Wikinews:Internet Relay Chat
(Redirected from Wikinews:IRC)

Wikinewsies often can be found on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels #wikinews and #wikinews-en on irc:// . If you don't have an IRC client (program) installed, click here. To get connected, just enter a nickname and the channel of "wikinews" or click here. For more information on IRC, see meta:IRC, and Wikipedia's article on IRC. As well, List of IRC commands and IRC instructions may be helpful for people not familiar with IRC.
Just some guidelines to help you out:
- In this case of IRC, you must allow people a degree of anonymity online.
- These channels are for discussion related to constructive work on the Wikinews website.
- There may be social chit-chat, but it is social chit-chat amongst people who are known on the site.
- If you abuse the channel in any way, you may be kicked or banned by one of the channel operators.
- If you need urgent assistance, just type admin@wn.
Introduction |
Policies and guidelines |
Wikinews Channels
- #wikinews live connect:Main, interlingual Wikinews channel
- #wikinews-en live connect:Discussion for English Wikinews
- #cvn-wn-en live connect:RC monitoring channel for English Wikinews
- #en.wikinews
- Wikimedia's RC channel for English Wikinews. (use server
- #wikinews-feeds live connect:Channel which provides the latest news from various RSS feeds
- #wikinews-workshop live connect:Channel for the open-doors IRC workshop
- #wikinewsie live connect:Private channel, not open to outsiders
- #wikinews-private live connect:Private channel, not open to outsiders
- #wikinews-tech live connect:Discussion for Wikinews Technology
- #wikinews-interview live connect:Interview channel for Wikinews; interlingual
- #wikinews-cs live connect
- #wikinews-de live connect
- #wikinews-fa live connect
- #wikinews-fr live connect:Discussion pour Wikinews en français
- #wikinews-eo live connect:Kanalo de esperantaj Vikinovaĵoj
- #wikinews-ja live connect
- #wikinews-ko live connect:위키뉴스 토론 채널 (Korean Wikinews coordination channel)
- #wikinews-pl live connect
- #wikinews-ru live connect:Канал русских Викиновостей
- #wikinews-tr live connect
- #wikinews-el live connect:Το κανάλι των ελληνικών Βικινέων
- #wikinews-en-admins
- channel for all Wikinews admins.
Wikimedia Channels
- #wikimedia live connect:Main Wikimedia Foundation discussion channel
- #wikimedia-social live connect:Social Wikimedia channel.
- #wikimedia-ops live connect:Discussion with Wikimedia channel operators
- #wikimania live connect:Discussion about Wikimania
- #wikimedia-stewards live connect:Stewards emergency help channel (If no admins are available, ask here in emergency situations)