Arnold Ehret
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Arnold Ehret, né le et mort le , est un professeur de dessin et défenseur du jeûne allemand. Il est l'auteur de plusieurs livres sur la diète, la détoxication, la santé, la longévité, la naturopathie, la culture physique et le vitalisme.
[modifier | modifier le code]Ehret est le fondateur du vitalisme en diététique, et pionnier de l'Ehretisme. Il dit qu'il a découvert que le corps est « un moteur air-gaz » et qu'il ne fonctionne que sur l'oxygène. Et que donc un régime consistant de fruits et de légumes, qu'il nomme régime et nourriture sans mucus, est l'alimentation optimum de l'humain[1]. Ehret pensait, comme Antoine Béchamp, que la santé est déterminée par le Milieu intérieur, donc le terrain[2], un terme utilisé par Louis Pasteur[3]. Il essaya de démontrer qu'une alimentation sans mucus était la clef de la santé ; et écrivit le traité Le système de guérison du régime sans mucus.
[modifier | modifier le code]Ehret est né en 1866, à St. Georgen im Schwarzwald, Pays de Bade, près de Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Allemagne. Ses parents étaient vétérinaires[4] et ses grands-parents étaient médecins[5],[6].
En 1887, âgé de 21 ans, il devint professeur de dessin[7], et fut appelé au service militaire mais fut déclaré inapte après 9 mois pour problème au cœur[6]. Après des études à Francfort[8], il enseigna dans une école technique pendant 15 ans[9]. À 31 ans, il lui fut détecté la maladie de Bright (une inflammation des reins) par le Dr Gustav Riedlin, une maladie établie comme incurable par 24 des plus grands docteurs en Europe[6]. Il passa du temps dans plusieurs sanatoriums en Europe pour apprendre les méthodes de guérison, incluant aussi le centre de Sebastian Kneipp[6].
Opinions sur la maladie
[modifier | modifier le code]Ehret dit que certains aliments forment du pus et du mucus et sont la cause des maladies[10], « schleimlose » (sans mucus), les aliments sans mucus sont la clef de la Santé[11],[12] et « le Jeûne (simplement manger moins) est la méthode de nettoyage du corps de la Nature pour contrecarrer les effets de la mal-bouffe et du trop manger. »[13],[14] Le terme mucus, un acide glyco-protéique[15], vient du grec « myxa »[16]. En 1812, William Cullen appela mucus, une 'matière butyrique'[17] et en 1877, Gustav Schlickeysen observa une couche de mucus sous la peau humaine, dans Obst Und Brod[18]. Puis nommé 'mucin' par le Dr. Teofilo De La Torre en 1950[19], 'mucus' par Morris Krok (en) en 1960[20], 'matière fécal impactée' par Norman Walker (en)[21] en 1970 [22] 'matière mucoïde' par Robert Gray en 1980[23],[24], et 'plaque mucoïde' en 1990[25],[26]. En 2000, Daniel Reid ré-introduit le terme 'mucus'[27]. Gray fit remarquer la distinction entre le bon et mauvais mucus[28], et comment certaines substances laisse résidu que le corps mélange dans son mucus[29], au contraire d'une régime frugivore[30].
Le Jeûne
[modifier | modifier le code]En 1907, Ehret basé à Fribourg, visita Monte Verità[31], une communauté Nature à Ascona[32],[33],[34],[35],[36],[37], près du lac Majeur, aussi visitée par Lenine et Trotsky[38]. Après sa collaboration avec Henri Oedenkoven (de), propriétaire du sanitarium de Monte Verità[39],[40], Ehret ouvrit un sanitarium à Ascona, Suisse[41] et un autre sanitarium 'Fruit et Jeûne'[42], vers Lugano (Massagno), s'occupant de milliers de patients considérés incurable[6], ecrivant un de ses livres à Locarno[43]. Vers 1909, Ehret s'engage dans une série de conférences et fut suivi pendant ses jeûnes par les autorités Allemande et Suisse.
