Este módulo proporciona acceso a funciones básicas sobre cadenas (strings).
La mayoría de estas funciones se pueden invocar con parámetros con nombre, sin nombre o una mezcla. Si se usan parámetros con nombre hay que tener en cuenta que el Mediawiki elimina los espacios en blanco iniciales y finales del valor del parámetro. Según el uso previsto puede ser conveniente tanto conservarlos como eliminarlos.
Algunas funciones admiten parámetros con patrones Lua que son una especie de expresiones regulares. Véase en el Manual de patrones Ustring.Esta documentación está transcluida desde Módulo:String/doc.
Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas de este módulo.
Por favor, añade las categorías e interwikis a la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de este módulo.
Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas de este módulo.
Por favor, añade las categorías e interwikis a la subpágina de documentación. Subpáginas de este módulo.
local export = {}
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
--tomado de en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Module:string y en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Module:string utilities
-- Cannot include null byte.
local UTF8_char = "[\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*" -- o bien "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*"
local pattern_escape = require("Módulo:String/escapar")
local mw = mw
local string = string
local table = table
local ustring = mw.ustring
local byte = string.byte
local char = string.char
local concat = table.concat
local find = string.find
local format = string.format
local gmatch = string.gmatch
local gsub = string.gsub
local insert = table.insert
local len = string.len
local load_data = mw.loadData
local lower = string.lower
local match = string.match
local next = next
local reverse = string.reverse
local select = select
local sort = table.sort
local sub = string.sub
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local type = type
local ucodepoint = ustring.codepoint
local ufind = ustring.find
local ugcodepoint = ustring.gcodepoint
local ugmatch = ustring.gmatch
local ugsub = ustring.gsub
local ulower = ustring.lower
local umatch = ustring.match
local unpack = unpack
local upper = string.upper
local usub = ustring.sub
local uupper = ustring.upper
--[==[Divide el string en un arreglo de caraceres UTF8 (asume que la secuencia es UTF8, sino el resultado es indefinido)]==]
function export.explode_utf8(str)
local byte = string.byte
local sub = string.sub
local str_len = #str
local text = {}
local n, i, b = 1, 0, nil
while n <= str_len do
b = byte(str, n)
i = i + 1
if b < 0xC0 then
text[i] = sub(str, n, n)
n = n + 1
elseif b < 0xE0 then
text[i] = sub(str, n, n + 1)
n = n + 2
elseif b < 0xF0 then
text[i] = sub(str, n, n + 2)
n = n + 3
text[i] = sub(str, n, n + 3)
n = n + 4
return text
-- A helper function which takes a string, position and type ("byte" or "char"), and returns the equivalent position for the other type (e.g. iterate_utf8("字典", 2, "char") returns 4, because character 2 of "字典" begins with byte 4). `pos` can be positive or negative, and the function will iterate over the string forwards or backwards (respectively) until it reaches the input position. Checks byte-by-byte; skipping over trailing bytes, and then calculating the correct byte trail for any leading bytes (i.e. how many trailing bytes should follow); these trailing bytes are then checked together.
-- The optional parameters `init_from_type` and `init_to_type` can be used to start part-way through an iteration to improve performance, if multiple values need to be returned from the same string. For example, iterate_utf8("слова́рь", 11, "byte", 5, 3) will begin checking at byte 5/the start of character 3. Note: The function won't check if these values match each other (as the only way to do this would be to run the iteration from the beginning), so mismatched values will return incorrect results.
local function iterate_utf8(text, pos, from_type, init_from_type, init_to_type)
-- Position 0 is always valid and never changes.
if pos == 0 then
return pos
local to_type
if from_type == "char" then
to_type = "byte"
to_type = "char"
-- Positive positions iterate forwards; negative positions iterate backwards.
local iterate_val
if pos > 0 then
iterate_val = 1
iterate_val = -1
-- Adjust init_from_type and init_to_type to the iteration before, so that matches for the position given by them will work.
local trail, cp, min, b = 0, nil, nil, nil
local c, leading_byte = {}, nil
c[from_type] = init_from_type and init_from_type ~= 0 and init_from_type - iterate_val or 0
c[to_type] = init_to_type and init_to_type ~= 0 and init_to_type - iterate_val or 0
while true do
if pos > 0 then
b = text:byte(c.byte + 1)
b = text:byte(text:len() + c.byte)
-- Position byte doesn't exist, so iterate the return value and return it.
