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Датотека:Roy O. Disney with Company at Press Conference.jpg

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Roy_O._Disney_with_Company_at_Press_Conference.jpg (220 × 275 пиксела, величина датотеке: 36 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: "Roy O. Disney (1893–1971), the American businessman; partner and co-founder of The Walt Disney Company with his brother Walt Disney. This 1965 photograph shows Roy Disney and his brother with Florida's Governor W. Haydon Burns (1912–87), announcing plans to create a Disney theme park in the state. Walt Disney World opened in 1971. Located just southwest of Orlando, Florida, the attraction grew to become the largest resort in the world, covering 47 square miles (122 square kilometers) and encompassing four theme parks, two water parks, a wilderness preserve, and numerous hotels."
  1. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, http://floridamemory.com/items/show/80371
  2. "Walt Disney with company at press conference : Orlando, Florida" via the Florida Photographic Collection, call number C069089CV (Florida Department of Commerce collection)
  3. "Walt Disney with Company at Press Conference" via the World Digital Library
Аутор Florida Development Commission
Остале верзије File:Walt Disney with Company at Press Conference.jpg


Public domain
Public domain

This work is from the Florida Memory Project hosted at the State Archive of Florida, and is released to the public domain in the United States under the terms of Section 257.35(6), Florida Statutes.

Note: In accordance with the provisions of Section 257.35(6), Florida Statutes, "Any use or reproduction of material deposited with the Florida Photographic Collection shall be allowed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1)(b) and subsection (4), provided that appropriate credit for its use is given."

Florida seal
Florida seal


Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
Roy O. Disney the brother of Walt Disney

Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


15. новембар 1965

275 пиксел

220 пиксел


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тренутна18:14, 21. март 2014.Минијатура за верзију на дан 18:14, 21. март 2014.220 × 275 (36 kB)CarniolusUser created page with UploadWizard

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