En 14 mois, Ehret jeûna 126 jours sans nourriture[44]. Il fit un jeûne de 21 jours, un de 24 jours, un de 32 jours, et un de 49 jours commencé le à Kastan Panoptikum, à Cologne sous surveillance d'un notaire de la famille de la Cour Royal[6],[45]. En 1909, il jeûna, au total, 105 jours[46]. En 1910, il écrivit un article pour le magazine végétarien sur son jeûne de 49 jours, qui connut l'intérêt du public, et fut publié dans le livre Lebensfragen (Questions de Vie)[46],[47].
Revendications scientifiques
[modifier | modifier le code]Dénonçant la théorie du métabolisme de l'albumine azotée en 1909, Ehret prit connaissance de son contemporain, Thomas Powell M.D., en 1912, qui confirmait ses croyances sur « le sucre du raisin » (sucres simples dans les fruits et les légumes) comme la source d'énergie optimale, pour la construction du corps et sa vitalité, au contraire des aliments riches en protéines[48]. Powell expliquait ses recherches dans le livre Fundamentals and Requirements of Health and Disease, publié en 1909[49]. Ehret prétendait que l'alimentation alcaline, et donc sans mucus, est le régime naturel de l'Homme . Ses recherches sur le pH des aliments, furent corrélées par le chimiste, Julius Hensel[50], et le chimiste Suédois, Ragnar Berg[51]. En 1911-1912, Ehret fit des conférences en Allemagne, Suisse et à Monaco, sur ses découvertes[52], ralliant à lui le support du Dr. Katz, le propriétaire d'un centre de santé à Stuttgart[53] qui écrivît un article sur Ehret dans le magazine Lebeskunst en 1911.
Son système sans mucus
[modifier | modifier le code]Régime Transition
[modifier | modifier le code]Le système de guérison du régime sans mucus est fait de fruits crus et cuisinés, de légumes et feuilles vertes, pour ré-alcaliniser le corps et refaire du sang neuf. Il faut une combinaison de périodes de jeûne courtes et longues, un menu qui amène doucement vers des aliments ne formant pas de mucus, et des irrigations coloniques[54].
Ehret dit qu'en utilisant son système de transition, tout praticien pouvait changer son régime, passant d'aliments formant du mucus au sans mucus, et spécifiquement en utilisant des aliments vivants bio. Cependant, il recommandait d'être prudent pendant la transition, car une détoxification trop forte pouvait entrainer pas mal de symptômes et de maladies chez les personnes faibles. Quand la toxémie ou le mucus entre dans la circulation sanguine trop vite, l'élimination des toxines et l'assimilation des nutriments peuvent être entravées. Ceci fut confirmé plus tard par Jethro Kloss et Henry G. Bieler (en)[55],[56].
Principe du Vitalisme
[modifier | modifier le code]Ehret était convaincu que le corps est un moteur à air, ne dépendant pas de l'énergie de la nourriture, et que le corps n'est pas fait pour assimiler des aliments entrainant la formation de mucus. Il établît l'équation Vitalité = Puissance − Obstruction (V = P − O) pour démontrer cela[57]. Ehret dit aussi que les poumons étaient la pompe du corps et que le cœur n'était qu'une valve, avec le sang contrôlant le cœur - un concept aussi mentionné par le Dr M. J. Rodermund en 1904[58]. Ehret croyait de plus que les globules blancs sont le résultat de la réaction aux aliments avec mucus[59],[60].
Mythe du Métabolisme
[modifier | modifier le code]Ehret maintenait que les nouveaux tissus sont principalement fait du sucre simple des fruits[61] et pas des protéines et graisses métabolisées. Ehret autorisait les noix et graines pendant la période de transition jusqu'aux fruits seulement, et même là, un tout petit peu, car classant les aliments riches en protéines et graisses, comme « pas naturel » ; écrivant de plus qu'aucun animal ne mange des graisses et que toutes les graisses entrainent de l'acidité, même celles d'origine végétale, et donc ne sont pas utilisées par le corps[62] Les ré-éditions du livre Le système de guérison du régime sans mucus publiées par Fred S. Hirsch, disent que les noix sont « sans mucus »[63]. Ehret renonça à la consommation de viande, d'œuf, de lait, de céréales, de légumineuse de patates et de riz, reconnaissant leur utilité pendant la transition[62]. Ehret, cita Ragnar Berg, les graisses et les protéines entrainent la formation d'acidité dans le corps donc à consommer avec modération, comme le prônait Otto Carque[64].