if not b then
return c[to_type] + iterate_val
elseif b < 0x80 then
-- 1-byte codepoint, 00-7F.
trail = 0
cp = b
min = 0
leading_byte = true
elseif b < 0xc0 then
-- A trailing byte.
leading_byte = false
elseif b < 0xc2 then
-- An overlong encoding for a 1-byte codepoint.
error("String " .. text .. " is not UTF-8.")
elseif b < 0xe0 then
-- 2-byte codepoint, C2-DF.
trail = 1
cp = b - 0xc0
min = 0x80
leading_byte = true
elseif b < 0xf0 then
-- 3-byte codepoint, E0-EF.
trail = 2
cp = b - 0xe0
min = 0x800
leading_byte = true
elseif b < 0xf4 then
-- 4-byte codepoint, F0-F3.
trail = 3
cp = b - 0xf0
min = 0x10000
leading_byte = true
elseif b == 0xf4 then
-- 4-byte codepoint, F4.
-- Make sure it doesn't decode to over U+10FFFF.
if text:byte(c.byte + 2) > 0x8f then
error("String " .. text .. " is not UTF-8.")
trail = 3
cp = 4
min = 0x100000
leading_byte = true
-- Codepoint over U+10FFFF, or invalid byte.
error("String " .. text .. " is not UTF-8.")
-- Check subsequent bytes for multibyte codepoints.
if leading_byte then
local from, to
if pos > 0 then
from, to = c.byte + 2, c.byte + 1 + trail
from, to = text:len() + c.byte + 1, text:len() + c.byte + trail
for trailing_byte = from, to do
b = text:byte(trailing_byte)
if not b or b < 0x80 or b > 0xbf then
error("String " .. text .. " is not UTF-8.")
cp = cp * 0x40 + b - 0x80
local next_byte = text:byte(to + 1)
if next_byte and next_byte >= 0x80 and next_byte <= 0xbf then
-- Too many trailing bytes.
error("String " .. text .. " is not UTF-8.")
elseif cp < min then
-- Overlong encoding.
error("String " .. text .. " is not UTF-8.")
c.byte = c.byte + iterate_val
if leading_byte then
c.char = c.char + iterate_val
if c[from_type] == pos then
return c[to_type]
--[==[Corrects discouraged sequences of Unicode characters to the encouraged equivalents.]==]
function export.corregirSecuenciasIncorrectas(text, sc)
if sc._rawData.normalizationFixes and sc._rawData.normalizationFixes.from then
for i, from in ipairs(sc._rawData.normalizationFixes.from) do
text = export.gsub(text, from, sc._rawData.normalizationFixes.to[i] or "")
return text
-- Implements a modified form of Unicode normalization for instances where there are identified deficiencies in the default Unicode combining classes.
local function fixNormalization(text, sc)
if sc._rawData.normalizationFixes and sc._rawData.normalizationFixes.combiningClasses then
local combiningClassFixes = sc._rawData.normalizationFixes.combiningClasses
local charsToFix = concat(require("Módulo:tabla").keysToList(combiningClassFixes))
if export.match(text, "[" .. charsToFix .. "]") then
local codepoint, u = mw.ustring.codepoint, mw.ustring.char
-- Obtain the list of default combining classes.
local combiningClasses = mw.loadData("Módulo:scripts/datos/combiningClasses")
-- For each character that needs fixing, find all characters with combining classes equal to or lower than its default class, but greater than its new class (i.e. intermediary characters).
for charToFix, newCombiningClass in pairs(combiningClassFixes) do
local intermediaryChars = {}
for character, combiningClass in pairs(combiningClasses) do
if newCombiningClass < combiningClass and combiningClass <= combiningClasses[codepoint(charToFix)] then
insert(intermediaryChars, u(character))
-- Swap the character with any intermediary characters that are immediately before it.
