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This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term. Tupi


English Wikipedia has an article on:

tucuxi (plural tucuxis)

  1. A freshwater dolphin, estuarine dolphin Sotalia fluviatilis, found in the rivers of the Amazon Basin




Portuguese Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia pt

Alternative forms







  • Rhymes: -i
  • Hyphenation: tu‧cu‧xi



tucuxi m (plural tucuxis)

  1. tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis)
    Synonyms: boto-cinza, pirajaguara
    • 1893 January 17, Lourenço da Fonseca, chapter IV, No Amazonas, in Diario de Manáos, volume III, number 83, page 2, column 1:
      — Come-se o tucuxy? perguntei eu ao comandante.
      — Não. A carne é malcheirosa e de gosto desagradavel. Do tucuxy só se aproveita o azeite.
      “Do people eat the tucuxi?” I asked the commander.
      “No. The meat is smelly and has a unpleasant taste. From the tucuxi only the oil is useful.”
    • 1969 June 22, Luiz Medeiros, “O Maravilhoso Mundo dos Cetáceos”, in Jornal do Commercio, volume LXIV, number 20.126, Carderno de literatura, page 20, column 4:
      Falou-nos, também, que um tucuxi de dois metros pode produzir, extraído da sua gordura, uns oitos litros de óleo bem grosso.
      He also told us that a two-meter-long tucuxi can produce, extracting from its fat, about eight liters of very thick oil.
    • 2021 October 4, João Paulo Vicente, “Quantos botos há na Amazônia?”, in National Geographic: Brasil[1], archived from the original on 2022-03-11:
      Também por ali, grupos de tucuxis pulavam animados, alguns com o corpo inteiro para fora da água.
      Around there, there were also groups of tucuxis that jumped cheerfuly, some with their whole body out of water.

Further reading
