Represents opening ceremony (Q3010369) , opening (Q15051339) , inauguration (Q1417098) Data type Point in time Domain fixed construction (Q811430) , infrastructure (Q121359) , event (Q1656682) , work of art (Q838948) , museum (Q33506) , exhibition (Q464980) , business (Q4830453) , amusement park (Q194195) , fictional location (Q3895768) , military base (Q245016) , educational organization (Q5341295) , archive (Q166118) , attraction (Q2800000) , organization (Q43229) , nature park (Q728904) , mixed-use development (Q4298922) , statute (Q820655) , bill (Q686822) , proposed law (Q10553236) , transport service (Q2806437) or administrative territorial entity (Q56061) Allowed values 0080 ≤ 𝓧 ≤ unknownExample Al Mazar Commercial Centre (Q2829376) → 10 April 2010 Major League Soccer (Q18543) → 6 April 1996 Tracking: same no label (Q27673345) Tracking: differences Category:P1619 different on Wikidata (Q27673347) Tracking: usage Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1619 (Q20990031) Tracking: local yes, WD no Category:Date of official opening not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia (Q27673346) <complementary property> date of official closure (P3999) See also service entry (P729) , start time (P580) , date of first performance (P1191) , inception (P571) , date of commercialization (P5204) , age estimated by a dating method (P7584) , date of incorporation (P10786) , state of use (P5817) Lists
Proposal discussion Proposal discussion Current uses Total 175,635 Main statement 175,504 >99.9% of uses Qualifier 111 <0.1% of uses Reference 20 <0.1% of uses
create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here ]
Qualifiers “applies to part (P518) , subject has role (P2868) , statement is subject of (P805) , reason for preferred rank (P7452) , reason for deprecated rank (P2241) , operator (P137) , location (P276) , nature of statement (P5102) , sourcing circumstances (P1480) , officially opened by (P542) , latest start date (P8555) , transport network (P16) , applies to name of subject (P5168) , refine date (P4241) , object named as (P1932) , object of statement has role (P3831) ” : this property should be used only with the listed qualifiers. (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P1619#allowed qualifiers , SPARQL
Type “fixed construction (Q811430) , infrastructure (Q121359) , event (Q1656682) , work of art (Q838948) , museum (Q33506) , exhibition (Q464980) , business (Q4830453) , amusement park (Q194195) , fictional location (Q3895768) , military base (Q245016) , educational organization (Q5341295) , archive (Q166118) , attraction (Q2800000) , organization (Q43229) , nature park (Q728904) , mixed-use development (Q4298922) , statute (Q820655) , bill (Q686822) , proposed law (Q10553236) , transport service (Q2806437) , administrative territorial entity (Q56061) ” : item must contain property “
instance of (P31) ” with classes “
fixed construction (Q811430) ,
infrastructure (Q121359) ,
event (Q1656682) ,
work of art (Q838948) ,
museum (Q33506) ,
exhibition (Q464980) ,
business (Q4830453) ,
amusement park (Q194195) ,
fictional location (Q3895768) ,
military base (Q245016) ,
educational organization (Q5341295) ,
archive (Q166118) ,
attraction (Q2800000) ,
organization (Q43229) ,
nature park (Q728904) ,
mixed-use development (Q4298922) ,
statute (Q820655) ,
bill (Q686822) ,
proposed law (Q10553236) ,
transport service (Q2806437) ,
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) ” or their subclasses (defined using
subclass of (P279) ). (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P1619#Type Q811430, Q121359, Q1656682, Q838948, Q33506, Q464980, Q4830453, Q194195, Q3895768, Q245016, Q5341295, Q166118, Q2800000, Q43229, Q728904, Q4298922, Q820655, Q686822, Q10553236, Q2806437, Q56061 , SPARQL
Properties relating to museums
General Identifiers of museums Identifiers of museum objects Other
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mad:Cèṭa'an:Infobox observatory
nn:Mal:Infoboks jarnbanestasjon
Please notify projects that use this property before big changes (renaming, deletion, merge with another property, etc.)
I am looking for a property to describe the time of installation/unveiling/inauguration of an artwork in public space (especially sculptures). Usually, an artwork is not "opened", so I wonder whether this property is the right one.--Leit (talk ) 10:16, 4 April 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
I don't know either. I am not really clear about the meaning of this property. It is currently used in Statua antropofica (Q1454323) but what exactly does it mean ? Apparently "inauguration", but that may not be self-evident. Actually the fact that this property is rather fuzzy makes it rather hard to use in Wikidata infoboxes. --Zolo (talk ) 15:36, 24 May 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Most of the time, I think items use P571 for the date of opening. I don't think the sample above is helpful. --- Jura 08:05, 14 July 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Jura1 : It seems that inception (P571) is more general and date of official opening (P1619) is more specific for building but I must say it's unclear and very fuzzy ; maybe this two properties should be merged. Cdlt, VIGNERON (talk ) 19:50, 29 May 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Jura1 : a (worthy?) exemple Infantry Museum (Q3329794) ? Cdlt, VIGNERON (talk ) 14:09, 31 May 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
Going back, it seems that it's actually fine, it's just that before this was created, another property was used for the same. -- Jura 17:29, 13 June 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
Could it be that inception (P571) or start time (P580) is required with date of official opening (P1619) ? Any business, event, building, etc. will have a period of development prior to the date of official opening, and when that time began could be called the inception or start time. These terms all have similar meanings. They difference needs to be clearly stated along with examples of proper usage. But as over five years has passed, this seems unlikely. Senator2029 12:39, 28 August 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Senator2029 : I agree that this difference between inception (P571) and date of official opening (P1619) becomes important with museums. A museum may be founded many years before a building officially opens. For example National Museum of the American Indian (Q1075141) currently has a statement inception (P571) with a date of 2004, but the museum as an administrative organization started with legislation signed in 1989. I think inception would be more appropriate for this earlier date, and date of official opening for the later date, but I echo the need for this to be stated more clearly in both property pages with examples of proper usage. WatsonAmy (talk ) 20:38, 21 September 2021 (UTC) [ reply ]
In Germany, especially in Berlin, we face the issue, that a lot of station had been closed for a while and after the wall came down these stations have been reopened. So there are very often two opening dates and one closing date. So I have removed single value constraint . --GodeNehler (talk ) 19:30, 30 July 2019 (UTC) [ reply ]
Conflating official opening for a place with official opening for an event really doesn’t work for (any variant of) Chinese. Completely different words. Al12si (talk ) 02:20, 30 October 2022 (UTC) [ reply ]