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From an- +‎ bauen.


  • IPA(key): [ˈanˌbaʊ̯ən]
  • Audio:(file)



anbauen (weak, third-person singular present baut an, past tense baute an, past participle angebaut, auxiliary haben)

  1. (agriculture) to grow, to cultivate
    • 2021 March 10, Jack McGovan, “Autoreifen aus Löwenzahn - eine ökologische Alternative?”, in Deutsche Welle[1] (article), retrieved 1 July 2022:
      "Wir haben den Löwenzahn in Belgien, den Niederlanden und Kasachstan angebaut", sagt Ingrid van der Meer, Koordinatorin von DRIVE4EU.
      2021 March 10, Jack McGovan, Could rubber from dandelions make tires more sustainable?, in Deutsche Welle [2] (article), retrieved 1 July 2022:
      "We cultivated the dandelion in Belgium, the Netherlands and Kazakhstan," said Ingrid van der Meer, coordinator of DRIVE4EU, […]
  2. to attach, to mount



Derived terms


Further reading

  • anbauen” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • anbauen” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
  • anbauen” in Duden online
  • anbauen” in OpenThesaurus.de