[编辑]- (非正式,不可數) 胡话;胡思乱想
- 1913,Robert Barr,章號 4, in Lord Stranleigh Abroad[1]:
- “… That woman is stark mad, Lord Stranleigh. […] If she had her way, she’d ruin the company inside a year with her hare-brained schemes ; love of the people, and that sort of guff.”
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- (非正式,不可數) 多余的信息
- (非正式,不可數) 狂言,狂妄的话
- (俚語,可數) 放屁
[编辑]- (胡话或胡思乱想): balls、bull、bulldust、bullshit、crap、nonsense、rubbish、tripe
- (狂言): brass neck、cheek、impudence、insolence、lip
[编辑]guff (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 guffs,現在分詞 guffing,一般過去時及過去分詞 guffed)
- (俚語) 放屁
- (俚語) 误导
- 1955 October,Rex Stout,“The Next Witness”, in Three Witnesses,Bantam, 出版於 1994, →ISBN,頁 14:
- "Let me see if I get you. You can't bear to help convict Ashe of *** because you doubt if he's guilty, so you're scooting. Right?"
[…] "That's close enough," Wolfe said.
"Not close enough for me. If you expect me to […] invite a stiff fine for running out on a subpoena […] , don't try to guff me. Say we doubt if Ashe is guilty, but we think he may get tagged because we know Mandelbaum wouldn't go to trial without a good case. Say also our bank account needs a shot in the arm, which is true. So we decide to see if we can […] "- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
[编辑]- (放屁): 见Thesaurus:flatulate
- (误导): bullshit、mislead