Sun Graph


There are several differing definitions of the sun graph. ISGCI defines a (complete) n-sun graph as a graph on 2n nodes (sometimes also known as a trampoline graph; Brandstädt et al. 1987, p. 112) consisting of a central complete graph K_n with an outer ring of n vertices, each of which is joined to both endpoints of the closest outer edge of the central core.

Wallis (2000) and Anitha and Lekshmi (2008) use the term "n-sun" graph to instead refer to the graph on 2n vertices obtained by attaching n pendant edges to a cycle graph C_n. These graphs are referred to as "sunlet graphs" by ISGCI. The 3-sunlet graph C_3 circledot K_1 is also known as the net graph.

The sun graphs are pancyclic and uniquely Hamiltonian.

The bipartite double graph of the sun graph S_n for n odd is S_(2n).

See also

Hajós Graph, Rising Sun Graph, Sierpiński Gasket Graph, Sunlet Graph

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Anitha, R. and Lekshmi, R. S. "N-Sun Decomposition of Complete, Complete Bipartite and Some Harary Graphs." Int. J. Math. Sci. 2, 33-38, 2008.Brandstädt, A.; Le, V. B.; and Spinrad, J. P. Graph Classes: A Survey. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, p. 112, 1987.ISGCI: Information System on Graph Class Inclusions v2.0. "List of Small Graphs.", W. D. Magic Graphs. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, 2000.

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Sun Graph

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Sun Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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