
Pudor[1] est iniucundus animi motus, usitate cum aestimatione sui negativa, incitamentis secessionis socialis, sensibusque misericordiae, deprehensionis, diffidentiae, invaliditatis, inanitatis coniunctus.
Indicia pudoris
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Carolus Darwin, scientista saeculi undevicensimi, docuit corporeos pudoris effectus in erubescentiá, confusione mentis, oculis deiectis in terram, statú laxo, et capite demisso consistere. In libro The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals ('Expressio animi motuum in homine et animalibus'), dixit pudorem sic observatum in hominibus per orbem terrarum inveni posse. Etiam affirmavit sensús caloris cum vasodilatione faciei cutisque consociatos etiam maiorem sensum pudoris efficere potest. Fletus lacrimaeque cum pudore plerumque consociare possunt.
Nexus interni
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ In eodem fere campo semantico haec versantur: dedecus, flagitium, ignominia, infamia, rubor, verecundia.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bauks, Michaela, et Martin F. Meyer, eds. 2011. Zur Kulturgeschichte der Scham. Hamburgi: Meiner. ISBN 978-3-7873-1979-4.
- Bradshaw, John. 1988. Healing the Shame That Binds You. HCI. ISBN 0-932194-86-9.
- Bradshaw, John. 1996. Bradshaw on the Family: A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem. HCI. ISBN 1-5587-4427-4.
- Cataldo, J. K., R. Slaughter, T. M. Jahan, V. L. Pongquan, et W. J. Hwang. 2011. "Measuring stigma in people with lung cancer: psychometric testing of the cataldo lung cancer stigma scale." Oncol. Nurs. Forum 38, no. 5 _Ianuarius): E46–54. PMID 21186151. PMC 3182474. doi:10.1188/11.ONF.E46-E54.
- Cohen, T. R., S. T. Wolf, A. T. Panter, et C. A. Insko. 2011. "Introducing the GASP scale: a new measure of guilt and shame proneness." Journal Pers Soc Psychology 100, no. 5 (Maius): 947–66. PMID 21517196. doi:10.1037/a0022641. Editio interretialis.
- Duerr, Hans Peter. 1988. Nacktheit und Scham. Francofurti: Suhrkamp. ISBN 3-518-02292-X.
- Gilbert, P. 2002. Body Shame: Conceptualisation, Research and Treatment. Brunner-Routledge. ISBN 1-58391-166-9.
- Gilbert, P. 1998. Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology and Culture. ISBN 0-19-511480-9.
- Goldberg, Carl. 1991. Understanding Shame. Northvale Novae Caesareae: Jason Aaronson. ISBN 0-87668-541-6
- Hutchinson, Phil. 2008. Shame and Philosophy. Londinii: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 0-230-54271-9.
- Kühn, Rolf, et al., eds. 1997. Scham: ein menschliches Gefühl: Kulturelle, psychologische und philosophische Perspektiven. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
- Lamb, R. E. 1983. "Guilt, Shame, and Morality." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 43, no. 3 (Martius).
- Lewis, Michael. 1992. Shame: The Exposed Self. Novi Eboraci: The Free Press. ISBN 0-02-918881-4.
- Marks, Stephan. 2007. Scham, die tabuisierte Emotion. Ostfildern: Patmos.
- Middelton-Moz, J. 1990. Shame and Guilt: Masters of Disguise. HCI. ISBN 1-55874-072-4.
- Miller, Susan B. 1996. Shame in Context. Routledge. ISBN|0-88163-209-0.
- Morrison, Andrew P. 1996. The Culture of Shame. Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-37484-3.
- Morrison, Andrew P. 1989. Shame: The Underside of Narcissism. The Analytic Press. ISBN 0-88163-082-9.
- Nathanson, D., ed. 1987. The Many Faces of Shame. Novi Eboraci: The Guilford Press. ISBN 0-89862-705-2.
- Roisin, Jacques. 2010. De la survivance à la vie: Essai sur le traumatisme psychique et sa guérison. Lutetiae: PUF.
- Schneider, Carl D. 1977. Shame, Exposure, and Privacy. Bostoniae: Beacon Press. ISBN 0-8070-1121-5.
- Tangney, June Price, et Ronda L. Dearing. 2002. Shame and guilt. Novi Eboraci: Guilford Press. ISBN 1572307153.
- Tiedemann, Jens León. 2013. Scham. Gießen: Psychosozial Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8379-2229-5.
- Tisseron, Serge. (1992) 2007. La honte, psychanalyse d'un lien social. Ed. 2a. DUNOD.
- Tisseron, Serge. 1998. Du bon usage de la honte. Ramsay.
- Uebel, Michael. 2012. "Psychoanalysis and the Question of Violence: From Masochism to Shame." American Imago 69 (4): 473–505. doi:10.1353/aim.2012.0022.
- Uebel, Michael. 2016. "Dirty Rotten Shame? The Value and Ethical Functions of Shame." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 59 (2): 1–20. doi:10.1177/0022167816631398.
- Vallelonga, Damian S. 1997 "An empirical phenomenological investigation of being ashamed." In Phenomenological Inquiry in Psychology: Existential and Transpersonal Dimensions, ed. R. Valle, 123–55. Novi Eboraci: Plenum Press. Springer.
Nexus externi
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Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad pudorem spectant. |
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Vicicitatio habet citationes quae ad pudorem spectant. |
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Vide pudorem in Victionario. |
- Brown, Brene. 2012. Brene Brown "Listening to Shame." TED Talks, Martio 2012.
- Hutchinson, Phil. Capitulum exemplare. Pars libri Shame and Philosophy.
- Understanding Shame and Humiliation in Torture. PDF.
- "US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public."
- "Shame."
- "Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law."
- "Shame and Psychotherapy."
- "Shame and Group Psychotherapy."
- "Sexual Guilt and Shame."
- De usú pudoris temporibus historicis.
- USA Today. 2004. "Humiliation is Simply Wrong." USA Today, 31 Augusti 2004.