Displaying 1-100 of 192 articles
- D-Day
- D-Day was the name given to the first day of Operation Overlord—an action that took place during World War II. The operation was also called the Normandy Invasion. On June 6,…
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a U.S. immigration policy. It is better known by its acronym, DACA. The policy was created in 2012 by President Barack Obama. It…
- dachshund
- A dachshund is a breed, or type, of dog. The name means “badger dog” in German. This is because the dogs were bred to hunt badgers. The dachshund’s short legs and long, thin…
- Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
- Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu is a union territory in western India. The territory is made up of three districts that do not have any shared borders. However, the…
- Daedalus
- In ancient Greek mythology Daedalus was a great inventor. His son was named Icarus. Daedalus was said to have built a complex maze for King Minos of Crete. The maze was built…
- Dahl, Roald
- The funny and imaginative children’s stories of British author Roald Dahl are favorites with readers both young and old. His action-packed tales feature memorable and often…
- Dahomey
- In the 1700s and 1800s an African kingdom known as Dahomey grew rich and powerful through the slave trade. The kingdom was located on the west coast of Africa. The region is…
- daily life
- Daily life for animals is made up of doing pretty much the same thing over and over again. Animals eat, rest, and perform activities to ensure their survival. This is true…
- daisy
- Daisies are flowers with flat petals that surround a round center. Daisies belong to the aster family, which also includes chrysanthemums, dahlias, marigolds, sunflowers, and…
- Dakar
- Dakar is the capital of Senegal, a country in West Africa. It is the largest city in Senegal by far. The city lies on a piece of land that sticks out into the Atlantic Ocean.…
- Dakers, Beryl
- Beryl Dakers is a U.S. journalist. She was one of the first African Americans to be an on-air radio and television news reporter, producer, and host for a popular station in…
- Dalai Lama
- The Dalai Lama is the leader of the main branch of the religion known as Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhists believe that the Dalai Lama is the god of compassion who comes to…
- Dali, Salvador
- (1904–89). Spanish artist Salvador Dali blended reality with fantasy in his works. Throughout his life he created a tremendous number of paintings, graphic works, book…
- Dallas
- Dallas is one of the largest cities in the United States. It is located in the northeastern part of the state of Texas. Dallas lies on the Trinity River, near where the…
- Dalmatian
- A Dalmatian is a breed, or type, of dog. In the past the dogs liked to run alongside horse-drawn carts, including fire wagons. In more modern times they rode along with fire…
- dam
- A dam is a barrier that blocks flowing water or sends it in a new direction. People and animals build dams to control rivers and to create ponds or lakes. A beaver’s dam…
- Damascus
- Damascus is the capital of Syria, a country in the Middle East. It is one of the world’s oldest cities. For thousands of years Damascus has been an important trading center.…
- Dampier, William
- William Dampier was an English *** and explorer. He was important in the exploration of Australia and other islands in the South Pacific Ocean. He sailed around the world…
- dance
- Dance involves the rhythmic movement of the human body, usually to music. It is one of the oldest forms of human expression. Dance movements are often closely related to the…
- dandelion
- Dandelions are plants with bright yellow blossoms that turn into round, fluffy seed heads. Many people consider these wild plants to be weeds. The several species, or types,…
- Danube River
- The Danube River is the second longest river in Europe. For hundreds of years it has been an important route for trade and travel throughout central and southeastern Europe.…
- Daoism
- Daoism is a system of philosophy and religion that began in ancient China. It is sometimes spelled Taoism. Along with the philosophy called Confucianism, Daoism has helped to…
- Dar es Salaam
- Dar es Salaam serves as the capital of Tanzania, a country in East Africa. Dodoma was named the new capital in 1974. But many of Tanzania’s government offices were still in…
- Dardanelles
- The Dardanelles is a strait, or narrow body of water, that connects the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara in Turkey. It also separates the continent of Europe from the…
- Dardanelles Campaign
- The Dardanelles Campaign was a military operation during World War I. It took place on and around the Dardanelles, a narrow body of water that connects the Aegean Sea and the…
- Darden, Christine