Hypothèse rigoureuse
[modifier | modifier le code]En 2009, un docteur d'Harvard, David L. Duffy, publia : « Une étude dans le Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism avec des résultats montrant « qu'un régime fort en protéines et céréales, les métabolise en produisant des résidus au pH acide. Cela peut entrainer l'excrétion de Calcium et affaiblir les os. » Je pense aussi que cela entrave le relâchement de l'oxygène des globules rouges vers les cellules du corps. »[65],[66]
[modifier | modifier le code]- Livres en allemand
- Allgemeiner Lehrbrief für Faster und Gesundesser mit Anweisungen über schleimlose Diät, Germany: Kunstdruckerei, Bellinzona A.G., 1915. (General Instructions For Fasting).
- Die Schleimfreie Heilkost, Bremen: Waldthousen Verlag. OCLC 84543558. [21]
- Die Schleimfreie Heilkost, Weil Der Stadt: Vanderwalk / Naturaviva Verlag, 1989.
- Die Schleimfreie Heilkost, Taschenbuch, 1990.
- Die Schleimfreie Heilkost.[22]
- Fastenlehre 1, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1935. Kranke Menschen (Fasting Teachings: The Cause & Cure Of Human Illness). [23]
- Fastenlehre 2, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1925. Lebensfragen (Fasting Teachings: Life Questions). [24]
- Fastenlehre 3, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1924. Lehr Und Fastenbrief (Fasting Teachings: Teaching & Fasting Letters). [25]
- Fastenlehre 4, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1924. Veroffentlichugen: Verjüngung Auf Natürlichem Wege. (Fasting Teachings: Rejuvenation In A Natural Way). 24 pages. [26]
- Fastenlehre 5, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1924. Fastenkunst und Ehretismus, with Rhea Niesen. [27]
- Kranke Menschen: Der gemeinsame Grundfaktor im Wesen aller Krankheiten, des Alterns und des Todes von Arnold Ehret, Ehret-Verlag, München, 1914
- Kranke Menschen: Der gemeinsame Grundfaktor im Wesen aller Krankheiten, des Alterns und des Todes, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1911. (The Cause & Cure Of Human Illness)
- Kranke Menschen: Der gemeinsame Grundfaktor im Wesen aller Krankheiten, des Alterns und des Todes, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1914, 96 pages.
- Kranke Menschen: Der gemeinsame Grundfaktor im Wesen aller Krankheiten, des Alterns und des Todes, München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1935, 80 pages.
- Lebensfragen (Gesammelte Aufsätze), Munchen: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1910, 1923, 1925, 85 pages. Includes: Ein 49 tägiger Fastenversuch. Also spricht die Krankheit. Zu der Ehret'schen * * * * Auffassung der Geschlechtskrankheiten, Von E. R. Höfer, München. Offener Brief an Herrn E. R. Höfer, München. Was ist Krebs. Selbstmord aus Mole -Liebe.[28]
- Lehr Und Fastenbrief: Praktische Nutzanwendung zu "Kranke Menschen" und "Lebensfragen", München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1924, 20 pages (Teaching & Fasting Letters)
- Lehr Und Fastenbrief: Praktische Nutzanwendung zu "Kranke Menschen" und "Lebensfragen", München: Carl Kuhn Verlag, 1923, 18 pages.
- Vom Kranken Zum Gesunden Menschen Durch Fasten, Bremen: Waldthousen Verlag. (ISBN 3-926453-09-5).
