
Normanni[1] (Normannice Normaunds; Francogallice Normands) fuerunt gens hominum qui in Ducatu Normanniae medio aevo orti sunt, ex colonis Vicingis Nordicis(en) atque indigenis Francis Occidentalibus et Gallo-Romanis(en) coniunctis.[2][3][4]
Vicingi, a Scandinavia profecti, Galliam septentrionalem occupaverant. Fines quos Vicingi ceperant Normannia mox appellabantur. A finibus suis, Normanni etiam
- in Britanniam incursionem magnam fecerunt, Gulielmo Conquisitore duce;
- in Galliam incursionem magnam fecerunt, Aflingo Primo Duce Normanno;
- in Siciliam et Italiam meridianam venerunt.
Nexus interni
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Vel Nortmanni (Adamus Bremensis).
- ↑ Brown 1994, p. 18: "The first Viking settlers in Normandy, it is agreed, were predominantly Danish, though their leader, Rollo[,] was of Norse extraction."
- ↑ Brown 1994, p. 19: "the Northmen of Normandy became increasingly Gallicized, increasingly Norman we may say, until by the mid-eleventh century they were more French than the French, or, to speak correctly, more Frankish than the Franks."
- ↑ Elizabeth Van Houts (2000). The Normans in Europe. Manchester University Press. p. 1. ISBN 9780719047510
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bates, David. 2013. The Normans and Empire. Oxonae: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199674411.
- Hicks, Leonie V. 2016. A Short History of the Normans. Londinii: I. B. Tauris. ISBN 9781780762128.
- Roach, Levi. 2022. Empires of the Normans: Conquerors of Europe. Cantabrigiae: Pegasus Books. ISBN 9781639361878.
- Rowley, Trevor, ed. 1999. The Normans. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing. ISBN 9780752414348.