- The following documentation is located at Module:italics/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
This module applies proper italicization to the taxonomic name of a genus, species, subspecies, variety, or form; or italicizes a title while not italicizing a parenthetical disambiguator. It is intended to be used in interwiki link modules, but might be useful elsewhere too.
{{#invoke:italics|test|<cite>A Voyage around the World. [...] In Two Volumes</cite>|quote=1}} {{#invoke:italics|test|<cite>A Response to a Scurrilous Libel by J[onathan] S[wift]. [...] In Two Volumes</cite>|quote=1}} {{#invoke:italics|test|<cite>[[w:Essays (Montaigne)|The Essayes, or, Morall, Politike and Millitarie Discourses of Lo. Michaell de Montaigne, Knight of the Noble Order of St. Michaell, and One of the Gentlemen in Ordinary of the French King, Henry the Third His Chamber]]</cite>|quote=1}} {{#invoke:italics|test|<cite>[[w:Cyclopædia, or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences|Cyclopædia: Or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; [...] In Two Volumes]]</cite>|quote=1}} {{#invoke:italics|test|1=[ {{lang|hi|R:hi:McGregor}}]|quote=1}} {{#invoke:italics|test|Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia}} {{#invoke:italics|test|Cupressus arizonica var. glabra}} {{#invoke:italics|test|Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca f. semperflorens}} {{#invoke:italics|test|Fragaria × ananassa}} {{#invoke:italics|test|Argentina (plant)}} {{#invoke:italics|test|× Agroelymus}} <!-- This now passess 20181225-19:12 --> {{#invoke:italics|test|A sample item containing a continuation, &c {{...}} <!-- This fails currently --> }} {{#invoke:italics|test|A sample item containing a continuation, &c {{nb...}} <!-- This fails currently --> }} {{#invoke:italics|test|[[Wiktionary:Main_Page|A sample item containing a continuation, &c {{...}}]] <!-- This fails currently --> }} {{#invoke:italics|test|[ A sample item containing a continuation, [&c {{...}}]]<!-- This fails currently, Generates a missing span... -->}} {{#invoke:italics|test|'''Polygonum''' aviculare}}
- A Voyage around the World. [...] In Two Volumes
- A Response to a Scurrilous Libel by J[onathan] S[wift]. [...] In Two Volumes
- The Essayes, or, Morall, Politike and Millitarie Discourses of Lo. Michaell de Montaigne, Knight of the Noble Order of St. Michaell, and One of the Gentlemen in Ordinary of the French King, Henry the Third His Chamber
- Cyclopædia: Or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; [...] In Two Volumes
- R:hi:McGregor
- Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia
- Cupressus arizonica var. glabra
- Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca f. semperflorens
- Fragaria × ananassa
- Argentina (plant)
- × Agroelymus
- A sample item containing a continuation, &c […]
- A sample item containing a continuation, &c […]
- A sample item containing a continuation, &c […]
- A sample item containing a continuation, [&c [… ]]
- Polygonum aviculare
{{taxlink|Rosa × alba|nothospecies}}
- Rosa × alba
local export = {}
local m_string_utils = require("Module:string utilities")
local find = m_string_utils.find
local match = m_string_utils.match
local gsub = m_string_utils.gsub
function export.i(text)
if text == "" or text == nil then
return nil
if type(text) == "table" and text.args then
text = text.args[1]
-- Remove whitespace from beginning and end of text.
text = mw.text.trim(text)
-- Find parenthesized text.
local parenthesis = ""
if find(text, "%b()$") then
text, parenthesis = match(text, "^(.*)(%b())$")
if text == "" or text == nil then
error("Malformed page name: " .. text)
text = "''" .. text .. "''"
--[[ Adds italics toggle ('') around the whitespace
that surrounds various things that aren't supposed to be italicized:
for instance, Fragaria × ananassa becomes ''Fragaria'' × ''ananassa''.
(The hybridization symbol × isn't supposed to be italicized.) ]]
local notItalicized = {
["subsp."] = true, ["ssp."] = true, ["var."] = true, ["f."] = true,
["sect."] = true, ["subsect."] = true, ["subg."] = true, ["infrasp."] = true,
["ser."] = true, ["subser."] = true,
["series"] = true, ["subseries"] = true,
["forma"] = true, ["form"] = true, ["morph"] = true, ["morpha"] = true
local hybrid = "×"
text = text:gsub("(%s*([a-z]+%.)%s*)",
function(wholeMatch, abbreviation)
if notItalicized[abbreviation] then
return "''" .. wholeMatch .. "''"
text = text:gsub("%s*" .. hybrid .. "%s*", "''%0''"):gsub("%f[']''''%f[^']", "")
return text .. parenthesis
function export.unitalicize_brackets(text)
if type(text) == "table" and text.args then
text = text.args[1]
if not text or text == "" then
return nil
local function unitalicize(text)
return '<span style="font-style: normal;">' .. text .. '</span>'
local function process(text)
if text:find("[[", 1, true) then
if text:find("|") then
return text:gsub(
function (piping)
return piping:gsub("%b[]", process)
-- do nothing with un-piped wikilinks
elseif text:find("[http", 1, true) then
return text:gsub(
"%[([^ ]+ )([^%]]+)%]",
function (URL, link_text)
return "[" .. URL .. process(link_text) .. "]"
elseif text:find("^%[https?://") then
return text:gsub(
" .+",
function (link_text)
return link_text:gsub("%b[]", process)
local inside_brackets = text:sub(2, -2)
if inside_brackets == "..." or inside_brackets == "…" then
return unitalicize(text)
return unitalicize("[") .. inside_brackets .. unitalicize("]")
text = text:gsub("%b[]", process)
return text
function export.test(frame)
local text = frame.args[1]
local quote = require("Module:yesno")(frame.args.quote)
if quote then
return export.unitalicize_brackets(text)
return export.i(text)
return export