- Vom Kranken Zum Gesunden Menschen Durch Fasten. Die Ursache Aller Krankheiten, Weil Der Stadt: Vanderwalk / Naturaviva Verlag, 1989.
- Vom Kranken Zum Gesunden Menschen, Broschiert 1989.
- Traductions en français
- Pratique des guérisons par le jeûne, Librairie Maloine, Paris, 1937.
- Le système de guérison du régime sans mucus: Une méthode scientifique de nutrition, Macro Editions, 2013.
- Santé et Guérison par le Jeûne, Aryana (), rééd. Editions Aquarius (2014), rééd. Éditions Kontre Kulture (2015).
Notes et références
[modifier | modifier le code]- ↑ The Destructive Diet Of Civilization and the Natural Food Of Man, chapter in Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, USA: ELPC Inc, 1923
- ↑ Slow down and fast, U.S. Catholic; Saturday, 1 March 2003; Gies, Martha. "En gros, Ehret croit que la maladie n'est qu'une constipation du système, et qu'on peut s'en débarrasser en jeûnant intelligemment."
- ↑ "Bernard avait raison, le germe n'est rien, le milieu est tout." The Milieu Interieur chapter, in Ross Horne's Health & Survival In The 21st Century, Harper Collins, 1997
- ↑ "son père était vétérinaire et avec tant de succès que ses voisins venait le consulter", Fred S. Hirsch, Introduction, in The Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, New York: ELPC Inc, 1994
- ↑ "His grandfather was also a physician, and fate decreed that Arnold Ehret was to follow in their footsteps.", Fred S. Hirsch, Introduction, in The Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, New York: ELPC Inc, 1994
- Child, B. W. "Biographical Sketch of Prof. Arnold Ehret", in Mucusless Diet Healing System, New York: Ehret Literature Publishing Company, 1994.
- ↑ "he took a special academic course and graduates as professor of drawing for high schools and colleges, at 21 years of age.", Professor B. W. Child, in Biographical Sketch of Prof. Arnold Ehret, in The Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, New York: ELPC Inc, 1994
- ↑ Arnold Ehret's The Story of My Life as told to Anita Bauer, Beneficial Books, 1980, page 14
- ↑ Arnold Ehret's The Story Of My Life as told to Anita Bauer, Beneficial Books, 1980, page 12, page 29
- ↑ "Le Dr. (Heinrich) Lahmann declara "Chaque maladie est causée par l'acide carbonique et des gaz." Mais il ne connaissait pas la cause exact, les substances alimentaires non-éliminées - du mucus en état constant de fermentation.", Arnold Ehret, Mucusless Diet Healing System, ELPC Inc, 1994, page 91
- ↑ Herbs for Improved Digestion, C. J. Puotinen, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1998, page 7, les "Ehretistes, disciples de Arnold Ehret, suivent toujours un régime sans mucus et évitent l'alimentation entrainant du mucus."
- ↑ "Seulement les fruits, le seul aliment sans mucus, sont naturels" The Cause & Cure Of Human Illness: The Common Root Cause Of All Disease, Aging & Death by Professor Arnold Ehret, Translated by Max Fischer, Ehret Publishing Literature Company Inc, 2002
- ↑ Fred Hirsch in Mucusless Diet Healing System, New York: ELPC, 1994, page 9
- ↑ "Transition diet and fasting are the real and only keys to a superior life - to the revelation of a superior world, and to the spiritual world.", Arnold Ehret in The Mucusless Diet Healing System, USA: ELPC Inc, 75th Anniversary Edition, 1994
- ↑ "Mucoid matter, mucoid material and mucoid, all refer to any slimy, sticky, or gluelike substance originating in the body for the purpose of holding substances to be eliminated in suspension. The term generally encompasses what the ordinary English-speaking person would accept as being mucus whether the actual substance be mucus, mucin, colloid, mucupolysaccharides, mucoproteins, glycoproteins, or what have you.", Robert Grey, The Colon Handbook, San Francisco: Emerald Publishing, 1991, 12th Edition, page 31
- ↑ "There is a disease which medical science calls myxedema. In this disease, the body swells up with a solution of what biochemists identify to be mucopolysaccharides. The word "myxedema" is derived from the Greek roots "myxa" meaning mucus and "oidema" meaning a swelling.", Robert Gray, The Colon Health Handbook, San Francisco: Emerald Publishing, 1991, 12th edition, page 31, section "Sources of Poor Understanding About The Mucus Theory"
- ↑ Professor Cullen's treatise of the materia medica, William Cullen, Benjamin Smith Barton, Published by Edward Parker, no. 178 Market-Street., 1812, "It is hardly necessary to remark here, what is now so commonly known, that the certicillated plants we are treating of give out a larger proportion of essential oil, after their being dried for some time, than in their recent state; but it is not so commonly observed, that most of them, in their first distillation, give out along with their essential oil a quantity of mucus or butyraceous matter, and that they may be freed from this, and much improved in their fragrance and virtues, by a second distillation with water."