text = export.gsub(text, "([" .. concat(intermediaryChars) .. "]+)(" .. charToFix .. ")", "%2%1")
return text
--[==[Convierte el código especificado a caracter Unicode.]==]
function export.char(cod)
return mw.ustring.char(cod)
function export.toNFD(cod, sc)
local text = mw.ustring.toNFD(cod)
if sc then
return fixNormalization(text, sc)
return text
function export.toNFC(cod, sc)
local text = mw.ustring.toNFC(cod)
if sc then
return fixNormalization(text, sc)
return text
function export.toNFKD(cod, sc)
local text = mw.ustring.toNFKD(cod)
if sc then
return fixNormalization(text, sc)
return text
function export.toNFKC(cod, sc)
local text = mw.ustring.toNFKC(cod)
if sc then
return fixNormalization(text, sc)
return text
--[==[Dado un texto y un caracter, devuelve la posición (en BYTES) en donde éste se encuentra.]==]
function export.charsToBytes(text, c)
return iterate_utf8(text, c, "char")
--[==[Dado un texto y una posición (en BYTES), devuelve el caracter correspondiente.]==]
function export.bytesToChars(text, pos)
local byte_ = text:byte(pos)
if byte_ and byte_ >= 0x80 and byte_ <= 0xbf then
error("Byte " .. pos .. " is not a leading byte.")
return iterate_utf8(text, pos, "byte")
-- A helper function which iterates through a pattern, and returns two values: a potentially modified version of the pattern, and a boolean indicating whether the returned pattern is simple (i.e. whether it can be used with the stock string library); if not, then the pattern is complex (i.e. it must be used with the ustring library, which is much more resource-intensive).
local function patternSimplifier(text, pattern, plain)
-- If `plain` is set, then the pattern is treated as literal (so is always simple). Only used by find.
if plain then
return pattern, true
--If none of these are present, then the pattern has to be simple.
elseif not (
pattern:match("%[.-[\128-\255].-%]") or
pattern:match("[\128-\255][%*%+%?%-]") or
pattern:match("%%[abcdlpsuwxACDLPSUWXZ]") or
pattern:match("%[%^[^%]]+%]") or
pattern:match("%.[^%*%+%-]") or
pattern:match("%.$") or
pattern:match("%%b.?[\128-\255]") or
pattern:match("()", 1, true)
) then
return pattern, true
-- Otherwise, the pattern could go either way.
-- Build up the new pattern in a table, then concatenate at the end. we do it this way, as occasionally entries get modified along the way.
local new_pattern = {}
local L, pos, b = pattern:len(), 0, nil
local char_, next_char
-- `escape` and `balanced` are counters, which ensure the effects of % or %b (respectively) are distributed over the following bytes.
-- `set` is a boolean that states whether the current byte is in a charset.
-- `capture` keeps track of how many layers of capture groups the position is in, while `captures` keeps a tally of how many groups have been detected (due to the string library limit of 32).
local escape, set, balanced, capture, captures = 0, false, 0, 0, 0
while pos < L do
pos = pos + 1
b = pattern:byte(pos)
if escape > 0 then escape = escape - 1 end
if balanced > 0 then balanced = balanced - 1 end
char_ = next_char or pattern:sub(pos, pos)
next_char = pattern:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1)
if escape == 0 then
if char_ == "%" then
-- Apply % escape.
if next_char == "." or next_char == "%" or next_char == "[" or next_char == "]" then
escape = 2
if balanced > 0 then balanced = balanced + 1 end
-- These charsets make the pattern complex.
elseif next_char:match("[acdlpsuwxACDLPSUWXZ]") then
return pattern, false
-- This is "%b".
elseif next_char == "b" then
balanced = 4
-- Enter or leave a charset.
elseif char_ == "[" then
set = true
elseif char_ == "]" then
set = false
elseif char_ == "(" then
capture = capture + 1
elseif char_ == ")" then
if capture > 0 and set == false and balanced == 0 then
captures = captures + 1
capture = capture - 1
-- Multibyte char.
if b > 0x7f then
-- If followed by "*", "+" or "-", then 2-byte chars can be converted into charsets. However, this is not possible with 3 or 4-byte chars, as the charset would be too permissive, because if the trailing bytes were in a different order then this could be a different valid character.
if next_char == "*" or next_char == "+" or next_char == "-" then
local prev_pos = pattern:byte(pos - 1)
if prev_pos > 0xc1 and prev_pos < 0xe0 then
new_pattern[#new_pattern] = "[" .. new_pattern[#new_pattern]
insert(new_pattern, char_ .. "]")
return pattern, false
-- If in a charset or used in "%b", then the pattern is complex.
