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İstanbul (tr)

 41°00′36″N 28°57′37″E / 41.01°N 28.9603°E / 41.01; 28.9603
Ƴantacciyar ƙasaTurkiyya
Province of Turkey (en) FassaraIstanbul Province (en) Fassara
Babban birnin
Yawan mutane
Faɗi 15,655,924 (2023)
• Yawan mutane 2,930.17 mazaunan/km²
Labarin ƙasa
Yawan fili 5,343 km²
Wuri a ina ko kusa da wace teku Bosporus Strait (en) Fassara, Sea of Marmara (en) Fassara, Black Sea da Golden Horn (en) Fassara
Altitude (en) Fassara 100 m
Wuri mafi tsayi Aydos Hill (en) Fassara (537 m)
Bayanan tarihi
Mabiyi Constantinople (en) Fassara
Ƙirƙira 29 Mayu 1453
Muhimman sha'ani
Tsarin Siyasa
• Mayor of Istanbul (en) Fassara Ekrem İmamoğlu (en) Fassara (17 ga Afirilu, 2019)
Bayanan Tuntuɓa
Lambar aika saƙo 34000–34990
Kasancewa a yanki na lokaci
UTC+03:00 (en) Fassara
Tsarin lamba ta kiran tarho 212 da 216
Wasu abun

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Rafin istanbul

Istanbul a tarihi an san sunan brinin da Byzantium kafin shekarar 1924, kuma ana kiran birnin da Constantinople, b birnin ne mafi yawan al'ummah a kasar Turkiya kuma cibiyar tattalin arziki, al'adu da ababen tarihi na garin. Istanbul wani birni ne dake a tsakanin nahiyar Turai da Asiya wato Eurasia, straddling the Bosporus strait (wanda yaraba Turai da Asiya) tsakanin Sea of Marmara da kuma Black Sea. Kasuwanci da ababen tarihi na garin na nan ne a ɓangaren garin dake cikin turai, kuma kusan kashi uku na al'ummar garin suna zaune ne a bangaren garin dake Asiya.[1]

Birnin ne cibiyar gudanar da ayyukan Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (coterminous tare da Istanbul Province), wanda dukkansu suke ɗauke da yawan al'ummah, mazauna garin kusan miliyan 15.[2] Istanbul na ɗaya daga cikin manyan birane a Duniya masu yawan al'ummah, kuma itace ta hudu, sannan ta farko a nahiyar Turai, birnin da yafi yawan al'ummah. Istanbul na matsayin wani gadane a tsakanin gabas da yamma.

An kirkira birnin ne da sunan wanda ya samar da ita wato Byzantion (Βυζάντιον) on the Sarayburnu promontory tun kusan 660 BCE, garin ya bunkasa da girma, wanda ya zama ɗaya daga cikin manyan birane masu mahimmanci a tarihi. bayan an sake ginata a matsayin Constantinople a 330 CE, tazama birni imperial natsawon Karni 16, lokacin Roman/Byzantine (330–1204), Latin (1204–1261), Palaiologos Byzantine (1261–1453) da Ottoman (1453–1922) empires.[3] tataka rawa wurin cigaban addinin kiristanci lokacin Roman da Byzantine, kafin Ottomans conquered the city a 1453 CE sai takoma zuwa Islamic stronghold and the seat of the Ottoman Caliphate. [4]

The city's strategic position on the historic Silk Road,[5] titin jirgin kasa zuwa turai da gabas ta tsakiya, kuma hanyar Ruwa kwara daya dake a tsakanin Black Sea da the Mediterranean yasa samun cosmopolitan populace. Sai dai anzabi birnin Ankara a matsayin babban birnin Turkiya bayan Turkish War of Independence, sannan aka canja sunan birnin zuwa Istanbul, birnin yacigaba da da rike martabarsa akan Siyasar yankin da harkokin al'adu. The population of the city has increased tenfold since the 1950s, as migrants from across Anatolia have moved in and city limits have expanded to accommodate them.[6][7] Arts, music, film, and cultural festivals were established towards the end of the 20th century and continue to be hosted by the city today. Infrastructure improvements have produced a complex transportation network in the city.

Yawon buɗe ido

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

A takaice kusan 12.56 miliyan na baki yan kasashen waje ne suka ziyarci Istanbul a 2015, shekara biyar bayan zamar da ita European Capital of Culture, yasa tazama na biyar birni a duniya na yawon bude ido.[8] The city's biggest attraction is its historic center, partially listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and its cultural and entertainment hub can be found across the city's natural harbor, the Golden Horn, in the Beyoğlu district. Considered a global city,[9] Istanbul has one of the fastest-growing metropolitan economies in the world.[10] yawanci cibiyoyin manyan kamfanonin kasar Turkiya companies and media outlets and accounts for more than a quarter of the country's gross domestic product.[11] Hoping to capitalize on its revitalization and rapid expansion, Istanbul has bid for the Summer Olympics five times in twenty years.[12]

  1. harvnb|WCTR Society; Unʼyu Seisaku Kenkyū Kikō|2004|p=281
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Population of Turkey
  3. harvnb|Çelik|1993|p=xv
  4. harvnb|Masters|Ágoston|2009|pp=114–5
  5. harvnb|Dumper|Stanley|2007|p=320}}
  6. harvnb|Turan|2010|p=224
  7. cite web|url=http://www.ibb.gov.tr/sites/ks/en-US/0-Exploring-The-City/Location/Pages/PopulationandDemographicStructure.aspx%7Cpublisher=Istanbul[permanent dead link] Metropolitan Municipality|title=Population and Demographic Structure|year=2008|accessdate=27 March 2012|work=Istanbul 2010: European Capital of Culture
  8. cite web |url=http://newsroom.mastercard.com/press-releases/london-retains-crown-in-2015-mastercard-global-destinations-cities-index/ Archived 2016-04-05 at the Wayback Machine |title=MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index
  9. cite web|url=http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/world2010.html%7Ctitle=The[permanent dead link] World According to GaWC 2010|work=Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Study Group and Network|publisher=Loughborough University|accessdate=8 May 2012}}
  10. cite web |url=http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/the-avenue/posts/2010/12/01-global-monitor-berube |title=Global Growth on the Orient Express |last1=Berube |first1=Alan|date=1 December 2010 |publisher=Brookings Institution blog "The Avenue"|accessdate=14 April 2013
  11. OECD Territorial Reviews: Istanbul, Turkey. Policy Briefs. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. March 2008. ISBN 978-92-64-04383-1.
  12. cite web |url=http://www.olympic.org/news/ioc-selects-three-cities-as-candidates-for-the-2020-olympic-games/166288 |publisher=The International Olympic Committee |title=IOC selects three cities as Candidates for the 2020 Olympic Games |date=24 May 2012 |accessdate=18 June 2012