Ericus Erikson

Ericus Homberger Erikson (natus Erik Salomonsen Francofurti in Magno Ducatu Hassiae 15 Iunii 1902[1]; mortuus Harvici in Massachusetta 12 Maii 1994) fuit psychologus evolutionarius et psychoanalysta Germanoamericanus, qui ratione evolutionis psychologicae hominum innotuit. Clarus est ob notionem discriminis identitatis excogitatam. Kai T. Erikson, filius, est sociologus Americanus.
Erikson, quamquam gradu baccalaureato carebat, professor in institutionibus maximi momenti docebat, inter quas universitates Harvardiana, Californiensis Berkeleiae,[2] et Yalensis. Inspectio a Review of General Psychology anno 2002 edita eum duodecimum a maximo psychologo citato saeculi vicensimi aestimavit.[3]
[recensere | fontem recensere]Opera maiora
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Childhood and Society (1950)
- Young Man Luther: A Study in Psychoanalysis and History (1958)
- Insight and Responsibility (1966)
- Identity: Youth and Crisis (1968)
- Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence (1969)
- Life History and the Historical Moment (1975)
- Adulthood (liber editus, 1978)
- Vital Involvement in Old Age (cum J. M. Erikson et H. Kivnick, 1986)
- The Life Cycle Completed (cum J. M. Erikson, 1987)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Identity and the Life Cycle. Selected Papers (1959)
- "A Way of Looking At Things": Selected Papers from 1930 to 1980, Erik H.Erikson ed. S. Schlein. Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton & Co. (1995)
Nexus interni
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Erik Erikson, 91, Psychoanalyst Who Reshaped Views of Human Growth, Dies. The New York Times, 13 Martii 1994.
- ↑ ErikErikson. . Encyclopedia. 2018
- ↑ Haggbloom et al. 2002.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen. 2000. Emerging Adulthood: A Theory of Development from the Late Teens Through the Twenties. American Psychologist 55(5): 469–480. doi:10.1037/0003-066x.55.5.469. ISSN 1935-990X.
- Burston, Daniel. 2007. Erik Erikson and the American Psyche: Ego, Ethics, and Evolution. Lanham Terrae Mariae: Jason Aronson. ISBN 978-0-7657-0495-5.
- Eckenfels, Edward J. 2008. Doctors Serving People: Restoring Humanism to Medicine through Student Community Service. Novi Brunsvici Novae Caesareae: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-4315-4.
- Engler, Barbara. 2008. Personality Theories: An Introduction. Ed. 8a. Belmont Californiae: Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN 978-0-547-14834-2.
- Engler, Barbard. 2014. Personality Theories: An Introduction. Ed. 9a. Belmont Californiae: Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN 978-1-285-08880-8.
- Erikson, Erik H. 1974. Dimensions of a New Identity. Jefferson Lectures in the Humanities. Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-00923-1.
- Erikson, Erik H., et Joan M. Erikson. 1997. The Life Cycle Completed. Ed. aucta. Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton & Company (published 1998). ISBN 978-0-393-34743-2.
- Erikson Bloland, Sue. 2005. In the Shadow of Fame: A Memoir by the Daughter of Erik H. Erikson. Novi Eboraci: Viking Press. ISBN 978-0-670-03374-4.
- Fadiman, James, et Robert Frager. 2002. Personality and Personal Growth. Ed. 5a. Upper Saddle River Novae Caesareae: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-040961-4.
- Friedman, Lawrence Jacob. 2000. Identity's Architect: A Biography of Erik H. Erikson. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-00437-5.
- Haggbloom, Steven J., Renee Warnick, Jason E. Warnick, Vinessa K. Jones, Gary L. Yarbrough, Tenea M. Russell, Chris M. Borecky, Reagan McGahhey, John L. Powell III, Jamie Beavers, et Emmanuelle Monte. 2002. The 100 Most Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century. Review of General Psychology 6(2): 139–52. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.6.2.139. ISSN 1939-1552.
- Heathcoate, Ann. 2010. Eric Berne's Development of Ego State Theory: Where Did It All Begin and Who Influenced Him? Transactional Analysis Journal 40(3–4): 254–260. doi:10.1177/036215371004000310. ISSN 2329-5244.
- Hoare, Carol Hren. 2002. Erikson on Development in Adulthood: New Insights from the Unpublished Papers. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-513175-8.
- Paranjpe, Anand C. 2005. Erikson, Erik Homburger. In The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, ed. John R. Shook, 2: 734–37. Bristolii Angliae: Thoemmes Continuum. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199754663.001.0001. ISBN 978-1-84371-037-0.
- Stevens, Richard. 1983. Erik Erikson: An Introduction. Novi Eboraci: St. Martin's Press. ISBN 978-0-312-25812-2.
- Stevens, Richard. 2008. Erik H. Erikson: Explorer of Identity and the Life Cycle. Basingstoke Angliae: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-9986-3.
Bibliographia addita
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Andersen, D. C. 1993. Beyond Rumor and Reductionism: A Textual Dialogue with Erik H. Erikson. The Psychohistory Review 22(1): 35–68. ISSN 0363-891X. PMID 11623368.