-- If followed by "?", add "?" after each byte.
elseif next_char == "?" then
insert(new_pattern, char_ .. "?")
local check_pos, check_b, i = pos, pattern:byte(pos), #new_pattern
while check_b and check_b < 0xc0 do
check_pos = check_pos - 1
check_b = pattern:byte(check_pos)
i = i - 1
new_pattern[i] = new_pattern[i] .. "?"
pos = pos + 1
next_char = pattern:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1)
elseif set or balanced > 0 then
return pattern, false
insert(new_pattern, char_)
elseif char_ == "." then
-- "*", "+", "-" are always okay after ".", as they don't care how many bytes a char has.
if set or next_char == "*" or next_char == "+" or next_char == "-" or escape > 0 then
insert(new_pattern, char_)
-- If followed by "?", make sure "?" is after the leading byte of the UTF-8 char pattern, then skip forward one.
elseif next_char == "?" then
insert(new_pattern, "[%z\1-\127\194-\244]?[\128-\191]*")
pos = pos + 1
next_char = pattern:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1)
-- If used with "%b", pattern is complex.
elseif balanced > 0 then
return pattern, false
-- Otherwise, add the UTF-8 char pattern.
insert(new_pattern, "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*")
-- Negative charsets are always complex, unless the text has no UTF-8 chars.
elseif char_ == "[" and next_char == "^" and escape == 0 and text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return pattern, false
-- "()" matches the position unless escaped or used with "%b", so always necessitates ustring (as we need it to match the char position, not the byte one).
elseif char_ == "(" and next_char == ")" and balanced == 0 and escape == 0 and text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return pattern, false
insert(new_pattern, char_)
if captures > 32 then
return pattern, false
pattern = concat(new_pattern)
return pattern, true
--[==[Longitud de un string en BYTES, mismo resultado que ulen pero prescindiendo de dicha función.]==]
function export.len(text)
local len_bytes = text:len()
if not text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return len_bytes
return iterate_utf8(text, len_bytes, "byte")
--[[Longitud de un string en CARACTERES. Más rápido que ulen.
Los btes inválidos en UTF8 (192, 193, and 245-255) se reemplazan con U+FFFD--]]
function export.ulen(text)
return type(text) == "number" and len(text) or #text - #gsub(text, "[^\128-\191]+", "")
--[==[Substring (string entre los caracteres i y j), parecido a string:sub pero contempla caracteres de más de un byte.]==]
function export.sub(text, i_char, j_char)
if not text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return text:sub(i_char, j_char)
local i_byte, j_byte
if j_char then
if i_char > 0 and j_char > 0 then
if j_char < i_char then return "" end
i_byte = iterate_utf8(text, i_char, "char")
j_byte = iterate_utf8(text, j_char + 1, "char", i_char, i_byte) - 1
elseif i_char < 0 and j_char < 0 then
if j_char < i_char then return "" end
j_byte = iterate_utf8(text, j_char + 1, "char") - 1
i_byte = iterate_utf8(text, i_char, "char", j_char, j_byte)
-- For some reason, usub with i=0, j=0 returns the same result as for i=1, j=1, while string.sub always returns "". However, usub does return "" with i=1, j=0. As such, we need to adjust j_char to 1 if i_char is either 0, or negative with a magnitude greater than the length of the string.
