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alj +‎ -zat (noun-forming suffix)


  • IPA(key): [ˈɒjzɒt]
  • Hyphenation: alj‧zat
  • Rhymes: -ɒt



aljzat (plural aljzatok)

  1. jack, socket (an opening into which a plug or other connecting part is designed to fit)
  2. (technology, architecture) foundation
    Synonyms: alap, alapozás, alapzat, alaprész
  3. bottom, floor, bed (the lowermost surface of a body of water, as of a river, lake, or sea)


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative aljzat aljzatok
accusative aljzatot aljzatokat
dative aljzatnak aljzatoknak
instrumental aljzattal aljzatokkal
causal-final aljzatért aljzatokért
translative aljzattá aljzatokká
terminative aljzatig aljzatokig
essive-formal aljzatként aljzatokként
inessive aljzatban aljzatokban
superessive aljzaton aljzatokon
adessive aljzatnál aljzatoknál
illative aljzatba aljzatokba
sublative aljzatra aljzatokra
allative aljzathoz aljzatokhoz
elative aljzatból aljzatokból
delative aljzatról aljzatokról
ablative aljzattól aljzatoktól
possessive – singular
aljzaté aljzatoké
possessive – plural
aljzatéi aljzatokéi
Possessive forms of aljzat
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. aljzatom aljzataim
2nd person sing. aljzatod aljzataid
3rd person sing. aljzata aljzatai
1st person plural aljzatunk aljzataink
2nd person plural aljzatotok aljzataitok
3rd person plural aljzatuk aljzataik

Derived terms


Further reading

  • aljzat in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.: ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN
  • aljzat in Nóra Ittzés, editor, A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031 (work in progress; published a–ez as of 2024).