分類:Pâu-hàm BNF sṳt-phe̍t-fù ke thiàu-muk
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"Pâu-hàm BNF sṳt-phe̍t-fù ke thiàu-muk" fûn-lui tú ke ya̍p-mien
- Aage Bohr
- Aaron Ciechanover
- Abdulrazak Gurnah
- Abdus Salam
- Abraham Lincoln
- Actinium
- Adolf Butenandt
- Adolf von Baeyer
- Adolf Windaus
- Afghanistan
- Ahmed Zewail
- Aichi-yen
- Alain Aspect
- Albania
- Albert A. Michelson
- Albert Camus
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Fert
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Alexander Prokhorov
- Alexander R. Todd
- Alexandros Thai-ti
- Alfred Kastler
- Alfred Werner
- Algeria
- Alice Munro
- An Giang
- Anatole France
- Andorra
- André Gide
- André Sogliuzzo
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Anna Netrebko
- Anne L'Huillier
- Annie Ernaux
- Anthony Bourdain
- Anthony James Leggett
- Antigua lâu Barbuda
- Antimony
- Anton Zeilinger
- Antonio Vivaldi
- Antony Hewish
- Argentina
- Argon
- Arieh Warshel
- Armenia
- Arno Allan Penzias
- Arthur Ashkin
- Arthur Compton
- Arthur Harden
- Arthur Leonard Schawlow
- Au-chû
- Au-mùn
- Aung San Suu Kyi
- Ayman al-Zawahiri
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Barack Obama
- Barbados
- Barium
- Belarus
- Belize
- Ben Roy Mottelson
- Benin
- Bertrand Russell
- Beryllium
- Bhutan
- Bill Clinton
- Billy Connolly
- Bismuth
- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
- Blackpink
- Bob Dylan
- Bolivia
- Boris Pasternak
- Bosnia lâu Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brandon Hardesty
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burton Richter
- Burundi
- Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu
- Bình Thuận
- Bình Định
- Bạc Liêu
- Bến Tre
- Cabo Verde
- Cadmium
- Caesium
- Cam Clarke
- Hebe Camargo
- Cameroon
- Camilo José Cela
- Canaria Khiùn-tó
- Cao Bằng
- Carl Bosch
- Carl David Anderson
- Carl Reiner
- Carl Spitteler
- Carl Wieman
- Carlo Rubbia
- Carlos Alazraqui
- Carolyn Bertozzi
- Carrie Fisher
- Cerium
- Chad
- Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
- Charles 3-sṳ
- Charles H. Townes
- Charles Édouard Guillaume
- Charlotte Rampling
- Chhak-tho Guinea
- Chhang Sṳ̀n-kûng
- Chhia̍p-khiet
- Chhiu
- Chhot
- Chhṳ̀n Kâ-fà
- Chhòn-kau-sṳ
- Chhòng-kông
- Chhóng-sṳ-ki
- Chhú-yi̍t
- Chiba-yen
- Chile
- Chióng Kie-sa̍k
- Christian B. Anfinsen
- Chromium
- Châ-é
- Chêu-sién Mìn-chú-chú-ngi Ngìn-mìn Khiung-fò-koet
- Chîm-choi
- Chóng Sù-é
- Chông Koet-yùng
- Chông Oi-lìn
- Chû Khiet-lùn
- Chûng Sau-chṳn
- Chûng-chhûn Siû-ngi
- Chûng-fà Mìn-koet
- Chûng-fà Ngìn-mìn Khiung-fò-koet
- Chûng-fî Khiung-fò-koet
- Chûng-koet Khiung-sán-tóng
- Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
- Claude Debussy
- Claude Simon
- Clinton Davisson
- Cobalt
- Coca-Cola
- Cocos (Keeling) Khiùn-tó
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Congo Khiung-fò-koet
- Congo Mìn-chú Khiung-fò-koet
- Cook Khiùn-tó
- Costa Rica
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
- Cyrus thai-ti
- Czesław Miłosz
- Côte d'Ivoire