- Christine Darden is an American mathematician and engineer. She spent four decades at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A large part of her career was…
- Darius I
- From 522 to 486 bce, Darius I ruled as king of Persia, an empire centered in what is now Iran. People later called him Darius the Great because he strengthened and expanded…
- Darling River
- The Darling River is the longest river in Australia. It is 1,702 miles (2,739 kilometers) long and is the largest tributary of the Murray River. The River’s Course The…
- Dart, Raymond
- Raymond Dart was a famous anthropologist and paleontologist. An anthropologist studies people, and a paleontologist studies fossils. Dart’s discoveries of the remains of very…
- Darwin
- The city of Darwin is the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory. It is located on the northern coast of the country, near the Timor Sea. The city has several parks and…
- Darwin, Charles
- Charles Darwin was an English scientist who studied nature. He is known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. According to this theory, all living things are…
- database
- A database is any collection of data, or information, that is stored in such a way that computers can organize and retrieve it. The information in a database can be stored,…
- date
- Dates are small, sweet fruits that grow in large bunches on date palm trees. A single bunch may contain as many as 1,000 dates. Dried dates have a very high amount of…
- David, Saint
- Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. In Welsh, his name is Dewi. He is one of the most celebrated saints in Britain. His feast day is March 1. Life David was born about…
- Davis, Angela
- Angela Davis is an activist, educator, and author. She is a strong voice in the fight for civil rights and human rights. Early Life Angela Yvonne Davis was born on January…
- Davis, Benjamin O., Jr.
- Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., was the first African American to serve as a general in the U.S. Air Force. He was commander of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II (1939–45) and…
- Davis, Jefferson
- While Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States, Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederate States of America. The Confederate states were Southern states that…
- Dawkins, Richard
- British scientist Richard Dawkins gained fame around the world for his best-selling books and his challenging ideas. He won many awards and prizes for his work. Richard…
- Day of Goodwill
- The Day of Goodwill is a national holiday in South Africa. It is celebrated every year on December 26, the day after Christmas. The holiday was previously known as Boxing…
- Day of Reconciliation
- The Day of Reconciliation is a public holiday in South Africa. It is celebrated on December 16 every year. The holiday encourages unity and peace among different peoples and…
- Day of the Dead
- The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. It is known there as Día de los Muertos. People who are from Mexico celebrate the festival in…
- De Beers
- De Beers is the world’s largest producer and seller of diamonds. In the early 21st century De Beers marketed about 40 percent of all diamonds. De Beers deals in diamonds used…
- De Gaulle, Charles
- Charles de Gaulle was a military leader and statesman who led France through several difficult periods. In 1959 he became president under a new constitution that he helped…
- De Klerk, F.W.
- F.W. de Klerk was the president of South Africa from 1989 to 1994. He helped to end apartheid and to make South Africa a democratic country in which people of all races are…
- De La Hoya, Oscar
- Oscar De La Hoya is a U.S. boxer. He is nicknamed “The Golden Boy” because he won a gold medal at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. De La Hoya won 10 world titles…
- de la Peña, Matt
- Matt de la Peña is an American writer. He writes novels for young adults and picture books for young children. One of his picture books, Last Stop on Market Street (2015),…
- de León, Martín
- Before Texas was a state, it was a massive area that was home to different Indigenous groups. There were some people of Spanish descent living there, but not a lot of people…
- De Lille, Patricia
- Patricia de Lille is a South African politician. She is the founder and president of the Independent Democrats (ID) political party. Early Life De Lille was born on February…
- De Soto, Hernando
- Hernando de Soto was a Spanish soldier and explorer. He grew rich as a trader and conqueror in Central America and Peru. He died, however, while looking for more treasure in…
- De Valera, Eamon
- Eamon de Valera was one of the people who led the struggle to free Ireland from British rule. He disagreed with the terms of the treaty that established the Irish Free State…