- ↑ Schlickeysen, Gustav. Obst Und Brod, English translation: Fruit And Bread. Translated by M.L.Holbrook MD. Published by M.L. Holbrook & Company New York 1877.
- ↑ Torre, Teofilo de la. The Process Of Physical Purification Through The New And Easy Way To Fast, 1954
- ↑ Golden Path To Rejuvenation: Life's Most Important Knowledge, Morris Krok, Durban: Essence of Health, 1963
- ↑ Fresh vegetable and fruit juices: what's missing in your body?, Norman Wardhaugh Walker, 1970, "Once we have gone through the arduous and bothersome process of cleansing the body of mucus and other waste matter, and have changed to the mucusless diet of raw fruit and vegetables supplemented with plenty of fresh juices, the causes of colds is removed."
- ↑ Colon Health: The Key To A Vibrant Life, Norman Walker, Norwalk Press, Prescott, AZ, 1979, page 4
- ↑ Chapter, The Mucus Controversy, in The Colon Health Handbook: New Health Thru Colon Rejuvenation, San Francisco: Emerald Publishing, 1991, 12th edition, page 30-31, chapter, The Mucus Controversy, section Mucus Matter Defined, "In order to avoid the many semantical difficulties associated with the word 'mucus', the author prefers to use the expression 'mucoid matter' instead."
- ↑ "Excessive consumption of mucoid forming foods and inadequate levels of intestinal lactobacteria are the principal causes of a toxic colon. The fewer mucoid forming foods you eat, the better the health you will be able to attain. Superb health can never be attained as long as a highly mucoid forming diet is being eaten. Dairy products whether, milk, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yoghurt, kefir, ghee, and whey, along with flesh products – meat, fish, fowl and eggs, are the most mucoid forming of all foods. Soy beans are the most mucoid forming of all plant foods. Vegetarians who include soy products in their diet are paying pricely homage to the utterly false and highly injurious idea that their bodies cannot do without animal products. Vegetables and fruits are virtually free of all mucoid forming activity. They are Nature's purest foods." Chapter, The Mucus Controversy, in The Colon Health Handbook: New Health Thru Colon Rejuvenation, San Francisco: Emerald Publishing, 1991, 12th edition
- ↑ Cleanse and Purify Thyself, Richard Anderson, Triumph Business Trust, 1998, page 60; page 117
- ↑ "Due to our poor eating and drinking habits, stress, pollution, intake of drugs, inappropriate medications and smoking etc, over time the colon may become impacted with a great deal of uneliminated matter which actually hardens and adheres to its walls. This is sometimes referred to as mucoid plaque and quite probably it affects every single person eating a standard Western diet.", Susie Miller & Karen Knowler, Feel-Good Food: A Guide To Intuitive Eating, The Women's Press, 2000, (ISBN 0-7043-4546-3), page 34
- ↑ "In order to protect itself from the chronic toxic irritation caused by eating meat, fish, dairy, and cereal products, the colon secretes large quantities of mucus to entrap toxic particles before they damage the colon's sensitive lining. When this occurs at every meal, every day, ever week, throughout the year, as is common in Western diets, the colon ends up secreting a constant stream of mucus, which accumulates and gets impacted in the folds of the colon. This results in a narrowing of the passage through the colon and a constant seeping of toxins into the bloodstream by osmosis. When the impacting of toxic mucus in the colon reaches a critical pressure, it causes a pocket to balloon outward through the colon lining, causing a condition called diverticulosis. Colitis and cancer are the next stages of colon deterioration caused by these conditions." Daniel Reid, The Tao Of Health, Sex & Longevity, Simon and Schuster, page 60
