ILLiad 2.0 (Interlibrary Loan) is a service available to all IU East students, staff, and faculty members.Library electronic subscription resources (e-books, e-journals, databases) are purchased for a particular campus and license agreements allow only users affiliated with that campus to use them. If a book is not available at IU East or at another IU campus through Request Delivery, then Interlibrary loan is an available option. Please search IUCat and the A-Z database list first to ensure that we do not have what you are looking for. The best way to verify that we have a full-text article available is through Find-it.If you need assistance using IUCat please email Delivery of articles or books via ILL can take anywhere from two days to two weeks. Due to potential copyright restrictions and the amount of turn around time, interlibrary loan should be a last resort option for your research. Since interlibrary loan books have a much shorter check out period, as well as a higher chance of being damaged or lost in transit, Only faculty and students who come to campus can request physical books. The library does not mail books delivered through ILL, so online students and faculty needing a book should check with their local public library.
-Check all of IUCat. If IU East doesn’t have a book you need, check the box under the search bar to search the entire IU catalog to see if another IU campus owns the book. If they do, you can click on the record to see if the book is available and then you can click the icon in the top right corner for Request Delivery. This is much faster and easier than going through Inter-library loan.
-Journal titles are searchable through IUCat East. If you are searching for articles within a specific journal, you can search the journal title in IUCat to see if IU East has access to it. This is the only instance when searching the entire IU catalog will not help you as we do not have access to other campuses databases.You can also search for a full-text article through Find-It. If you need assistance, you can email
-Book chapters can be requested individually through ILLiad 2.0, but if multiple chapters from the same book are requested, then the whole book will be have to be requested due to copyright law. In a work greater than ten pages, we can request one chapter or 10% of pages, whichever is the greater. The interlibrary loan specialist will contact you in this instance, so if the requester does not want the whole book, or if the requester is strictly online, then the ILL specialist can find out which chapter the requester wants most.
-The duration of loan time for an ILL book, as well as renewal requests, is completely up to the lending library. IU East library staff do not have authorization to change the lending library due dates. Some books may have certain restrictions (e.g. all books loaned by the Library of Congress are In-Library use only, meaning they must be viewed within the borrowing library).
-If you have any special issues, such as being on sabbatical, not being able to pick up a book before a certain date, etc., please specify this in the note section.
-Only faculty and students who come to campus can request books. The library does not mail books delivered through ILL, so online students and faculty needing a book should check with their local public library.
-We borrow books on good faith. The library is responsible for the care of the materials we borrow from other libraries and our privilege of borrowing from them is jeopardized if anything is lost or damaged. We may suspend Interlibrary Loan borrowing privileges of any patron who does not return the ILL book and/or the patron may be charged with a replacement fee. Borrowing privileges will not be reinstated until the matter is resolved. In cases of gross negligence, library patrons may be permanently barred from checking out library items.
-Most places do not lend DVD’s or other A-V materials, computer software, reference books, whole journal or magazine issues, rare books, or genealogy resources.
Just so the patron is aware, there are a few reasons your ILL request may be canceled.
For any questions or concerns about ILL, contact Matt Dilworth at 765-973-8279 or at
If you need help researching a book or article, you are welcome to contact us at or
Campus Library, IU East 2325 Chester Blvd. Richmond, IN 47374 © Trustees of Indiana University |