elseif j_char == 0 then
i_byte = iterate_utf8(text, i_char, "char")
if i_byte == 0 or -i_byte > text:len() then j_char = 1 end
j_byte = iterate_utf8(text, j_char + 1, "char") - 1
i_byte = iterate_utf8(text, i_char, "char")
j_byte = iterate_utf8(text, j_char + 1, "char") - 1
i_byte = iterate_utf8(text, i_char, "char")
return text:sub(i_byte, j_byte)
local function get_codepoint(b1, b2, b3, b4)
if b1 < 128 then
return b1, 1
elseif b1 < 224 then
return 0x40 * b1 + b2 - 0x3080, 2
elseif b1 < 240 then
return 0x1000 * b1 + 0x40 * b2 + b3 - 0xE2080, 3
return 0x40000 * b1 + 0x1000 * b2 + 0x40 * b3 + b4 - 0x3C82080, 4
function export.codepoint(str, i, j)
if type(str) == "number" then
return byte(str, i, j)
i, j = i or 1, j == -1 and #str or i or 1
if i == 1 and j == 1 then
return (get_codepoint(byte(str, 1, 4)))
elseif i < 0 or j < 0 then
return ucodepoint(str, i, j) -- FIXME
local n, nb, ret, nr = 0, 1, {}, 0
while n < j do
n = n + 1
if n < i then
local b = byte(str, nb)
nb = nb + (b < 128 and 1 or b < 224 and 2 or b < 240 and 3 or 4)
local b1, b2, b3, b4 = byte(str, nb, nb + 3)
if not b1 then
nr = nr + 1
local add
ret[nr], add = get_codepoint(b1, b2, b3, b4)
nb = nb + add
return unpack(ret)
codepoint = export.codepoint
function export.gcodepoint(str, i, j)
i, j = i or 1, j ~= -1 and j or nil
if i < 0 or j and j < 0 then
return ugcodepoint(str, i, j) -- FIXME
local n, nb = 1, 1
while n < i do
local b = byte(str, nb)
if not b then
nb = nb + (b < 128 and 1 or b < 224 and 2 or b < 240 and 3 or 4)
n = n + 1
return function()
if j and n > j then
return nil
n = n + 1
local b1, b2, b3, b4 = byte(str, nb, nb + 3)
if not b1 then
return nil
local ret, add = get_codepoint(b1, b2, b3, b4)
nb = nb + add
return ret
--[==[Convierte a minúscula, mismo resultado que ulen pero prescindiendo de dicha función.]==]
function export.lower(text)
if not text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return text:lower()
return mw.ustring.lower(text)
--[==[Convierte a mayúscula, mismo resultado que ulen pero prescindiendo de dicha función.]==]
function export.upper(text)
if not text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return text:upper()
return mw.ustring.upper(text)
--[==[Devuelve la posición (en caracteres, no en bytes) de la primera ocurrencia del patrón dentro del texto. Usa string.find si es posible, sino mw.ustring.find.
init_char: desde dónde empezar la búsqueda
plain: si es texto plano o expresión regular (de Lua)]==]
function export.find(text, pattern, init_char, plain)
if type(text) ~= "string" then
return nil
local simple
pattern, simple = patternSimplifier(text, pattern, plain)
-- If the pattern is simple but multibyte characters are present, then init_char needs to be converted into bytes for string.find to work properly, and the return values need to be converted back into chars.
if simple then
if not text:match("[\128-\255]") then
return text:find(pattern, init_char, plain)
local init_byte = init_char and iterate_utf8(text, init_char, "char")
local byte1, byte2, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 = text:find(pattern, init_byte, plain)
-- If string.find returned nil, then return nil.
if not (byte1 and byte2) then
return nil
-- Get first return value. If we have a positive init_char, we can save resources by resuming at that point.
local char1, char2
if (not init_char) or init_char > 0 then
char1 = iterate_utf8(text, byte1, "byte", init_byte, init_char)
char1 = iterate_utf8(text, byte1, "byte")
-- If byte1 and byte2 are the same, don't bother running iterate_utf8 twice. Otherwise, resume iterate_utf8 from byte1 to find char2.
if byte1 == byte2 then
char2 = char1
char2 = iterate_utf8(text, byte2, "byte", byte1, char1)
return unpack{char1, char2, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9}
return mw.ustring.find(text, pattern, init_char, plain)
--[==[Devuelve el patrón encontrado (como texto plano) dentro de un texto. Usa string.match si es posible, sino mw.ustring.match.
init: desde dónde comenzar la búsqueda]==]
function export.match(text, pattern, init)
if type(text) ~= "string" then
return nil
local simple
pattern, simple = patternSimplifier(text, pattern)
if simple then
if init and text:find("[\128-\255]") then
init = iterate_utf8(text, init, "char")
return text:match(pattern, init)
return mw.ustring.match(text, pattern, init)
--[==[Como match, pero es un iterador a todas las ocurrencias. Usa string.gmatch si es posible, sino mw.ustring.gmatch.]==]
function export.gmatch(text, pattern)
local simple
pattern, simple = patternSimplifier(text, pattern)
if simple then
return text:gmatch(pattern)
return mw.ustring.gmatch(text, pattern)
--[==[Reemplaza las ocurrencias del patrón (los primeros n, si espeficado) por el reemplazo (ex. regular). Usa string.gsub si es posible, sino mw.ustring.gsub.]==]
function export.gsub(text, pattern, repl, n)
local simple
pattern, simple = patternSimplifier(text, pattern)
if simple then
return text:gsub(pattern, repl, n)
return ugsub(text, pattern, repl, n)
--[==[Similar a gsub, pero el segundo elemento devuelto es un flag indicando si hubo alguna sustitución]==]
function export.gsubb(text, pattern, repl, n)
local simple
pattern, simple = patternSimplifier(text, pattern)
local a, b = nil, nil
if simple then
a, b = text:gsub(pattern, repl, n)
a, b = ugsub(text, pattern, repl, n)
return a, b > 0
--[==[Similar a gsub, repite la función hasta que no quede ninguna coincidencia del patrón]==]
function export.gsub_rep(text, pattern, repl)
while true do
local new = export.gsub(text, pattern, repl)
if new == text then
return new
text = new
--[==[Elimina espacios en blanco de más (al comienzo, al final y espacios dobles).