- Bondurant, Joan V., Margaret W. Fisher, et J. D. Sutherland. 1971. Gandhi: A Psychoanalytic View: Review of Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence by Erikson, Erik H. The American Historical Review 76(4): 1104–15. ISSN 0002-8762. JSTOR 1849243. |doi:10.2307/1849243.
- Brenman-Gibson, Margaret (1997). "The Legacy of Erik Hamburger Erikson". Psychoanalytic Review 84 (3): 329–335
- Capps, Donald; Capps, Walter H.; Bradford, M. Gerald, eds. (1977). Encounter with Erikson: Historical Interpretation and Religious Biography. Missoulae Montanae: Scholars Press
- Carney, J. E. (1993). "'Is It Really So Terrible Her?': Karl Menninger's Pursuit of Erik Erikson". The Psychohistory Review 22 (1): 119–153
- Coles, Robert (1970). Erik H. Erikson: The Growth of His Work. Bostoniae: Little, Brown and Company
- Coles, Robert; Fitzpatrick, J. J. (1976). "The Writings of Erik H. Erikson". The Psychohistory Review 5 (3): 42–46
- Crunden, Robert M. (1973). "Freud, Erikson, and the Historian: A Bibliographical Survey". Canadian Review of American Studies 4 (1): 48–64
- Douvan, Elizabeth (1997). "Erik Erikson: Critical Times, Critical Theory". Child Psychiatry and Human Development 28 (1): 15–21
- Eagle, Morris (1997). "Contributions of Erik Erikson". Psychoanalytic Review 84 (3): 337–347
- Elms, Alan C. (2008). Koertge, Noretta. ed. Erikson, Erik Homburger. 2. Farmington Hills Michiganiae: Gale Group. pp. 406–412. ISBN 978-0-684-31322-1
- Evans, Richard I. (1967). Dialogue with Erik Erikson. Novi Eboraci: E. P. Dutton & Co.
- Fitzpatrick, J. J. (1976). "Erik H. Erikson and Psychohistory". Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 40 (4): 295–314
- Goethals, George W. (1976). "The Evolution of Sexual and Genital Intimacy: A Comparison of the Views of Erik H. Erikson and Harry Stack Sullivan". The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis 4 (4): 529–544
- Hoffman, L. E. (1993). "Erikson on Hitler: The Origins of 'Hitler's Imagery and German Youth'". The Psychohistory Review 22 (1): 69–86
- Masson, J. L. (1974). "India and the Unconscious: Erik Erikson on Gandhi". The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 55 (4): 519–529
- Roazen, Paul (1976). Erik H. Erikson: The Power and Limits of a Vision. Novi Eboraci: Free Press
- Roazen, Paul (1993). "Erik H. Erikson as a Teacher". The Psychohistory Review 22 (1): 101–117
- Schnell, R. L. (1980). "Contributions to Psychohistory: IV. Individual Experience in Historiography and Psychoanalysis: Significance of Erik Erikson and Robert Coles". Psychological Reports 46 (2): 591–612
- Strozier, Charles B. (1976). "Disciplined Subjectivity and the Psychohistorian: A Critical Look at the Work of Erik H. Erikson". The Psychohistory Review 5 (3): 28–31
- Wallerstein, Robert S.; Goldberger, Leo, eds. (1998). Ideas and Identities: The Life and Work of Erik Erikson. Madisoniae Connecticutae: International Universities Press. ISBN 978-0-8236-2445-4
- Weiner, M. B. (1979). "Caring for the Elderly. Psychological Aging: Aspects of Normal Personality and Development in Old Age. Part II. Erik Erikson: Resolutions of Psychosocial Tasks". The Journal of Nursing Care 12 (5): 27–28
- Welchman, Kit (2000). Erik Erikson: His Life, Work, and Significance. Buckinghamiae Angliae: Open University Press. ISBN 978-0-335-20157-0
- Wurgaft, Lewis D. (1976). "Erik Erikson: From Luther to Gandhi". Psychoanalytic Review 63 (2): 209–233
- Zock, Hetty (2004). A Psychology of Ultimate Concern: Erik H. Erikson's Contribution to the Psychology of Religion (2a ed.). Amstelodami: Rodopi. ISBN 978-90-5183-180-1
- Viri
- Nati 1902
- Mortui 1994
- Auctores Anglici
- Auctores Theodisci
- Christiani
- Incolae Californiae
- Incolae Connecticutae
- Incolae Germaniae
- Incolae Massachusettae
- Iudaei
- Praemium Librorum Nationale
- Praemium Pulitzer
- Professores Universitatis Californiensis Berkeleiensis
- Professores Universitatis Harvardianae
- Professores Universitatis Pittsburgensis
- Professores Universitatis Yalensis
- Psychologi Civitatum Foederatarum
- Psychologi Germaniae
- Psychologia religionis
- Scriptores Civitatum Foederatarum
- Scriptores Germaniae