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Pages in category "Novelists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,314 total.
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- Author:Jeppe Aakjær
- Author:Austin Abbot
- Author:Benjamin Vaughan Abbott
- Author:Edwin Abbott Abbott
- Author:Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
- Author:John Henry Macartney Abbott
- Author:Achmed Abdullah
- Author:Edmond François Valentin About
- Author:Amédée Achard
- Author:Forrest James Ackerman
- Author:Emily Anna Acland
- Author:Andrew Oswald Acworth
- Author:Louis Adamič
- Author:Andy Adams
- Author:Francis Colburn Adams
- Author:Francis William Lauderdale Adams
- Author:Henry Brooks Adams
- Author:Samuel Hopkins Adams
- Author:William Taylor Adams
- Author:Arthur St. John Adcock
- Author:George Ade
- Author:Julia Mary Cartwright Ady
- Author:Grace Aguilar
- Author:Juhani Aho
- Author:Charles Hamilton Aidé
- Author:Conrad Aiken
- Author:Lucy Aikin
- Author:William Harrison Ainsworth
- Author:Ahmad Akbarpour
- Author:Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
- Author:Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
- Author:Bozorg Alavi
- Author:Effie Adelaide Albanesi
- Author:Mary Jemima Albert
- Author:Louisa May Alcott
- Author:Isabella Macdonald Alden
- Author:William Livingston Alden
- Author:Richard Aldington
- Author:Anne Reeve Aldrich
- Author:Annie Charlotte Catharine Aldrich
- Author:Bess Streeter Aldrich
- Author:Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Author:George Gardiner Alexander
- Author:Elizabeth Mary Alford
- Author:Horatio Alger
- Author:Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen
- Author:Hervey Allen
- Author:James Lane Allen
- Author:Margery Louise Allingham
- Author:Washington Allston
- Author:Carl Jonas Love Ludvig Almqvist
- Author:Joseph Alexander Altsheler
- Author:Lottie F. Ambrose
- Author:Reza Amirkhani
- Author:Marguerite-Louise Virginie Chardon Ancelot
- Author:Hans Christian Andersen
- Author:Nephi Anderson
- Author:Poul William Anderson
- Author:Robert Gordon Anderson
- Author:Sherwood Anderson
- Author:Eliza Frances Andrews
- Author:Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
- Author:Ivo Andrić
- Author:Marie-Louise-Félicité Angers
- The Annotated The Tales of John Oliver Hobbes
- Author:Gabriele d'Annunzio
- Author:Clara Louisa Antrobus
- Author:Johann August Apel
- Author:Guillaume Apollinaire
- Author:Lucius Apuleius
- Author:Jakub Arbes
- Author:Richard Arkwright
- Author:Michael Arlen
- Author:Margaret Armour
- Author:Rebecca Agatha Armour
- Author:Elizabeth von Arnim
- Author:Edwin Lester Arnold
- Author:Timothy Shay Arthur
- Author:Mikhail Artsybashev
- Author:Sholem Asch
- Author:Oscar Asche
- Author:Daisy Ashford
- Author:Isaac Asimov
- Author:Matilda Ann Aston
- Author:Charlotte Atcherley
- Author:Edwin Atherstone
- Author:Gertrude Atherton
- Author:Bertram Atkey
- Author:Eleanor Stackhouse Atkinson
- Author:Marguerite Audoux
- Author:Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy
- Author:Stacy Aumonier
- Author:Jane Austen
- Author:Alfred Austin
- Author:Frederick Britten Austin
- Author:Mary Hunter Austin
- Author:Ruby Mildred Ayres
- Author:William Edmondstoune Aytoun
- Author:Aluísio Azevedo
- Author:Mariano Azuela
- Author:Julia Burnelle Smade Babcock
- Author:Irving Bacheller
- Author:Blanche Eaton Back
- Author:Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
- Author:Robert Bage
- Author:Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
- Author:Henry Christopher Bailey
- Author:Irene Temple Bailey
- Author:Margaret Elsie Baillie-Saunders
- Author:Maria Bainbridge
- Author:Louisa Alice Baker
- Author:Faith Baldwin
- Author:James Arthur Baldwin
- Author:Louisa Baldwin
- Author:Wolcott Balestier
- Author:Alexander Balfour
- Author:John Hutton Balfour-Browne
- Author:Clifford Ball
- Author:Robert Michael Ballantyne
- Author:Edwin Balmer
- Author:Honoré de Balzac
- Author:Alberta Bancroft
- Author:Marie Effie Bancroft
- Author:John Kendrick Bangs
- Author:John Banim
- Author:Isabella Banks
- Author:Nancy Huston Banks
- Author:Mary Ann Serrett Barber
- Author:Jules Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly
- Author:Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve
- Author:Anna Maynard Barbour
- Author:Ralph Henry Barbour
- Author:Henri Barbusse
- Author:Florence Louisa Barclay
- Author:Richard Harris Barham
- Author:Maurice Baring
- Author:Sabine Baring-Gould
- Author:Jane Barlow
- Author:Annie Maria Barnes
- Author:Arthur Kelvin Barnes
- Author:Djuna Barnes
- Author:James Barnes
- Author:Joshua Barnes
- Author:Natalie Clifford Barney
- Author:Pío Baroja
- Author:Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
- Author:Robert Barr
- Author:Emma Barrett-Lennard
- Author:James Matthew Barrie
- Author:Emilie Isabel Barrington
- Author:Gustavo Adolfo Luiz Dodt da Cunha Barroso
- Author:Auguste-Maurice Barrès
- Author:Eustace Robert Barton
- Author:Ellen Baseley
- Author:Sara Ware Bassett
- Author:Arlo Bates
- Author:Harry Bates
- Author:Lyman Frank Baum
- Author:Frances Courtenay Baylor
- Author:Ada Ellen Bayly
- Author:Barbara Baynton
- Author:René François Nicolas Marie Bazin
- Author:Rex Ellingwood Beach
- Author:Charles Beadle
- Author:Anne Beale
- Author:Wolcott LeCléar Beard
- Author:Frederick Ritchie Bechdolt
- Author:Johannes Robert Becher
- Author:Lily Adams Beck
- Author:William Thomas Beckford
- Author:Ruth Marjory Bedford
- Author:Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones
- Author:Max Beerbohm
- Author:Aphra Behn
- Author:John Hay Beith
- Author:Jessie Perry Van Zile Belden
- Author:Emily Ernst Bell
- Author:John Joy Bell
- Author:Lilian Lida Bell
- Author:Malcolm Henry Bell
- Author:Edward Bellamy
- Author:Elizabeth Whitfield Croom Bellamy
- Author:Robert Leslie Bellem
- Author:Hilaire Belloc
- Author:Andrei Bely
- Author:Elizabeth Ogilvie Benger
- Author:Robert Ames Bennet
- Author:Arnold Bennett
- Author:Emerson Bennett
- Author:Gertrude Mabel Barrows Bennett
- Author:Pierre Benoit
- Author:Edward Frederic Benson
- Author:Robert Hugh Benson
- Author:Edmund Clerihew Bentley
- Author:Stephen Vincent Benét
- Author:John Davys Beresford
- Author:Pierre-Marie-Charles de Bernard du Grail de la Villette
- Author:Walter Besant
- Author:Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards
- Author:Marie-Henri Beyle