- De Zavala, Adina
- Adina De Zavala was someone who worked to protect historic sites throughout Texas. She was best known for her efforts to protect the Alamo. Adina Emilia De Zavala was born on…
- Dead Sea
- The Dead Sea is actually a salt lake. It is located in southwestern Asia between Jordan on the east and Israel and the West Bank on the west. The Dead Sea has so much salt in…
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- In 1947 a young shepherd found some ancient scrolls (rolled-up writings) in a cave in Jordan. More scrolls were found nearby soon afterward. Now they are all known as the…
- deafness
- A person who is deaf either has trouble hearing or cannot hear at all. Deafness can occur in one ear or in both ears. It is called partial deafness if the person can still…
- Deakin, Alfred
- Alfred Deakin was a politician who helped make Australia a unified country. He served three terms as prime minister of the country. Early Life Deakin was born on August 3,…
- Death Valley
- Death Valley is the lowest, hottest, and driest point in North America. It got its name because of the hardships faced by settlers attempting to cross the valley. Death…
- DeBakey, Michael
- Michael DeBakey was an American surgeon and educator. He discovered new ways to treat blocked or damaged blood vessels. Michael Ellis DeBakey was born on September 7, 1908,…
- Declaration of Independence
- The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the United States. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress of the British colonies in North America adopted the…
- decorative arts
- Decorative art is the art of making useful things beautiful. The decorative arts include pottery making, jewelry making, weaving, woodworking, and other crafts. Different…
- deep-sea life
- Deep within the world’s seas and oceans is an area called the abyssal zone. It lies more than 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) below the surface of the water. It is totally dark…
- deer
- Deer are the only animals that can grow large antlers. They are hoofed mammals that belong to the scientific family Cervidae. There are about 30 different species, or kinds,…
- Deere, John
- John Deere invented the first successful steel plow. His invention helped make the midwestern United States one of the world’s great farming regions. The company he started,…
- deforestation
- Deforestation is the clearing, or cutting down, of forests. The word is normally used to describe the actions of humans in removing forests from the planet, rather than…
- Deinonychus
- Deinonychus was a dinosaur that was known for the large claw on each of its back feet. Its name means “terrible claw.” When and Where Deinonychus Lived Deinonychus lived more…
- Delany, Martin R.
- Martin R. Delany was an abolitionist (antislavery activist), doctor, writer, and soldier. Delany is considered to be the father of Black nationalism. Black nationalism was…
- Delaware
- In 1610 Englishman Samuel Argall sailed into a large bay along the Atlantic Coast of North America. He called it Delaware Bay in honor of Virginia’s colonial governor Sir…
- Delaware at a glance
- Delaware is the second smallest U.S. state, but it is one of the most densely populated. It is best known as the First State because it was the first colony to vote in favor…
- Delhi
- Delhi is a union territory in north-central India. For hundreds of years it was the capital of mighty empires in South Asia. Today Delhi is divided into two sections—Delhi…
- Deloria, Ella Cara
- Ella Cara Deloria was a Dakota scholar, writer, and translator. She recorded Oceti Sakowin (Sioux) culture and languages at a time when they were in danger of being lost.…
- Delphi
- Delphi was a town in ancient Greece. It was the home of the most important Greek oracle. The ancient Greeks asked their gods for answers to their questions and problems. An…
- delta
- In ancient times Greek merchants who sailed to Egypt noticed that the Nile River branched into two streams before flowing into the sea. The sea and the river’s branches…
- Demeter
- In ancient Greek mythology Demeter was the goddess of grain and farming. She was associated with the Roman goddess Ceres because they shared many characteristics. Demeter’s…
- democracy
- The word democracy describes a form of government. The word comes from two Greek words that mean “rule by the people.” In a democracy the people have a say in how the…
- Democratic Alliance
- The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa. It is the official opposition to the African National Congress (ANC), the dominant party in South African…
- Democratic Party
- The Democratic Party is one of the two main political parties in the United States. The other is the Republican Party. Beliefs People who belong to the Democratic Party hold…