Si se especifica, en vez de eliminar espacios elimina el patrón especificado]==]
function export.strip(str, pattern)
if type(pattern) ~= "string" then
str = export.gsub(str, "%s+", " ")
str = export.gsub(str, "^ ", "")
str = export.gsub(str, " $", "")
str = export.gsub(str, "("..pattern..")+", "%1")
str = export.gsub(str, "^"..pattern, "")
str = export.gsub(str, pattern.."$", "")
return str
-- Reimplementation of mw.ustring.split() that includes any capturing
-- groups in the splitting pattern. This works like Python's re.split()
-- function, except that it has Lua's behavior when the split pattern
-- is empty (i.e. advancing by one character at a time; Python returns the
-- whole remainder of the string).
function export.split(str, pattern)
local ret = {}
-- (.-) corresponds to (.*?) in Python or Perl; () captures the
-- current position after matching.
pattern = "(.-)" .. pattern .. "()"
local start = 1
while true do
-- Did we reach the end of the string?
if start > #str then
insert(ret, "")
return ret
-- match() returns all captures as multiple return values;
-- we need to insert into a table to get them all.
local captures = {export.match(str, pattern, start)}
-- If no match, add the remainder of the string.
if #captures == 0 then
insert(ret, export.sub(str, start))
return ret
local newstart = table.remove(captures)
-- Special case: If we don't advance by any characters, then advance
-- by one character; this avoids an infinite loop, and makes splitting
-- by an empty string work the way mw.ustring.split() does. If we
-- reach the end of the string this way, return immediately, so we
-- don't get a final empty string.
if newstart == start then
insert(ret, export.sub(str, start, start))
table.remove(captures, 1)
start = start + 1
if start > #str then
return ret
insert(ret, table.remove(captures, 1))
start = newstart
-- Insert any captures from the splitting pattern.
for _, x in ipairs(captures) do
insert(ret, x)
local function uclcfirst(text, dolower)
local function douclcfirst(text)
-- Actual function to re-case of the first letter.
local first_letter = export.sub(text, 1, 1)
first_letter = dolower and export.lower(first_letter) or export.upper(first_letter)
return first_letter .. export.sub(text, 2)
-- If there's a link at the beginning, re-case the first letter of the
-- link text. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
local link, linktext, remainder = export.match(text, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%](.*)$")
if link then
return "[[" .. link .. "|" .. douclcfirst(linktext ~= "" and linktext or link) .. "]]" .. remainder
return douclcfirst(text)
--[==[Capitaliza la primera letra de la cadena.]==]
function export.ucfirst(text)
return uclcfirst(text, false)
--[==[Convierte a minúscula la primera letra de la cadena.]==]
function export.lcfirst(text)
return uclcfirst(text, true)
local entities
local function decode_numeric_entity(code, pattern, base)
local cp = match(code, pattern) and tonumber(code, base)
return cp and cp < 0x110000 and export.char(cp) or nil
local function decode_entity(hash, x, code)
if hash == "#" then
return x == "" and decode_numeric_entity(code, "^%d+$") or
decode_numeric_entity(code, "^%x+$", 16)
entities = entities or load_data("Módulo:datos/entidades")
return entities[x .. code]
-- Para decodificar las secuencias HTML
function export.decode_html(str)
return find(str, "&", 1, true) and
gsub(str, "&(#?)([xX]?)([%w\128-\255]+);", decode_entity) or str
--Para escapar los caracteres "riesgosos" a entidad HTML, minimizando el riesgo de que sean malinterpretados.
