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Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka

(Balearic, Central) AAI(lakile): /kəˈi.pə/

This template automatically converts Catalan words into their IPA pronunciation. The template uses Module:ca-IPA as a back-end.

The template currently only works for single words, not for multi-word combinations. Balearic, Central Catalan and Valencian are currently supported, though in some instances the transcription of stressed E may not correspond to the actual pronunciation of Balearic and Valencian.


Gives the word that should be converted. If not provided, the word is taken from name of the current page, so you can generally leave this empty. But it can be useful for "pronunciation respellings" of foreign words.


  • The letters e and o are ambiguous if they are stressed, since they can indicate open-mid or close-mid vowels /ɛ ɔ/ or /e o/. As a shortcut, simply place |é, |è, |ó, or |ò in the first parameter to indicate the pronunciation of the stressed vowel. Use |ê or |ô for variable cases: open-mid èò in Central, close-mid éó in Valencian, schwa /ə/ and open-mid ò in Balearic.
    Thus, for sec, use {{ca-IPA|ê}}.
  • Final -r is generally lost in Central and Balearic, but some words retain it in Central. Provide the word with -rr when it should be retained.
    Thus, for mar, use {{ca-IPA|marr}}
  • Compound words and adverbs with -ment have two stressed vowels. Provide the word with two graphic accents.
    Thus, for bojament, use {{ca-IPA|bòjamént}}.
  • The pronunciation of the letter x is ambiguous: the fricative /ʃ/ in inherited words, but the consonant cluster /ks/ or /ɡz/ in learned words. If necessary, spell the word with ks instead of x.
    Thus, for fixar, use {{ca-IPA|fiksar}}.