문(興禮門)
한국어: 근정문(勤政門)
한국어: 근정전(勤政殿)
한국어: 사정전
한국어: 강녕전(康寧殿)
한국어: 교태전(交泰殿)
한국어: 향원정(香遠亭)
한국어: 경회루
Other buildings
Gate in front of Hamhwadang
Jibokjae (Private Royal Library)
[edit]National Folk Museum of Korea
[edit]English: National Folk Museum of Korea
한국어: 국립민속박물관
Events in Gyeongbokgung
The reconstruction on May 28 2008 of the banquet for King Gojong's 41st Birthday
The reconstruction of the banquet for King Gojong's 41st Birthday
Chinjamrye (Breeding silkworms ceremony)
Chinjamrye (Breeding silkworms ceremony)
Chinjamrye (Breeding silkworms ceremony)
Chinjamrye (Breeding silkworms ceremony)
Chinjamrye (Breeding silkworms ceremony)
Guard ceremony
Guard ceremony
Guard ceremony
Guard ceremony