function export.encode_html(text)
-- Spacing characters in isolation generally need to be escaped in order to be properly processed by the MediaWiki software.
if not mw.ustring.match(text, "%S") then
return mw.text.encode(text, "%s")
return mw.text.encode(text, "!#%%&*+/:;<=>?@[\\%]_{|}")
--[==[Cuenta las coincidencias del patrón dentro del texto. Opcional aclarar que es texto plano y no regEx.]==]
function export.count(text, pattern, plain)
if not (type(text) == "string" or type(text) == "number") then
error('The first argument to the function "count" must be a string or a number, not a ' .. type(text) .. '.')
if not (type(pattern) == "string" or type(pattern) == "number") then
error('The first argument to the function "count" must be a string or a number, not a ' .. type(text) .. '.')
if plain then
pattern = pattern_escape(pattern)
local _, count = gsub(text, pattern, "")
return count
--[==[Devuelve un arreglo con todas las coincidencias halladas de algún patrón.]==]
function export.matchToArray(text, pattern)
local matches = {}
local i = 0
for match in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, pattern) do
i = i + 1
matches[i] = match
return matches
--[=[Iterador, similar a gmatch pero también devuelve el número de coincidencia junto con
la coincidencia, como en ipairs().
Invoke thus:
for i, whole_match in require("Module:string").imatch(text, pattern) do
[ do something with i and whole_match ]
for i, capture1[, capture2[, capture3[, ...]]] in require("Module:string").imatch(text, pattern) do
[ do something with i and capture1 ]
For example, this code
for i, whole_match in require("Module:string").imatch("a b c", "[a-z]") do
mw.log(i, whole_match)
will log
1 a
2 b
3 c
function export.imatch(text, pattern, pos, plain, use_basic_Lua_function)
local i = 0
pos = pos or 0
if not string.find(pattern, "%b()") then
pattern = "(" .. pattern .. ")"
local find = use_basic_Lua_function and string.find or mw.ustring.find
return function()
i = i + 1
local return_values = { find(text, pattern, pos, plain) }
local j = return_values[2]
if return_values[3] then
pos = j + 1
-- Skip the first two returned values, which are the indices of the
-- whole match.
return i, unpack(return_values, 3)
--[==[Itera por todos los caracteres, devuelve un iterador con el índice y el caracter.]==]
function export.UTF8iter(s)
return export.imatch(s, UTF8_char)
--[==[Devuelve el string invertido.]==]
function export.reverse(s)
s = s:gsub(UTF8_char, function (c) return #c > 1 and c:reverse() end)
return s:reverse()
--[==[Escapa un caracter a notación de byte.]==]
function export.escapebytes(s)
return (gsub(s,
return ('\\%03d'):format(byte(char))
function export.plantilla_sub(frame)
local s = frame.args[1]
local i1 = tonumber(frame.args[2])
local i2 = tonumber(frame.args[3])
if not s or not i1 then
return nil
return export.sub(s, i1, i2)
function export.left(frame)
local idx = tonumber(frame.args[2])
if (not idx) or idx < 1 then
return ""
return usub(frame.args[1],1,idx)
function export.right(frame)
local laenge = tonumber(frame.args[2])
if (not laenge) or laenge < 1 then
return ""
laenge = - laenge
return usub(frame.args[1],laenge,-1)
function export.subrev(frame)
local zlang = export.ulen(frame.args[1])
if (not zlang) then
return ""
local von = tonumber(frame.args[2])
if (not von) or von < 1 then
von = 1
if von > zlang then
return ""
von = zlang - von + 1
local laenge = tonumber(frame.args[3])
if (not laenge) or laenge < 1 then
laenge = 1
local bis = von + laenge - 1
if (bis > zlang) then
return ""
return usub(frame.args[1],von,bis)
function export.crop(frame)
local s = frame.args[1]
local cut = tonumber(frame.args[2])
local laenge = export.ulen(s)
if (not cut) or (cut < 1) then
return s
return usub(s,1,laenge - cut)
function export.cropleft(frame)
local s = frame.args[1]
local cut = tonumber(frame.args[2])
local laenge = export.ulen(s)
if (not cut) or (cut < 1) then
return s
return usub(s,cut+1,-1)
return export