Orfizam (religija)

Orfizam ili Orficizam (starogrčki: Ὀρφικά) je naziv za niz religioznih[1] vjerovanja i običaja u antičkom grčkom i helenističkom svijetu,[2][3][4][5] kao i kod Tračana,[6] koji se povezuju s književnošću koja se pripisuje mitskom pjesniku Orfeju, koji je bio u Hadu i vratio se. Orfičari su takođe poštovali Persefonu (koja je provodila jedno godišnje doba u Hadu, a zatim se vraćala) i Dionisa (koji je takođe bio u Hadu i vratio se). Smatra se da je Orfej ustanovio Dionizijske misterije.[7] Poezija koja sadrži čisto orfička vjerovanja datira iz šestog vijeka prije nove ere,[8] ili bar iz kasnog petog.[9]
Klasični izvori, kao što je Platon, spominjali su „orfičke inicijacije“ (Ὀρφεοτελεσταί) i povezane običaje, mada nije sigurno koliko je orfička literatura uopšte povezana s tim običajima.[10] Kao i u eulesinskim misterijama, inicijacija u orfičke misterije obećavala je pogodnosti u zagrobnom životu.
- ↑ Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture (Ancient Cultures) by Marilyn B. Skinner,2005,page 135,"... of life, there was no coherent religious movement properly termed "Orphism" (Dodds 1957: 147-9; West 1983: 2-3). Even if there were, ..."(en)
- ↑ Three Faces of God by David L. Miller,2005,Back Matter: "... assumed that this was a Christian trinitarian influence on late Hellenistic Orphism, but it may be that the Old Neoplatonists were closer ..."(en)
- ↑ A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels (The Anchor Bible Reference Library) by David Dungan and David Laird Dungan,1999,Back Matter: "... Neoplatonist Albinus (21-31). 54 Dial. 4.2 (italics added). 55 In Hellenistic Orphism, "an ascetic life featuring specific abstinences, especially vegetarianism," would have ..."(en)
- ↑ History of New Testament Research, Volume 2 (History of New Testament Research) by William Baird,2002,page 393: "... its religious neighbors, Lagrange focuses on a single example of Hellenistic religion, Orphism. This example, he thinks, is particularly appropriate, because Orphism is ...(en)
- ↑ Luther H. Martin,, Hellenistic Religions: An Introduction 1987:102: "... ritually participated in an actual mystery ritual. More striking to Hellenistic observers of Orphism than any supposed ritual practices were their ascetic practices ..."(en)
- ↑ History of Humanity: From the seventh century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. Routledge reference, Siegfried J. de Laet, UNESCO, 1996,ISBN 92-3-102812-X, pp. 182-183.(en)
- ↑ Apollodorus (Pseudo Apollodorus), Library and Epitome, 1.3.2. "Orpheus also invented the mysteries of Dionysus, and having been torn in pieces by the Maenads he is buried in Pieria."(en)
- ↑ Backgrounds of Early Christianity by Everett Ferguson,2003,page 162,"Orphism began in the sixth century B.C"(en)
- ↑ W. K. C. Guthrie, The Greeks & Their Gods (Beacon, 1954), p. 322; Kirk, Raven, & Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers (Cambridge, 1983, 2nd edition), pp. 21, 30-31, 33; Parker, "Early Orphism", pp. 485, 497(en)
- ↑ Parker, "Early Orphism", pp. 484, 487.(en)