- ↑ "Mucus is a normal body secretion. All mucous membranes continually secret mucus as a means of keeping the surfaces moist and lubricated. Ingesting any food, or even water, will give rise to an increased level at the back of the mouth of a healthy lubricating type of mucus. These facts are often presented as disproving the validity of the mucus theory. Yet it is easy to distinguish healthy mucus from mucus formed as a reaction to toxicity. Healthy mucus is clear and slippery. Unhealthy mucus is cloudy, thick and sticky and this is the type of mucus produced by mucus forming foods.", Robert Gray, The Colon Health Handbook, Emerald Publishing, 1991, page 30
- ↑ "Without a sufficient thyroid output, the metabolism slows down. Food is incompletely burned, and the result is like smoke or soot as compared to a clean-burning flame. This internal smoke or soot is handled in the same way smoke or soot from the outside is handled. The body generates mucoid material to hold the undesired substances in suspension.", Robert Gray, The Colon Health Handbook, Emerald Publishing, page 36
- ↑ "The advantages of a fruitarian diet are: 1. It provides complete nourishment with the minimum of extraneous substances capable of 'silting' up the tissues.", Ross Horne, in Health And Survival In The 21st Century, chapter Dieting For Healing and Longevity, section Raw Fruit: The Natural Food of Primates
- ↑ Locarno et ses Environs. Fremdenblatt mit offizieller Fremdenliste. Visitors' Journal and Official List, 6. Jahrg., Nr. 6, 23. February 1907 bis Nr. 25, 18. May 1907.
- ↑ "Ascona: Monte Verità. Robert Landmann, 1979, Ullstein. (ISBN 3-548-34013-X).
- ↑ Ascona: Monte Verità: Auf der Suche nach dem Paradies. Robert Landmann & Roman von Werner Ackermann, Frauenfeld: Huber, 1990, (ISBN 3-7193-1219-4).
- ↑ Ascona: Monte Verità: Die Geschichte eines Berges. Robert Landmann, Ascona Pancaldi Verlag, 1930.
- ↑ Monte Verità: Ascona's Mountain of Truth. Mara Folini, Bern 2000.
- ↑ * Monte Verità: Sanatorium der Sehnsucht. Andreas Schwab, Zürich: Orell Füssli, 2003. (ISBN 3-280-06013-3)
- ↑ Mountain Of Truth: The Counterculture Begins - Ascona 1900-1920. Martin Green, University Press Of New England, Hanover & London/Tufts, 1986.
- ↑ Health, Race and German Politics between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945 (Cambridge Studies in the History of Medicine), Paul Weindling, page 79, "The physician, Raphael Friedeberg, underwent a metamorphosis from adviser to sickness insurance funds and SPD member in the 1890s to anarchism and Lebensreform in the 1900s. He replaced materialism by a creed of 'psychism', and conventional medical therapy by nature therapy. His settlement at Monte Verita near Ascona pioneered the first 'air huts' or Lufthütten for fresh air and nature therapy. The colony's vegetarianism and anarchism attracted such visitors as Bakunin, Kropotkin, Lenin, and Trotsky."
- ↑ Robert Landmann, Ascona: Monte Verità, Ullstein, 1979, (ISBN 3-548-34013-X).
