English: A multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle, or MIRV, is one of a collection of nuclear weapons carried on a single intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) or a submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM). Using MIRVs, a single launched missile can strike several targets, or fewer targets redundantly.
British Polaris A3TK Chevaline RV and PAC toe-in and tilt-out
Minuteman III MIRV bus
Minuteman III MIRV bus and shroud
Peacekeeper missile (MIRVs in head)
MX Missile (Peacekeeper) with RVs indicated in red
MIRV cut-away view
Peacekeeper MIRV bus
Peacekeeper MIRV bus
Peacekeeper MIRV testing (lines are re-entry vehicle paths)
Peacekeeper RV vehicle paths
Peacekeeper RV vehicle paths
US drawing of a Soviet MIRV attack
Minuteman III flight path diagram