- Denali National Park and Preserve
- Denali National Park and Preserve in south-central Alaska covers 6 million acres (2 million hectares) of land. The park includes the former Mount McKinley National Park. The…
- Denesuline
- The Denesuline are a First Nations group who once survived by hunting caribou in Canada. They ranged through the southern parts of what are now Nunavut and the Northwest…
- Denmark
- The Kingdom of Denmark is the southernmost of the countries that form the region known as Scandinavia. Scandinavia also includes Sweden and Norway. Although small in…
- density
- Why do some things float in water while others sink? It’s because of something called density. Density is one of the physical properties of all matter. That means that solid…
- dentist
- Dentists are doctors who practice dentistry. Dentists help patients keep their teeth, gums, and mouth healthy. Many people go to the general dentist to get their teeth…
- dentistry
- The work of dentists is called dentistry. Dentists are doctors who prevent and treat diseases of the teeth and gums. Preventing Tooth Decay Tooth decay is the most common…
- Denver
- Denver is the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. It is a center of transportation, industry, and culture. Denver is known as the Mile High City. This is because it sits…
- dePaola, Tomie
- The U.S. author and illustrator Tomie dePaola was known for his many children’s books. His stories cover a wide range of subjects, including events from his life. He wrote…
- dermatitis
- Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. The skin becomes red, swollen, and itchy. Skin can blister, ooze, or flake off. The common term for dermatitis is eczema. Dermatitis…
- Des Moines
- Des Moines is the capital of the U.S. state of Iowa. The city lies along the Des Moines and Raccoon rivers. Des Moines is a center for manufacturing. Factories in the city…
- desert
- When people think of a desert, they usually think of a sandy, hot, and dry place. But there are other types of deserts as well. A desert is any large region that gets very…
- designer
- A designer creates and carries out plans for a project, a structure, or a new style of product. There are many different categories of design. Students choose what kind of…
- Detroit
- Known as the Motor City, Detroit is one of the leading industrial centers of the United States. The city lies on the Detroit River in southeastern Michigan. The Canadian city…
- Detroit Riot of 1967
- The Detroit Riot of 1967 was a series of violent confrontations between African American residents of Detroit, Michigan, and the city’s police. It lasted for five days,…
- dew
- At dawn, tiny drops of water often cling to plants and grass. This moisture is called dew. Dew forms in the night air through a process called condensation. Air contains…
- Dewey Decimal Classification
- The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is a system for organizing the contents of a library. It is commonly known as the Dewey Decimal System. It helps people find nonfiction…
- Dewey, Melvil
- Melvil Dewey was an American librarian. He is best known for developing the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The DDC is a way of organizing the contents of a library. It…
- Dhaka
- Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, a country of southern Asia. The city lies on the Buriganga River. It is the largest city in Bangladesh. Dhaka is a center of industry,…
- diabetes
- Two different diseases are called diabetes. Diabetes mellitus happens when there is too much glucose in the body. Glucose is a sugar that the body gets from food and uses for…
- diamond
- Diamonds are the hardest substances that occur in nature. They are valued as gemstones because of their beauty, but they have many other uses as well. How and Where Diamonds…
- Diana, princess of Wales
- Diana, princess of Wales, was a member of the British royal family. She was married to Prince Charles, the prince of Wales, and was the mother of Princes William and Harry.…
- Dias, Bartolomeu
- Bartolomeu Dias of Portugal was one of the most important European explorers before Christopher Columbus. He led the first European expedition around the southern tip of…
- Díaz, Porfirio
- Porfirio Díaz was a soldier who became president of Mexico in 1877. He maintained tight control over the country for most of the next 34 years. Porfirio Díaz was born on…
- DiCamillo, Kate
- Kate DiCamillo is an American writer. She writes books for young people of all ages. Two of DiCamillo’s books have won Newbery medals, the top honor for children’s fiction.…
- Dickens, Charles
- Charles Dickens was one of the most famous English writers of the 1800s. Although his books are often very funny, they show many of the difficulties of living in his time.…