- ↑ Schwab, Andreas. Monte Verità - Sanatorium der Sehnsucht, Zürich: Orell Füssli 2003. (ISBN 3-280-06013-3)
- ↑ "Ehret then opened a sanitarium in Ascona, Switzerland for treating sick people with a fasting and fruit diet....", "For about 15 years Ehret operated his sanitarium in Switzerland, then he came to California in 1914 and was forced to stay here because of the war, " in Children Of The Sun, Gordon Kennedy, Navaria Press, 1993, page 146
- ↑ The Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, ELPC Inc, 1994, page 21
- ↑ The Cause And Cure Of Human Illness, Arnold Ehret, New York: ELPC Inc, 2002
- ↑ "Within a period of 14 months Professor Ehret lived 126 days without food, 49 days in one stretch. These fasts (the world-record for absolute scientific observation within an enclosure) were undertaken only after long preparation of the physical organism by a mucusless diet." Introduction by Dr. Guy Bogart, N.D., "Kranke Menschen", Arnold Ehret, USA: Benficial Books, 1971 Edition, Edited by John B. Lust, N.D., B.D.M.
- ↑ "Vegetarische Warte" 1909, book 19, 20, 22; 1910, book 1 and 2, in Lebesfragen, Arnold Ehret, Carl Kuhn Verlag, Munich, 1923
- Lebesfragen, Arnold Ehret, Carl Kuhn Verlag, Munich, 1923
- ↑ The Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, ELPC Inc 1994, page 20 "It had a sensational and revolutionizing effect."
- ↑ Dr. Guy Bogart, N.D.: "In 1909, Ehret wrote an article for the European health magazines denouncing the metabolic theory, and in 1912 learned that Thomas Powell, M.D., of Los Angeles had made the same discovery and was effecting wonderful cures by using foods containing what he called 'organized carbon' which is the same food ingredient that develops into grape-sugar during digestion."; "grape-sugar of carbohydrates was the source of vitality and vital energy, and not the proteids". Introduction to Kranke Menschen (Beneficial Books, 1971)
- ↑ Fundamentals and Requirements of Health and Disease, Thomas Powell, M.D., Powell Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California, 1909, Introduction to Part One, page 15, "The New Vital Philosophy: Comprehending the Basic Principles of Biology, Physiology and Dietetics - unraveling the manifold Mysteries of Vegetation, Nutrition, Nerve Action and Locomotion, by showing how energy is stored in Food; how Nutrition is effected; how Food-Energy is transformed into the VITOMOTIVE POWER, or Muscular Energy; that this agent possesses, at its maximum efficiency, a Dynamic Equivalent of 600 lbs. to the square inch; what this Mighty Power is; from what element of the food it is developed; and how it sets the VITAL MACHINERY in motion."
- ↑ "I am pleased to add that the discoveries made here by Dr. Thomas Powell, which I assisted in developing and adding to, were intuitively surmised by professor Ehret (afterwards found to be proved by his results, and later corroborated by reference to Chemist Hensel's scientific analysis of foods) are that fruits and vegetables have elements which are superior to those in any other foods, for producing vital energy, both in amount and quantity.", Prof. B. Child in The Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, ELPC Inc, 1994, page 21
- ↑ Berg's Tables, The Body Therapy Center
- ↑ Paul Liberner, Lebenskunst Magazine, Number 9, 1912
- ↑ Dr Katz, Die Sonne magazine, 15 July 1912, pages 109-110
- ↑ Dr. Guy Bogart, N.D., Introduction to Kranke Menschen (Beneficial Books, 1971), "The fruits of the mucusless diet furnish the blood with the best nutrient elements, as well as dissolvents; and the starchless and leafy vegetables furnish not only the right mineral salts but are the repositories of those elusive but important vitamines… while the vegetable fibres furnish a broom to sweep out the intestinal canal."
- ↑ Jethro Kloss, Back To Eden, 1939, Lotus Press; Rev Ed edition (1998) "All the good food that may be eaten cannot do the body any good, until you have first cleansed the body by eliminating excess acid & mucus."
- ↑ Henry Bieler. Food Is Your Best Medicine: "Man is not nourished by the food he eats, but only in proportion to what he is able to digest and assimilate.", Food Is Your Best Medicine, Henry Bieler, Ballantine Books Inc. 1996
- ↑ Dr. Guy Bogart, N.D., Introduction to Kranke Menschen (Beneficial Books, 1971), "Man is working against too much friction in his human machine. Hidden away in every part of the human body are thousands of feet of small and almost invisible tubes through which the blood circulates like the water in a water motor. If the blood stream contains sticky mucus from wrong eating, the body machine has to work under continual friction, like a car slowed down by applying the brake."
- ↑ "Physical Culture Classics", Volume IV, Dr M. J. Rodermund, New York: ER Dumon, 1909.
- ↑ Dr. Guy Bogart, N.D., Introduction to Kranke Menschen (Beneficial Books, 1971), "The excessive appearance of the white blood corpuscles, i.e., of the white dead mucus, as compared with the red sugar and iron substances is becoming dangerous to life. Red-colored and sweet is the visible token of life and love; white, pale, colorless, bitter, the token of disease and the overwhelming by mucus, the slow dying of the individual."
- ↑ The Purple Seal: Breaking The Plague of Chronic Diseases and Syndromes, George Washington Singleton III, BRCA Incorporated, page 41, "Arnold Ehret who first identified the Caucasian Peoples' white skin color as physiopathogenicity in his 1922 classic nutritional herbology book Mucusless Diet Healing System; goes on and explains how he reversed his own white color back to its original brown color and everyone thought he was a Native American or Asian Indian via a "natural sun tan" regime. He achieved this by following his own Mucusless Diet Healing System, i.e. a Herbivore/Vegan diet using foods that remove the undigested animal residues he calls "mucus" that gives the white blood cells their characteristic white color from their phagocytosis of Animal/Dietary Cholestrol in their "house cleaning" sanitary body maintenance duties."
- ↑ "These elements or ingredients are known as "organized carbon and "grape sugar". Their presence in sufficient quantities, refutes the now current idea that the organic, mineral or tissue salts, are the energy producing elements. They exist only in infinitesimal amounts in all foods, and part of them are drugs. Neither are the number of calories ("heat units" by calorimeter tests), reasonable basis for selecting a proper diet. My over forty years of observation, experiences and research have proven conclusively to me that fruits and vegetables have all the tissue salts needed, and that the presence of actually well known ingredients in sufficient quantity are the energy and life supporting ingredients which make them the superior of all other foods, when the debris (mucus) from the "mucus-rich" foods is eliminated.", Professor. B. W. Child, Introduction, "The Mucusless Diet Healing System", Arnold Ehret, New York: ELPC Inc, 1994 , page 21
- Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, USA: ELPC Inc, 1994, chapter "The Destructive Diet Of Civilization"
- ↑ Mucusless Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret, USA: ELPC Inc, 1994, page 90
- ↑ "Medical science is still suffering from Liebig's old theory that the human or animal muscle works on proteins, whereas as a matter of fact nearly all heat and energy are produced by fats and carbohydrates. It is now an established fact that the adult body cannot make use of more than about five per cent protein, of the total amount of solid food needed daily.", Rational Diet: An Advanced Treatise on the Food Question, Otto Carque, Health Research Books, 1996, page 355
- ↑ (en) David Duffy, Dr Henry Bieler's Insight Into Common Disease, Ehret Newsletter, Ehret Literature Publishing Company New York,
- ↑ (en) B. Dawson-Hughes, S.S. Harris, N.J. Palermo, C. Castaneda-Sceppa, H.M. Rasmussen, G.E. Dallal, « Treatment with Potassium Bicarbonate Lowers Calcium Excretion and Bone Resorption in Older Men and Women », Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
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- Personnalité de la médecine non conventionnelle
- Écrivain du grand-duché de Bade
- Écrivain allemand du XXe siècle
- Charlatan
- Naissance en juillet 1866
- Naissance à Fribourg-en-Brisgau
- Naissance dans le grand-duché de Bade
- Décès en octobre 1922
- Décès à 56 ans
- Personnalité inhumée au Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)